When the Prince of Speed meets an Assassin Princess part 1

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It was a bright day in metropolis every student in school was preparing for the welcoming of the royal triplets who are coming to school tomorrow, well everyone except a pink hedgehog with long pink quills wearing a grey shirt with white flowers, a black leather jacket, a plaid mini skirt, and black shoes with long black stockings, sitting down on her chair staring at the window in a bad mood

Her classmates Cream the rabbit, Tikal the echidna, Cosmo the seedrian, Rouge the bat, and blaze the cat where just worried about her even if she's a new student two weeks ago
Cream: I'm a bit worried why Amy hasn't helping us out for the preparation?
Cosmo: she always been alone, and never talked to us after the principal made the announcement 2 weeks ago

All the students freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are all gathered for the principals announcement and the principal came up to the stage
Principal: students today I want to announce that in the freshmen level they'll have a new student, but not just any student her parents are professional assassins and in charge of the resistance so their daughter is well-fully princess of assassination, so please come to the stage and make your introduction
All the students are whispering to each other and some of them are scared to see what she might look like, when she's walking to the stage everyone was shocked that a daughters of the pro assassins looked so beautiful, when she walked up to the microphone and started to talk
?: I'm Amelia Lynn Rosette, Amy Rose if guys like to call me my parents name are Arthur and Rosetta Rose, let me get things straight here I'm not interested of meeting or even talking to my new classmates, and if you ever try to touch, surprise, or even make fun of me 'shows her throwing knife' I'll personally escort you to hell, got it?!
Everyone nodded their heads and understand, and by that moment on whenever Amy walked through the hallway, everyone make room for her to pass and won't go near to her
End of flashback

Rouge: ever since that, no one ever goes near to Pinky
Blaze: even though she has to get along with us somehow
Tikal: but how?
Blaze: that I don't know, but we can still try
The school bell rings for free period, Amy got her stuff and walk out the door, but when she's out in the the hallway everyone makes room for her and doesn't want to get assassinated but near the library door there three guys hanging out Knuckles, Tails, and Shadow

Knuckles: man I can't believe that three royalties are coming to our school
Tails: yeah I can't wait to meet them, what about you Shadow?
Shadow: don't know but if their irritating me I'll get pissed
Knuckles: dude you've always been this emo
Shadow: hmph
Shadow starts to smell something in the air including Tails
Tails: do you guys smell that?
Knuckles: yeah, is it you Shadow?
Shadow: hmph why do you think that I did it, it's possible that your using cologne with a scent of flowers
Knuckles: you know that flower is a rose
Tails: 'sniffs again' you know that scent smell like a perfume I heard called 'roses in passion' do we have a student who's...
Knuckles & Tails: 'gasps'
Shadow: you don't mean?
Tails: 'nods his head'
Knuckles, Tails, & Shadow: AMY ROSE!!
A student shouted
All the students make way for her as she passes by going to the library while reading her book 'Attack on Titan', Tails and Shadow give way but Knuckles closed his eyes, when she's comin' she bumped into Knuckles and dropped her book, everyone was in shock cause Amy's throwing knife is directly at Knuckles's throat, he got panicked as Amy looked at him straight in her cold jade eyes
Amy: are you trying to make me dropped my favorite book? 'Cold voice'
Knuckles: No, no I didn't meant it! I wasn't looking where I was going! I'm sorry I swear I won't do it again! 'Begged'
Amy puts her throwing knife away and grabbed her book
Amy: You better, GOT IT?!
Knuckles: YES MAM'!
Amy continued walking away while reading, Tails was relief that Knuckles wasn't killed
Knuckles: 'reliefs'
Tails: man Knuckles you almost got yourself killed
Knuckles: yeah I thought I was a goner by that time
Shadow: next time bad more careful you knuckle head

Let's skip right through lunch break, Amy's under a cherry blossom tree that the school planted a gift from a friend of a principal in Japan, she sits there every lunch period so she won't go near to her classmates, but far from her there was a male hedgehog name Slade and a female butterfly name Freed
Freed: 'sighs'
Slade: what's wrong Freed?
Freed: it's just that it kinda felt lonely when your eating alone right?
Slade: yeah but she doesn't mind at all, she just likes being alone
Freed: I wondered what's going on in her mind right now
And Slade was right
Amy's thinking about her past before she became an assassin, her life was torture, in her elementary and middle school days, girls in different levels always picking first she has friends she can count on and the next thing they're just backstabbing her, her parents are concern about her and decided to teach her the way of an assassin in just two months, her mother's teaching her to trust no one except your own teammates 'if their trying to back stabbed you again make sure you teach them a lesson' that's her lesson, and her father's teaching her how surprise attack, use weapons, self defense, and counter measures. And in two months she learnt it all, all the students heard about the fight after school and the girls who bullied her and her betraying friends have arrived, the leader throw a rock at her but Amy grabbed it with her own hand and crumbles it to dust, everyone was in shocked, and began knocking them out one at a time without getting hit and defeats them all and everyone their all scared to go near to her ever since
Amy: 'sighs' what am I'm doing, why am I so alone I wish I could make friends 'shooks her head' snapped out of it, mom told me to trust no one

To be continued and FYI Freed and Slade are my OC
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