Chapter 31 Viv

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"Are you ever coming over the dang fence?" I whisper fiercely.

"Climbing fences is not for ladies," Lynny says in a fake British accent. "so I'll be there in a second." she says normally.

I laugh loudly, then remember we have to be quiet. It's really a beautiful night, with the sky actually clear enough to see the stars for once. I turn to Lynny, who's now standing beside me clad in her black outfit. "You ready?"

"Of course I am, aren't I always?"

With that, I link my arm in hers and we run onto their deck towards the pool. Apparently we weren't on the same page, because I go to jump in and Lynny tries to skid to a stop, resulting in me half-dragging her into the water, splashing loudly.

"You need to be quiet," she hisses at me.

I'm basically in hysterics, because for some reason at 1 a.m. things seem way funnier. "Lynny...! That was... so loud!!"

"Don't yell, we'll get caught." she states.

Suddenly, the porch light comes on. "Get down!" I hiss at Lynny, all trace of my previous laughter replaced with sheer adrenaline. I take a deep breath and submerge myself, silently praying that it's dark enough that they can't see us. Slowly, I resurface for air. The light is still on, but I can't see anyone out here. I strain my eyes for Lynny, then bump into her shoulder. "Are they gone?" I whisper.

"I think they are." She says with a dull look.

"That was clo-"

"Who's out there now?!" A loud deep voice interrupts me.

"Go, go!" I scramble out of the water, grab my phone and make a break for it, not waiting for Lynny. She'll follow me.

I dash around the side of their house, quickly unlatching their gate and sprinting into the road. Looking behind me, I see Lynny's following close, but the guy's gaining on us. "Come on L!" I shout-whisper to her.

"What are we doing!?"

"Just follow me!" I quickly unlock my phone and open up my contacts. Looking up, I turn left onto Lincoln Avenue and put my phone up to my ear. Pick up. Pick up. Pick up, please. Come on...

"Hello?" Hayes' groggy voice grumbles.

I knew I could count on him to pick up! "Hayes, we have a problem!" I say breathlessly as I make another left on North First Street.

I hear him yawn. "What's wrong? Who is this?"

"It's your girlfriend! I need you to get your butt over to Buchanan street and pick me up! Please!"

"Viv? Are you okay?"

Exasperated and out of breath, I just hang up. While I was talking, Lynny came even with me, and the guy got even closer. I grab Lynny's arm and drag her to the right onto Buchanan Street.

"Hayes is coming to get us!" I grind out, gasping for breath. God, I am out of shape!

"Way to go! Get the boyfriend to save you," she says, laughing.

"Yeah, well lets just hope he gets here soon!"

After I say that, we run with just the sound of our ragged breathing and pounding footsteps piercing the night. I glance over my shoulder. The man is literally right behind us. "You f@$#ing trespassers! I'm going to f&#%ing kill you little b@#&$es!"

Hayes hurry the hell up! Just as I think that, I see Hayes' truck on the road behind the guy. "Lynny he's here. Get ready to jump!"

"You want me to jump!?" She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Just trust me!" I grab her arm and pull her to onto the street. Hayes slows down as he pulls even to us.

"The tailgate's down!" He yells out the passenger window. His trucks speeds up a little and I yank Lynny behind the truck, still running. She gets the hint, and we simultaneously hurl ourselves into the truck bed.As soon as we get ourselves balanced, Hayes floors it.

"That was crazy!" Lynne yells.

"Dude. I know. That was insane!"

"That was pretty stupid... what are you gonna do next?" She says it then busts up laughing.

Catching my breath, I rest my head on the glass of the back window. We're freaking insane. And I love it.

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