The Dinner & Fight Begins

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Warning this chapter may contain blood and violent scenes, and in theses scenes, I mostly caught one of them in 'Black Butler'
Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Tails, Freed, Slade, Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, and Blaze already reached the mansion and the doors are open Jon  was in front of them
Jon: welcome guests
Sonic: we don't need you welcoming we're here for Ames
Jon: but before you can get her, please come to the dining room and let's have dinner
They followed Jon to the dining room and saw a very fancy table settings apparently 15seats are facing on the stage, Sonic reached for his wrist and put in on speaker mode
Sonic: 'whispered' mom your hearing this
At the mansion Rouge put on the communicator on speaker so they can hear and see what's going on
Aleena: 'whispered back' yes we're seeing and hearing what's happening Sonic, remember be careful
Sonic: yes mom
The gang sat on the left side 3 seats away from Jon on the right side
Jon: well then 'claps his hands' maids, butlers, prepare the dinner
Another door from the right side is opened and the gang were shocked cause the maids and butlers are kids, holding trays of fresh steamed lobsters, in-alcohol grape wine, and cress soup
Jon: these children are well trained, and worked for me
The maids and butlers place the food on the table light the candles cause it's a little dark, they placed two lobsters on each plate and one bowlful of cress soup and gave it to the gang, and lastly pour a glass of un-alcohol grape wine to the gang
Shadow: this is not poison right?
Jon: no, no, just eat and enjoy the show and please don't stop the show cause it'll be ashamed not to watch the finale
Blaze: why? 'Ate one bite of the lobster' what's the finale?
Jon: it's a surprise
Sonia: isn't Sally and Scourge gonna eat?
Jon: oh they already ate
Manic noticed another empty seat with some food next to Jon
Manic: is there someone sitting there?
Jon: why yes and it's...
Then someone came from the doors and it's....
Eggman: good evening everyone
Eggman: indeed 'sit next to Jon two seats away from the gang'
Jon: and I'm working for him
Eggman: and tonight's host and hostess are non other than Sally and Scourge, begin with the show
The spotlights on stage were Scourge and Sally, Eggman and Jon began clapping
Sally: good evening ladies and gent's welcome to the circus of a lifetime
The curtains opened and it's one of Eggman's copies but look so real in flesh and blood and wore masks
Sonic: 'whispered' you guys seeing this?
Rouge: yeah we're seeing this
Cream: I wonder what's this show suppose to be?
Arthur: whatever it is, it might be devilish, don't let your guard down
Scourge: now begins with the tightrope act
They looked up and it's a photocopy of a girl in a mask holding a staff and began walking the tightrope
Scourge: let's see if our little girl could walk over the-
Before Scourge could finish his sentence the girl fell and the gang saw that it was real blood when she fell, they were all shocked with all the blood spattered all over, Scourge and Sally looked at each other with a grin, and Jon and Eggman clapped and laughed with joy, Sonic looked at them with confusion and the transmitter saw the whole thing and they're shocked
Aleena: oh my möbius, that's horrible
Rosetta: 'throw up'
Some of the performers dragged the lifeless body out of the stage
Sally: alright for our next act 'the lion tamer'
Some performers moved the wagon cage with a boy and a lion
Sally: let's see if this champ can control that lion down?
The other prototypes tell the lion to go and instead the boy's taming it, he becomes the lion's dinner and the lion swallowed the boy whole and the blood is dropping from its jaws, again Jon and Eggman cheered with joy, but the gang, Silver, Blaze, and Freed  almost fainted, Shadow, Knuckles, and Slade looked away, and Sonic, Manic, Sonia, and Tails covered their eyes, the performers moved the cart wagon out of the stage and moved and moved a girl being chained and walked in a boy holding knives
Scourge: looks like this young girl will be our volunteer for the knife throwing act
The boy pulled out a knife and throws it right at the girl and the gang closed their eyes cause the knife hit the girl's head, and again Jon and Eggman clapped, in the transmitter, Cream closed her eyes in tears
Cream: make it stop
Tikal's shaking in fright
Tikal: that's too much torture
And Rouge began barfing in a paper bag
Rouge: I can't handle that much horror
Rosetta held on to Arthur and closed her eyes in tears, Aleena covered her eyes
Aleena: why's he enjoying the deaths of those innocent children
Arthur: that's Pierrot for you
Sally: don't worry, just one more act and comes next the finale
The next one is one of the children brought in a tiger and opened its mouth and a boy placed his head inside and after five minutes the tiger eat his head off, and the gang were frozen in fright and the young performers carried the headless body and the tiger out of the stage
Scourge: and now, just wait for five minutes cause it's almost time for the finale!
