Chapter 1: One Innocent.

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It had started with just one, small, quick kiss in front of the roaring fire in the middle of a cold December. Just one innocent kiss, nothing more than that, but that was all it took for them to become infatuated without each other.

That one innocent kiss turned into one innocent meeting in the room of requirement. That one innocent meeting turned into one innocent weekly meeting in the head common room. Then one not-so innocent nightly meeting in each others beds.

Draco and Hermione fell from infatuation to pure, deep, passionate, rough, love. A forbidden love. A love so forbidden that if anyone were ever to find out, the results would have been catastrophic.

Long hours of stressful, tiring schoolwork were forgotten to the endless hours of lovemaking that followed. Quick glances in classrooms were replaced by falling deep into their lovers eyes.

The N.E.W.T's came and went, the pair soon realised that their time together was limited. Every hour they spent in their shared common room, in each others arms. It was a passion that set a girl on fire and a lust that could fill every vein in a boys being. A love like no other.

Even after Hogwarts and they moved to their separate flats, they continued their nightly meeting. The same routine, wake, work, wine, sex, sleep, repeat, but that was exactly how they liked it.

All was well and good until one day when Hermione nervously went over to Draco's flat, she'd seriously needed to talk to him. It was there where she found him fiercely, lustfully and ferociously snogging Astoria Greengrass.

They sat on the couch her shirt unbuttoned, his off. His hands in her long blonde hair and her hands tracing the flat planes in his muscled stomach. Hermione couldn't bare to watch the scene unfolding in front of her. She let out a small whimper and covered her mouth with her hand.

Draco looked up, his eyes bulging.

Astoria turned around her piercing green eyes stared straight through Hermione, she smirked and raised an eyebrow slightly before returning to Draco.

" 'Mi?" He asked nervously pushing the blonde girl away from him.

Tears rapidly fell down Hermione's cheeks.

"What!? Why?" She choked out.

Astoria answered smugly. "We're celebrating."

Hermione bit her bottom lip afraid to ask what exactly they were celebrating.

"Do tell her Drakie or else... I will." Astoria answered while licking his face.

Draco sat still, unmoving, like he had been petrified.

Hermione could feel the salad she had had for lunch about to make a reappearance. She unwillingly, let out a few sobs.

Astoria held her left hand out to display a stunning, large rock on her finger.

"Our engagement." She spat and smirked again.

Hermione ran, no apparating, just running. That was all she could think, Run.

Draco ran after her. He ran half way down the rather populated road top less, following the girl he loved. He managed to catch up with her, he grabbed her arm so if she was to apparate away he would go to, probably being splinched, but he didn't care.

"Mi? Please listen to me, it was arranged, it's been arranged since she was born. I don't love her Mi! I swear I don't, on my life I don't! I love you. Only you. Please! Please. Don't leave me!" He begged, his voice cracking, tears sliding down his cheeks.

Hermione sobbed uncontrollably. "You could have told me, broken up with me before you had to cheat!" She sobbed.

Draco tried to pull her into a hug but she put a hand on his chest to keep him back.

She dried her tears.

"...but then again if this has been arranged since she was born, then I guess I was just the affair on the side." She continued before walking away.

Draco lunged and wrapped his arms around her torso from behind.

"No! No! Never! You aren't just some affair. I love you and I'll never love her." He promised.

Hermione licked her lips and took a deep breath. "If you loved me so much then you wouldn't have done anything with her."

She pushed his arms away from her and apparated away.

She stood just outside of Harry and Ginny's house in Godrics Hollow. She patted her stomach.

"Don't worry. We don't need him. For now on it's just you and I." She said consolingly towards her non-existent belly.

"You won't need your father because I promise with my life, that I'll try to be good enough for you."

Within a few months Hermione had moved away. Harry, Ron and Ginny understood why. She had found work in Florida, a contract of three years. Three years was enough for what she needed. A place to call her temporary home, a place to call her baby's first home.

On March the seventh 2000,
Thomas Harry Ronald Granger
was born.

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