Chapter 29 Viv

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"So where exactly are we going?" We've been driving/sitting in traffic for ten minutes now, and my curiosity finally kicks in.

Hayes gives me a boyish grin. "You'll see. And you'll love it. It's nothing like it is back in Oklahoma, no, this is completely Californian." he declared.

I grin teasingly. "And where would that be?"

"Right here." He gestures to the In-N-Out parking lot that we're pulling into. He parks and then comes around to open my door. "Milady."

Containing a snort, I take his hand. "Lead the way, sir."


"Oh! Mermaid, I almost forgot!" Hayes exclaims.

I give him a wry smile, throwing one of my fries at him. "What is-?"

Before I can even finish my sentence he's up and out of the door, running out to his vehicle. I turn around in my seat to watch him. I can tell that he's getting something from the backseat, I just don't know what. And I'm the blink of an eye he's back again, grinning gleefully like a little girl.

I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him, making his grin widen.

"Chill Mermaid," he says as he reaches into the bag he's holding. "This is for you." He slides a box across the table, and I pick it up. Inside is the prettiest bracelet I think I've ever seen. It's a gold chain with charms all over. It has seashells, stars, and little pearls hanging from the chain.

I look up at my boyfriend, who's smile is about as wide as the ocean. "Thank you so much." I whisper. "It's beautiful."

Hayes grabs my hand. "It doesn't even rival you."



He turns his head from the sky to me, a questioning look on his face. "What is it Ava?"

Trying not to grin at his new nickname for me, I look down at my hands. " I just wanted to say thank you for tonight... Its been amazing."

He smiles lightly. "You're welcome."

I lean back onto my hands, tilting my head back to gaze at the stars. The sight is definitely breathtaking.

"Yeah, it is."

I glance at Hayes to see him watching me with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I retort "That's the most cliche line a guy can say. Like ever."

Hayes shrugs. "I figured it was worth a shot." He leans closer to me, his breath fanning my face. "I also figured that it would earn me a kiss."

I raise an eyebrow, attempting to keep my heart from beating erratically at the proximity of his mouth to mine. "O-oh really? Is that what you th-think?"

Remembering his comment about how I 'couldn't resist him', I inch myself away from him. His face contorts into one of confusion. "What the hell Ava?"

Giving him a pointed look, I remind him of our little talk the other day. "And trust me darling, I really can resist you."

With that and a sassy grin, I get up from the blanket we were sitting on and head to the car.


"Well. We went to In-N-Out for dinner... And walked around the Plaza until dark, then he took me stargazing sorta." I laugh. "Oh my gosh, and you should've seen his face when I wouldn't kiss him! It was-" I halt, scrutinizing Lynny. "What's wrong doll?"

"Jut something I heard." she says and shrugs.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I would rather not."

I grimace. "I understand. Its okay love."

"Some people are just really stupid." she says with a far away look.

Before I can reply, there's a knock on the door. "Umm... I'll get that." I stand from the couch and carelessly yank open my front door. "Oh. Sup Cam?"

He smiles tightly at me, and I get the feeling that there's going to be crap going down.

"Uhhh.... I guess I'll be in the kitchen?" I make an overly suspicious face at Lynny behind Cam's back.

"Make me food! I'm still hungry!" Lynny yells.

I put my hands up. "Ooh okaaaaay Miss Bossy!"

"Thanks loves!"

As I walk to the kitchen, I hear low voices murmuring something, but I'm too far away to make out words. I wonder what they're talking about.

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