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Chapter two.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror, and smiled. No, a sudden transformation did not happened where I "couldn't even recognize the girl in front of me". I rolled my eyes at that. Yeah it was cute, but still pretty cliché. The dress actually fitted perfectly, though it could use a little altering. The top was fitted and accentuated my breast (it was a good thing I was wearing one of those bras with the adjustable straps and had the option to be strapless) and the waist was nice, a little tight, but nothing I couldn't handle. The skirt flowed beautifully and followed my movements and it ended just a few inches above the knees. For some reason, my white sneakers added a slight endearing-ness to the the whole outfit.

     I tied up my golden locks into a messy knot on top of my head then gathered my wet clothing and stored them in a random plastic bag from my bag and walked out of the dressing room. I scanned the store, and found the guy at the back, bending over something of the table. I walked over to him. He doesn't notice me when I had stopped next to him. I cleared my throat. he looked up in surprise, his blue eyes wide.

     I took that moment to appreciate his eyes. They were a colour I thought couldn't be possible on a human. It was a bright turquoise colour. It was completely blue. Some people have green, or purple, or grey or whatever colours mixed in they eyes, but his were just a pale yet bright clear turquoise colour. I'd kill for eyes like those, to be honest. But hiding a body can be messy, plus with the technology these days so...nah.

     His eyes scanned my body, and he smiled as his eyes connected back to mine. "That's the one you want?" I nodded. "Okay, cool. Nice choice. Very nice," he muttered as he looked at the dress again. A light pink tinted my cheeks, but I tried to not let it faze me. He met my eyes again. "There's only this one pair. Do you need it altered or anything?" he asked.

     "Well, could you actually loosen up the waist a bit? It's sorta tight," I said. He nodded.

     "Yeah, I could do that. Just give me about fifteen minutes then I'll be done. In the mean time, find something temporary to wear." I nodded and went to find a simple romper. Once I've changed, I gave the dress to him. He took it and laid it on the table that had been cleared. "How much do you want me to alter?"

     "Just a bit. About...a couple of inches?" With a nod, he began working. I dragged a stool to sit on and watch him work. It was fun watching him. It was kinda like magic. Okay, that was cheesy, but there wasn't really any other way  to put it. "Hey, I just realized I don't know your name," I said.

     "You're right," he said but doesn't proceed to tell me is name.

     "What's your name?" I asked. He paused to give me a smile with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Aiden. Aiden Miles. How about you? What's your name?" He cut the fabric smoothly.

     "I'm Rose Shaw." He went over to the sewing machine a few feet away. I dragged my stool next to him. "Do you work hear everyday?" I asked.

     "Uh...not really. I usually come in when there's an emergency or if I'm bored," he replied, pins between his lips.

     "Your boss doesn't mind?"

     "Nah. We're on pretty cool terms. He understands," he softly mutters and he did a few finally stitches.

     "I see," I said as I nodded. He snips off some excess threads, inspects the dress down to the last stitching, then smiled once he was fully satisfied. 

     He turned to me with a smile that showcased his pearly whites and handed me the dress. Oh God, he looked so adorable that moment. "Here you go. It should fit nicely now." It does. After putting the romper back at its rightful place, I went over to Aiden who was sitting on a couch, tapping away on his phone. He looked up, and grinned. "All good?"

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