Chapter 8: For Nearly 14 Years...

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Seven years after completing their education Thomas and Juliette decided to marry at the ages of twenty five and twenty four. Scorpius was now twenty one and Astrid amd Rosie were heading into their final year. Draco was over the moon that his youngest, Cora, was heading into her first year of Hogwarts. This meant he would see her more than Astoria, his father and half-brother Hypernion. He found very disturbing that his baby half-brother was also his children's half-brother.

Draco still hadn't told Thomas that he was his father, and at this point he was wondering if he ever would. He was going to tell Thomas straight after leaving Hogwarts but the wounds still hadn't healed after losing Cormac.

Hermione now spent most of her days working to keep up the businesses that she and Cormac had spent so much time building. One day Thomas came to visit delivering a shocking message. Her eyes bulged. Hermione couldn't believe her ears.

"Say again." She told him.

"I want to find my birth father." He stated.

"Um. Ok. Can I ask what has sparked this sudden curiosity about your genetic father?" Hermione asked still in shock.

"I want to find my father because soon enough..., I'm going to be one..."

Hermione gaped.

"...Congratulations Grandmother!" He said half heartedly.

"Juliette's pregnant?" Hermione asked.

Thomas nodded.

A beam appeared on Hermione's face. "Oh my goodness!" She squealed, hugging her boy.

"Now I just want to find that good for nothing father of mine. I want an explanation." Thomas said in a demanding voice.

"He's not a good for nothing father!" Hermione spat.

Thomas couldn't believe she would defend him. "Mum have I once in my entire existence laid eyes on the man!?"

"Yes! You have actually and he's done a lot for you, for the both of us!" Hermione shrieked.

"Then who is he? Why hasn't he come forward to me before?"

"Trust me!" She stood up. "He suspected as soon as he laid eyes on you that you were his and from the second he found out you were his he's wanted nothing more than to tell you..... Your Dad and I made him agree that he'd wait until you left school," She paused. "But then when your Dad died, he...he couldn't break your heart twice so he decided to wait, but Thomas he loves you!" Hermione told him.

"What do you mean? "From the second he found out I was his?" Thomas asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Thomas. I hid you from him!" Hermione's voice cracked.

"Hid me?"

Hermione squeaked a confirmation.

"Then I want to meet him. Right here, right now!" Thomas demanded.

Hermione nodded silently. "Just don't get mad at him!" She pleaded.

Thomas thought about it. "I'll let him explain."

Hermione cast a patronus.

"He wants to know. Meet us in my office."

They waited in silence.

They heard a small pop. Thomas looked behind him, his eyes bulged.

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