Chapter 7: Seven Painful Years

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For seven painful years Draco watched his son grow up from a distance. He watched Thomas grow, learn, fly and love.

Thomas had inherited his fathers trait of being a ladies man. His Quidditch built muscles, chiseled looks and gorgeous hair got him a lot of attention from the female population of Hogwarts. He was Head Boy and the Gryffindor Quidditch captain.

Scorpius idolized Thomas, not knowing he was actually idolizing his older brother. Scorpius very surprisingly was sorted into Gryffindor, Thomas had taken the younger boy under his wing. Scorpius now played on the Quidditch team, got good grades, everything a parent could hope for. Both Scorpius and Thomas looked quite alike and anytime anyone said.

"You two could pass as brothers."

Scorpius would roll his eyes and mutter. "I wish."

And Thomas would just roll his eyes and mess up Scorpius's hair.

Draco and Astoria had had another daughter five years ago, Cora. However due to unforeseen circumstances, also known as Astoria having an affair with his father! Both Draco and Narcissa had decided to divorce their cheating spouses. Thomas and Cormac had been two of Draco's biggest supporters during the divorce process, and for that Draco felt even more guilty about lying to his oblivious oldest son. Cormac and Draco now got along quite well, Draco had come to the realisation that Hermione was in love with McClaggen now and there was very little chance of ever getting her back. However he did once love Astoria and look how that turned out.

Astoria had custody of Astrid and Cora on weekdays and Draco on weekends, not that it mattered for Astrid as she and Rose McClaggen were to attend Hogwarts the following September. Rose had gotten much better but it was now her father who's health was at risk.

Cormac had been in an atrociously horrific magic-caused fire nearly four months prior, he didn't have his wand and in the heat of the moment he forgot how to perform wandless magic. This resulted in his fight for survival, and he still hadn't awoken from his comatose state.

This tortured Hermione, Thomas and Rosie. Hermione spent every waking moment by his beside. Thomas had turned to Draco for support and Rosie, well Rosie had been shipped off to her fathers mothers house in Scotland.

Draco often wondered about Rosie's mental state, so every weekend he would bring her over to his house to play with his girls and pull Thomas out of Hogwarts for a few hours every second Saturday. Rosie and Astrid had become fast friends, practically from the time they met. Rose reminded Draco so much of Hermione, he had grown fond of her, he called her Rosie she called him Draco.

Thomas had also been having girl troubles which he often turned to his best friends for. Mick and Mack Finnigan, James Potter, Roxanne Weasley and one of his closest friends Juliette Longbottom. James and Mack, "Mackenzie"  were in a relationship of nearly four years. Roxanne and Mick, "Michael" had an on and off relationship. This often times left Thomas and Juliette by themselves to create havoc. Thomas's N.E.W.T's pressure was overwhelming, sometimes he and Juliette would simply sit in the library studying.

It was no secret that Juliette once had a crush on Thomas, but from his perspective she had gotten over it ages ago.

One night, when the others were out on a double date, after hearing the news Thomas sat on a bench sobbing horrendously over the fate of his late father. He shook as every possible pain filled him, the longing just to see his father walking around reading The Daily Prophet was earth shattering. The heartbreak was incredible. He had told his Dad not to go to work that day, and he listened he would still have been alive. He didn't notice the tears rolling down his cheeks until someone found him. He hoped it wasn't Scorpius, he couldn't be seen as weak in front of him.

It was in fact Juliette who found him doing her Head Girl rounds.

"There you are! I've been looking all ov-" She stopped when she saw his tears. "Thomas what's wrong?"  She asked hugging him.

Thomas tried to speak but he couldn't. "D-Dad." He tried to explain with a cracked voice.

Juliette's eyes were full of concern and confusion.

"He's... He's d-, de-."

Juliette copped on to what he was trying to sat. She gasped and tears filled her eyes. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, hugging him with everything she had.

"Oh Thomas, I'm so sorry!" She said.

Thomas pulled her even closer. Soon enough she was sitting on his lap, this wasn't uncommon for the pair, they were really good friends.

In the middle of all the sadness and grief, Thomas was confused with why he was so happy and satisfied with having her so close to him.

They sat like that for nearly an hour, both crying, Juliette rubbing his back comfortingly, he playing with her hair. She pulled back a bit and used the pad of her thumb to wipe his tears. He did the same to her. Neither realised how close they were until their lips were nearly touching. Thomas recognised the feeling he had and with that he used his Gryffindor courage to close the  minuscule gap.

Their lips pressed together lightly, slowly building the force and passion. Soon enough they were full on snogging, tongues battling for dominance. They pulled each other closer, and by the time they had pulled apart Juliette was straddling him.

Both had small smiles and pink cheeks. Thomas licked his bottom lip when she looked away, the burning passion and lust filled him and that was the start of the next seven brilliant years.

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