The Talk in Lunch

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Let me skip through lunch break, Amy and Sonic are eating together under the cherry blossom tree
Sonic: why's a cherry blossom tree doing here if it's from Japan?
Amy: oh it's because a friend of the principal 5 years ago before he died, he gave miss. Kathleen little sprout of the cherry blossom tree, then 5 years from this day it still bloomed, many I've come here to eat lunch everyday
Sonic: I see why? But Ames, don't you get lonely eating alone?
Amy: most times, but today your eating with me and I felt a bit happy that your eating with me
Amy grabbed and ate a sausage from Sonic's lunchbox
Amy: that's delicious
Sonic: really?
Amy: 'nodded'
Sonic: hey Ames, I heard something what my mom said to Sonia and Manic last night
Amy: what's that?

Sonic's POV
I was walking downstairs and I heard some voices in the Living Room, when I took a peek I saw mom with Sonia and Manic
Manic: mom bro is 16 years old, we are all cause we're triplets
Sonia: what Manic is trying to say that in the age of 16 we don't think Sonic's ready for that
Aleena: but he has to, he doesn't know it yet but Sonic's the oldest among you three so at his age of 16 he has to find a fiancé, a princess fiancé
Sonia: but I don't think there's a princess in school for Sonic, except for the assassin who's a princess named Amelia Lynn Rosette
Aleena: well then let's see about that, remember Sonic's previous girlfriend she died in the accident
Manic: yea and bro was depressed since then
Aleena: well we have to tell this to Sonic when he's ready
I heard every single word from their mouths and I was shock
End of flashback

Sonic: that's what they told me
Amy: what did your mother mean when she said, 'let's see about that'?
Sonic: I have no idea, but if she's asking me to find another princess in different clans then no way
Amy: why not?
Sonic: cause I have you Ames, and if she doesn't want to upset that then she'll make me upset
I looked away from Amy with a sad expression on my face
Amy: 'it must been so hard for him in his life as a prince'
I was looking down and I felt two hands on my shoulders I didn't looked back caused it was Amy, she placed her head at my back
Amy: oh Sonikku you don't have to be upset, I'll always be by your side
Sonic: 'Ames' I grabbed Amy's from behind 'I never met anyone like you, your so different from any girl I've met, but you know what I'll make sure you'll be with me forever Ames, you're my Rose, my only Rose'
A little while later the school bell rang and they finished their lunch
Sonic: Ames let's get to class
Amy: agree

At the 9th period which is geography with mr. Knights
Knights: alright class today we'll be having a group project together with 6 people , which means I'll pick ms. Rosette in one group
All the class except Tikal, Tails, and Sonic's eyes are widen
Knights: so I picked the three people who'll be in Amy's group are Freed the butterfly, Shadow the hedgehog, Sonic the hedgehog, Miles Prower, and Tikal the echidna
T, Ta, F, Sh, & So: if you say so Knights
Amy rolled her eyes means she understand, the guys walked up to Amy
Tikal: I hope we'll work this out very well Amy?
Amy: sure no problem

After school
Amy's walking alone as usual, until Scourge blocks her way
:Scourge: hello beautiful
Amy: what do you want pervert?
Scourge: I just want you to hang out with me
Amy: not in your life shrimpy
Sonic and his siblings saw Amy with Scourge
Sonia: not that pervert again
Manic: and I think he's doing something to Amy?
Sonic: "I just hope you'll be alright Ames?"
Amy: leave me alone Scourge, or I'll use my new technique by my mom on you
Scourge: prove it babe
Amy: if you say so
Amy began making weird hand movements on Scourge's chest and stopped
Scourge: huh, nothing babe
Amy: 'smirked' really?
Amy pushed Scourge and he felt sting from his heart
Scourge: AAGGHH!! What was that?!
Amy: the heart stinging technique, your heart will be stinging for next 2 hours, so see ya later bug 'walked away, leaving Scourge with a stinging heart'
Sonic: amazing
Manic: that's one cool technique
Sonia: 'looked at her cellphone' mom text me that she can't pick us up, she's in a royal meeting right now
Sonic: huh, looks like we're motorcycling home
Sonic and his siblings went to their motorbikes and drove off, and Amy grabbed her hover board and glide off

Sorry for the delay I was busy with things and with school as well
But anyway, next chapter coming soon and don't forget to like and comment

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