Chapter 10: Regret.

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Draco and Hermione sat on the porch of their little summer house by the sea, laughing as they watched Thomas running around after his three children. Cormac and Draco junior who were now six years old were born seven months after Thomas found out about his father. Little Hannah was three, and was possibly the only person in the entire world who her brothers would obey. Juliette was pregnant again, along side Astrid who had gotten married directly after leaving Hogwarts to Lysander Scamander.

Scorpius and his husband Albus Potter had adopted a little girl, Emilia or 'Lia' as they called her.

Rosie was traveling the world with her boyfriend, Will Thomas.

Cora was entering her final year at Hogwarts and was dating Hugo Weasley, Ron and Susan Weasleys son.

Draco had found out it was nearly time for him to teach his little brother, Hypernion and had decided to retire so he could spend his days with his children, stepchildren, grandchildren and his true love, Hermione or 'Mi as he called her.

He often told them great stories about their Grandad Cormac, even to Lia, who wasn't McClaggens at all.

Slutstoria had found herself a new young toyboy after Lucius died, Samuel Nott. The son of her good friend Theodore Nott, and who also happened to be Draco's godson. In total she now seven children.

3 with Draco,
3 with his father and
1 with his godson.

Scorpius, Astrid and Cora didn't bother speaking with their mother anymore, they had no respect for her after finally finding out what she did to their Dad.

Overall Draco and Hermione were happy, they had finally gotten married the year before, the wedding that they always should have had. Surrounded by the friends and family members that would always support them.

They spent many nights making up for the years that they should have had together. The lust, the passion, the love the two had shared as teenagers had only grown deeper, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Hermione now seeing how happy she was with Draco would forever regret the decision she had made oh, so many years before...........
to RUN.

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