Chapter 6: Fine Reunions.

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Draco had flooed Thomas to Vienna where to his dismay he was greeted by McClaggen. He offered his best wishes to Rose and hoped she get better soon, after all he would probably, if she got better, be teaching her in about eight or nine years time.

Thomas had ran to his Dad and hugged him. It was obvious that this illness had effected this family, emotionally. McClaggen held him in a tight hug for well over half a minute.

McClaggen being civil for Thomas's sake shook hands with Draco and thanked him for bringing Thomas over.

Draco told McClaggen about the tutoring arrangements that McGonagall had offered, which he eagerly accepted.

Draco stepped towards Thomas to say his goodbyes when Thomas unexpectedly hugged him.

"Thank you, Draco. For everything." Thomas said gratefully.

Draco and McClaggen were shocked. Draco hugged back after a few seconds.

"No problem Thomas. I hope Rose gets well soon and don't forget to write to Professor McGonagall with updates." Draco whispered in his hear.

"I will, thanks again." Thomas said pulling away.

He was a sweet boy.

Draco smiled at him and shook hands with McClaggen. "Goodbye Cormac, all the best to Rose."

McClaggen nodded. "Thanks Draco."

Draco grabbed some floo powder. He turned around before leaving.

"And Thomas, a certain, Juliette Longbottom told me to tell you not to forget her when you're around all those "European Witches"." Draco said chuckling.

Cormac smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Juliette Longbottom, huh?"

Thomas blushed crimson.

"That's my boy." Cormac said ruffling Thomas hair.

Draco bit his tongue. "The Three Broomsticks!" He shouted.

As soon as he stepped out of the pub he unleashed his wrath on a tree, which ignited.

"That's MY Boy!" Draco hissed

A few months later, at around Christmas time, Draco got a letter from McClaggen arranging the meeting between the Malfoys and the McClaggens. Rose was now stable enough to come home and Thomas was returning to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays.

Astoria had calmed down and admitted that Thomas was most likely around before she was, looking back at the dates.

Astoria had a name for being evil, which sometimes could be true but she disagreed with Draco about waiting to tell Thomas. In her opinion a child should know it's parents and she was willing to be a a good step-mother to Thomas.

Draco and Astoria walked into "The Leaky Cauldron" and waited for the McClaggens to show up.

Draco thought about that name.

Hermione McClaggen.

He used to spend his days dreaming about Hermione Malfoy. He thought it had a much nicer ring to it.

When Hermione and Cormac showed up he found it hard to breathe. Hermione, smart, sophisticated, beautiful, was standing right in front of him.

Hermione couldn't tear her eyes away from Draco. There he was, as handsome as ever, casually relaxed in a chair next to his perfect wife. A smart, tailored suit. She noticed Thomas had actually inherited quite a lot from his genetic father, but Hermione reminded herself it was Cormac who raised him, Cormac was his Dad.

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