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Chapter five.

"Close your mouth, Rose, or you'll catch flies," I heard Aiden say as he put his fingers under my chin and closed my mouth. I blushed and smiled sheepishly.

      "Sorry," I said, following him as we ventured deep into the store. Can it even be called a store with how chaotic it looks? Oh wait, I've been to an antique store. Yeah, it classifies as a store. "I've just never seen so much fabric in one place before," I explained as I looked around in amazement.

      He chuckled. "Yeah, I can understand. When I first came here, I was like you, too."

      "Aiden!" We turned our head to the person that called Aiden's name. A man with a huge smile on his face came walking towards us, dressed in a very loud outfit. Aiden smiled politely but it was obvious that he was uncomfortable as the man hugged him a little too tight and kissed his cheeks. And maybe it was because of all the ass groping the man was doing to Aiden. He stepped back and coughed a little as he tried to compose himself.

      "Hey, Paolo. How've you been," he asked politely.

      Paolo smiled in a, what I assumed, seductive way. "Fine. Better now that you're here," he said, licking his lips. My eyes widen. Wow, this fella sure is bold and very straightforward, I thought to myself.

      "Right...," he trailed of uncomfortably. "Anyway, I'm just here to pick up some fabrics for an idea that I have."

      "Of course! Would you need any...assistance?" he asked. God, the suggestive tome he was using was really thick. He's really laying it on thick.

      Aiden quickly shook his head. "No no, that's okay." He then turned his attention to me. "This is Rose, by the way.  She helped me with the idea for the new dress." Paolo turned his steely grey eyes to me, and I gulped. He doesn't like me.

      "Hmm..." was all he said before turning his attention back to Aiden. "Take all the time you need, Aiden! Holler if you need anything!" he told him before walking away. Aiden slumped a bit and let out a tired sigh. I giggled and he glared at me.

      "Shut up," he said.

      I couldn't help giggling some more. "B-but you looked so uncomfortable....your face was priceless," I breathed out. He rolled his eyes. "If you don't like him, why do you keep coming to this store?" I asked after I regained some of my composure.

      He sighed and started browsing through the store, looking at different materials and feeling it. I followed him as he talked and examined the fabrics. "It's not like I don't like Paolo. I just don't like how openly touchy he is with me. And I can't be mean and blunt and out right say for him to stop. He has some of the best fabrics I've ever used. Besides, he gives me discounts." Ah, so that's the real reason.

      I shook my head. Then I remembered something. "Oh yeah, why'd you say that I helped you with the idea for the new dress."

      "Oh, that? I just wanted to shift his attention away from me," he said quickly.

      "Hmm..." I sounded out. After that, I just watched as Aiden chose fabrics, and sometimes I'd give him my opinion on it if he asked.  After an hour of carefully picking out fabric, the both of us walked out, me normally happy and Aiden satisfied his purchase. The fabrics would be delivered to his apartment, so we weren't burdened with the heavy fabrics.

      "Happy?" I asked, amused.

      He nodded. "Very. I can't wait to start assembling it," he said excitedly. "You want to go get some coffee? As thanks?" he offered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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