Chapter 35 Viv

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Lynny and Cam are cute, I'll give them that. I wouldn't protest if they started dating. But to be completely honest, I miss Nash and Lynny's relationship. Yeah, they had their struggles, but they made each other just a little bit better. It just sucks to watch Nash date someone else, when I thought that him and Lynny would last. But I mean, I just want the best for her. So if that means that she's happy with someone else, who am I to say no?

Hayes rests his chin on my shoulder, and I turn my face slightly to softly kiss him.

"Stop being disgusting!" Lynny yells at us.

I just laugh and Hayes kisses my nose before nestling his face into my neck. "Sorry Lynny, she's just so irresistible!" he growls, playfully nipping my neck.

"Well Hayes it's official... You're a freak," she says laughing.

"I know! He's such a butt!" Squirming, I manage to push Hayes' face away.

Unfortunately, he just moves to the other side. His hand in my back, he whispers: "I think there's a problem we need to go fix."

I glance down, and blush. My bikini top's inside out! Not making eye contact with Lynny or Cam, I mumble "I gotta go get something, I'll be right back."

"Good idea, I thought you might need to fix something," Lynny says dying of laughter.

I head towards my boyfriend's truck, the said boy following me. Once we're far enough away from the light, I hold my hand out. "I need your shirt."

Hayes smirks. "Or I could just..." Swiftly, he tugs on the string at my back, causing my top to fall off.

Frantically, I cover myself up as fast as I possibly can, shooting him a glare. "What the hell, you butt!"

He just laughs and pulls me into a kiss. Sighing, I can't help but kiss him back before pulling away. "Your shirt."

With a grin, Hayes slips his shirt off and gives it to me. Turning away, I put it on and grab my bikini top, slipping that on underneath the wet T-shirt. "Let's go. We don't want them thinking we're doing nasty things, now do we?"

Hayes shrugs, following. "I could care less what they thought as long as we did do nasty things."

Holding back a grin, I grab his hand as we enter the firelight once again.

"What a lovely shirt Viv." Lynny says with a knowing look.

I pin Hayes with a look. "See? I told you they'd think we were doing bad things!"

"Well we did, just not right then."

I blush furiously, but don't say anything. Instead, I just focus on Lynny, thinking that she'll change the topic.

"No need to shy about it." Lynny teases, laughing.

I roll my eyes. I should've known better. With a sigh, I plop myself down on the sand. Laying back, I look at the sky, and the sight is breathtaking. The dark 4 am sky is dotted with thousands of bright little stars. "Lynny, you've gotta see this." I breathe, refusing to tear my gaze from the sky.

"What do I gotta see?" She asks.

"Just look up."


"Well this has been fun, but we really need to get home." I announce an hour later. I stand up and brush myself off the best I can.

"It's not that late," Lynny says giving me a weird look.

Shrugging, I take off Hayes' shirt and give it back to him. "I just want to get home before my mom wakes up."

Hayes stands up as well and slips his shirt back on. "I guess I can take you gals home. If you want, I mean you can ride with Cam if you want Lynny." he grins jokingly.

"Don't be daft Hayes." she says, standing up.

I shrug. "Either way works for me."

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