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Chapter one.

The beautiful late afternoon sky was a mixture of baby pinks, pale blues and some orange with fluffy white clouds with some of the colours blended in. The happiness of the sky was completely opposite of my own.

     What a shitty day, I thought as I casually walked down the sidewalks of the city, occasionally kicking a stray pebble. I had to handle an annoying customer at work. Now trust me, I've had more than my fair share of annoying customers, but this one takes the cake.

     She's everything I hate in a human being. The lady was in her mid-thirties, but acts like a teenager. She wore a crop top that barely covered her breasts and a miniskirt that was stretched so tight against her obviously fake butt that I was actually bracing myself for when it would tear open, exposing the lady. But to my surprise, it didn't. Must be some kind of weird black magic or voodoo, I thought to myself as I watched her leave the store.

     Anyway, she just came into the store and demanded things. The first thing I could think was , Bitch. Who do you think you are?? Beyonce??? Anyway, she just took all the clothes of the racks and brought them all into the tiny changing room. And when she picked up some thing and she didn't like it, she would just carelessly throw it back on the nicely folded clothes. It pisses me off so much when people just do that. Oh, but wasn't the worst part.

     Oh no it wasn't.

     When she walked out of the store, she didn't even end up buying anything. She probably just wore the clothes so she could post photos on her Instagram. When I went to the changing room that she used to clean up whatever mess she left, an avalanche of clothes literally fell on top of me. I was dumbfounded at how she could fit all those clothes and herself in the little room.

     Must seriously be some weird voodoo, I concluded. So because of the-lady-who-was-trying-too-hard-and-who-was-a-pain-in-the-ass, I was stuck in a horrible mood throughout my shift. Sometimes I even wonder why I bother working in retail.

     I sighed and looked down at my pair of slightly beat-up Chucks and shoved my hands into the pockets of my shorts. I hate being all moody and pessimistic, so I shoved all thoughts of today's event and continued my walk, occasionally staring at a store's display. A cool breeze swooshed past, making goosebumps appear and covering my exposed legs. I shivered and looked around. The sky looked to be getting darker.

     Before I knew it, a flash of lightning appeared followed by a loud clap of thunder, and soon enough, dark heavy clouds released their tears, drenching the world. The entire city became chaotic. People were running, getting into cabs, opening their umbrellas or running to find shelter. I cursed aloud and put my bag atop my head and started running, looking for somewhere safe.

     I managed to find shelter under a surprisingly empty awning of a random store. But then again, I was running for ten minutes. I placed my bag down and started wringing out all of the water out of my light blonde hair. Great, I was soaked and by the way the storm was acting, I couldn't go home until it died down a little. I sighed in frustration. Well, I thought. Might as well make the best of the situation.

     I turned around and observed the store behind me. It was boutique. A very fancy and expensive-looking boutique. They won't mind me staying inside until the storm died down a bit, would they? I thought. Nah, they wouldn't. But I probably should try to look a little decent. After making sure I looked at least okay, I pushed the door open and entered.

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