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Chapter three .

A pause. Then, " that so?" I said.

     "Yup! Oh my God, you are so lucky! Hey-" I quickly cut her off.

     "Hey, uh, Nat? I've got to go now. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I didn't wait for her reply and hung up. I walked back to the break room, only to find Aiden eating the rest of the pie as he aimlessly scrolls down his twitter feed on his phone. I walked up to him and hit the back of his head.

     He dropped his fork and turned around to look at me with a hand at the spot where I just hit him. "Ow! The hell did you just did that for?!" he exclaimed.

      "Uh, maybe because you were eating my pie?!" I then proceeded to pick up the container of pie and hugged it to me.

     "Your pie? Last time I checked, it was me that offered you the pie!" He stood up and pointed a finger at me.

     "Yah so? what's that got to do with anything?" I took a few steps back, protecting my baby.

     "Well, its basically mine!" he concluded.

     I rolled my eyes. "Pfft. Its not like it has your name of anything."

     Then he smirked and walked over to me. He took the container and before I could do anything to protest, he lifted it so I could see the side. It had a message with that normal guy scribble. The pie in this container is the property of Aiden. Anybody who dares take it will have to say goodbye to life. 

      "As you were saying? Hmm?" he taunted me. I scoffed at him and just sat back down at the table where I took my phone and started playing some random games on it. "Hey, Rosie," I heard him call her. I looked up and nodded at him with an expression that says 'What d'you want, punk?' He smiled evilly and took a large bite of the pie. Which was the final bite, of course.

     "Oh, my God, why do you enjoy messing with me, you sadist? Now all I can think is that you had the last bite! Argh, the image of you eating that will always be burned in my mind!" I wailed dramatically. He rolled his eyes.

     "Oh, don't be such a drama queen. If it'll make you feel better, I think there's some cake in the fridge-" I rushed to the fridge and opened it and squealed in happiness when I found it. "-as well...."he finished. I grabbed the fork he had used and took a bite out of the heavenly strawberry shortcake. I moaned at the taste. "Why, you're welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it," he said sarcastically. I gave him a sweet smile and walked over to him to kiss his cheek. I felt him stiffen from the contact. Gosh, it was just a peck.

     I looked him in the eyes and smiled slowly. "Thanks." Then I proceeded to lick the cream that I've accidentally gotten on his cheek and he blushed. I snickered quietly as I walked back to the main part of the store. The rain had dwindled down to just a light drizzle. Noting that, I went back to the back and kept the dessert back in the fridge. Aiden was still there but noticed when I walked in.

     "Hey, Aiden. The rain is coming to a stop so I'm gonna go skedaddle, 'kay? My friend must be worrying her head off." I told him. I walked back to the front and grabbed my bag and heard him follow me. "So, I guess I'll be going now." I smiled and made my way to the front door. "Oh, and before I forget, here," I said, remembering and taking off his cardigan.

     He shook his head. "Keep it. Its fine.Be careful, okay?"

     I rolled my eyes and promised. "Guess I'll see you around." He nodded. "Bye, Aiden. Oh, and thanks for the dress. And next time, don't lie when you let me pay fifty bucks for a five hundred dollar dress, okay? At least be honest with the price of your creations," I added as I walked out. His dumbstruck face was so hilarious it distracted me form the sign on the door that said 'Closed'. With a happy smile on my face and a bounce in my step, I made my way home.


A/N: So um...not a very long chapter, huh? Sorry bout that.  I decided to just post it since it was a draft for a while and that bugged me. I'll update again when I'm done with my exams which is /gulps/ next week. Oh Lord, I'm so scared! 

I'm so scared I'm gonna fail!!! Ugh. Wish me luck!

So, adieu~






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