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Chapter four.

As I walked home, many heads of females turned and I felt their eyes stared at the dress and felt their gaze of envy and jealousy. I almost thought I might freeze from their cold hard glares. But I didn't, so that's good.

      Finally, after twenty minutes of enduring the glares and stares of jealous females, I made it. I opened the door to the shared apartment of my best friend and I. Just as I stepped foot inside I got assaulted.

      Surprised by the impact, I lost my balance and I fell, bringing the idiot, also known as my best friend, down. "Natalie? What the hell are you doing? Get off of me!" I exclaimed.

      "Oh, Rosie! You're okay! I'm so glad you're fine! Oh, I was so worried!" Natalie cried. I rolled my eyes and just let her glomp me for a while.

      "You done?" I asked after her little...whatever you'd like to call it. She nodded with a sniffle. With a sign, I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Nat. It was just rain. And if anything did happen, I've got my taser with me and all the important numbers on speed dial. Okay? Let's just enjoy that I'm safe and that you didn't find me with severed body parts in a dirty old gym bag by the river.: I chuckled as she playfully glared.

      I walked inside the home that Natalie and I have been sharing for the past three years. "I like your dress," she commented as I dropped my bag in the couch and made my way to the kitchen as if I was on autopilot. I threw a smile and a 'thanks' over my shoulder as I pulled out a carton of chocolate milk and a jar of Nutella.  I turned around to come face to face with Nat as she stared at me in wonder, with her chin in her palms. 

      "Uh...Nat?" I asked unsurely.

      "I still can't wrap my head around the fact on how you didn't have any clue who the hell Aiden is until earlier today," she said in wonder, almost kinda like to herself. "I mean, you work in retail, for heaven's sake!" she cried out and threw her arms up. Dramatic much? I thought as I shoved a spoonful of Nutella into my mouth

      I swallowed the gooey chocolate before speaking. "Well, I'm soooo sorry that I don't think that knowing every single celeb is my number one priority," I said sarcastically. "And besides,  I have heard of him before. One of the girls mentioned it, I think..." I trailed off with the spoon dangling from my half-opened mouth.

      Nat rolled her eyes and grabbed the spoon from my mouth and took the jar from my hands. "Hey!" I protested before taking out some strawberries.

      We walked to the couch with our snacks and plopped ourselves down. "So, tell me. Is he as hot in real life as I heard he is?" Nat asked excitedly, eyes sparkling with the need of information.

      "Hmm..." I took awhile as I thought if an answer. "Well, considering I've never seen his photos, consciously that is, I don't know if he looks better in real life or jot. But what I do know is that he is a very fine specimen," I finished as I took the jar out of her hands to dip my strawberry in.

      "I bet. You did good, grasshopper," she said solemnly. I punched her arm and we laughed. "No, but seriously, if you properly use your looks, I'm sure you'll get him falling for you in no time."

      I roles my eyes at her absurdity. "Natalie, I just met the guy and you're already envisioning my marriage? Not everyone has a fairytale-like meeting with their one true love like you. You just got lucky. As for me, I don't think I'll be seducing anyone soon," I told her. Its true. Her meeting with Alex, her fiancé, was truly something out of a fairytale. But their journey to get where they are now, well, that's a story for another time. Let's just say that they went through a lot and deserved to live happily.

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