Ch 4 - Pushing My Luck ×

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That song has been stuck on my head all day long. I don't know. So, that girl is real...but why do I have this feeling that I need to find her?

I'm just outside the house, waiting for her to pass by. Crazy! I know but I want to know her name. Its already six in the evening and lamp posts started to light the night.

I decided to just walk around hoping that I'll bump into her sooner or later. I'm walking slowly towards the house where I saw her last night...Is she there? Will she even recognize me?

"Ummm...Thomas right?" A small voice said behind my back. I turn around quickly to see who it is.

The very same girl is standing in from of me. She's carrying grocery bags on her both hands.

"Oh hi!" I greeted nervously. Why am I even nervous? "You remember." I smiled to her. She smiled back at me and started to walk towards the house. "Let me carry that for you." I offered and gave me a nod as I take those grocery bags on her hands.

"I..uh..." I started while walking just behind her. She turned around and looked at me. Her expression is asking me what is it.

"I actually still don't know your name..." I said and looked at my feet. Damn! This is embarassing.

"Oh! Sorry, London. Its London." She said and fish for her keys inside her bag. We stopped in front of a generic looking house, well every house in this neighborhood looks the same so yea.  "Umm... Would you like to come in?" she offered to me.

I was surprised. So I just nod my head. The place is not that big with just a few furnitures around. A brown leather couch across the receiving room then a small rectangle table where she probably eats.

"Have a seat, Thomas." She said to me. I automatically seat on her brown couch while she disappeared to her kitchen. She then came back with a cookie jar on her hand and a canned pineapple juice.

"Here, have some cookies." She said as she hand me those and take a seat on a chair nearby.

Smiled at her. "Thanks."

"So... Are you new here?" She asked. She seriously don't know who I really was.

"Oh no. I basically grew up here." I answered quickly, trying not to laugh about it.

"I haven't seen you really because I usually take a walk around...kinda familiar with their faces actually."

"I've been on the move lately, basically I stayed most of the time in America." I stopped abruptly, thinking I may be giving away to much for her to recognize who I really was. "How about you?"

She seems confused... I'm not sure.

"Just moved here a few months ago...I should be with my sister but she changed her mind that's why I'm the only one here now."

"Oh... I see." I don't know what else can I say so I just nervously looked at my phone and check the time. "I...uhh...probably should go now." I know, its lame but it feels like I'm an intruder or something.

"Oh okay." She said, a bit of hesitation flashed around her face then disappeared before I can even decide what it means. So we both get up and walked outside the house. We both stop when we reach the pavement and turned to her.

"Thank you." I finally said.

"No problem. You can come by anytime." She said. My heart felt like its bouncing off my chest. Seriously?

"Uhh... Tomorrow? Same time?" I asked nervously, trying to push my luck.

"Sure. I'll look forward to that." She smiled again and I just smiled in return. I turn around and start walking. I can feel my face pulling a wide grin across my face. I glance at her after taking a few steps. She's still there and waved at me. I waved back and continue walking still with a wide grin plastered on my face.

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