The curtains were closed, and the gang were so frighten of the sight of horror, and Jon and Eggman were smirking for excitement
Jon: you guys enjoying so far?
Sonic turned to him with a fearful smile
Sonic: it's a-a-a bit amusing, r-right? 'Turn to the others'
They all quickly nodded their heads
Eggman: well then continue eating your dinner, the finale will come soon
Sonic: s-sure
While Eggman and Jon are eating, Sonic turn to his communicator
Sonic: 'whispered' mom, Arthur did you all just saw that
Arthur: yes we did
Cream: and it's horrible
Rouge: but remember, just continue the act and so we can see the finale
Sonic: got it
5 minutes later, the gang finished their diner and Sally walked onto the stage
Sally: we're back again ladies and gentlemen, and now we'll show you the finale
The curtains went up and showed a tank filled with sharks & piranhas, the gang wants to know what's it about
Sally: this tank is filled with möbian-eating mechanical sharks and piranhas, now you'll see our volunteer is on the top with Scourge, the volunteer's arms and legs are with chains and locks and our volunteer's mouth was duck-taped but the eyes of that person is uncovered, so to make this interesting Scourge will slowly count backwards from 10, and the volunteer has to unlocked itself before Scourge reached to 1 that's when he'll pull down the lever that'll make the volunteer fall from the platform to the tank
Sonic: why can't Sally said the volunteer's name?
Jon: then it'll ruin the surprise
Shadow: what surprise?
Sally: alright! Spotlight reveal on the top where Scourge is with the special person in chains
The spotlight showed Scourge and revealed that the volunteer is non other than Amy Rose, the gang were shocked but Eggman and Jon cheered for joy, Amy muffled to call her friends
Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Shadow, Slade, Freed, Tails, Knuckles, Blaze, & Silver: AMY!!
Amy: 'muffle and looked down' guys, get me out! I don't want to die!!
Sally: Scourge! Begin the countdown!
Scourge: 10.......9......
Silver: so this the finale you monsters!
Jon: indeed we are, and remember 'slowly pulls out a gun' if you try to rescue her, I'll shot her before the count reached 1 'maniacally laughed'
Sonic reached for his communicator
Sonic: Arthur we need backup now
Arthur: Jon that bastard! We're on our way!
Cream: don't worry miss Amy, we're coming
Sonic: Ames...
Scourge: 8.......7.......
Amy's struggling to break free
Sally: and remember, the chains are made of titanium
Amy: "damn it! Those cheaters!"
Scourge: 6......5......
Sonic's struggling and thinking
Sonic: "if I go get her, Pierrot will shot her before I get to her, wait I got it!"
Sonic looked at Silver and nodded, Silver didn't get at first but understood and nodded back
Scourge: 4.......3.......2........
Amy struggles and soon broke the chains but too late and looked back at Scourge
Scourge: 1! 'Pulls down the lever and drops Amy'
Amy: 'removed the ducktape' AHH!
Eggman: huh?
Silver use his psychic powers and froze Jon, Eggman, Sally and Scourge, Sonic jumped from the table and to Amy
Sonic: AMES!!
Sonic caught her bridal style before she reached the tank and looked at her in the eyes
Sonic: Ames are you hurt?
Amy: no I'm fine
Sonic held Amy tight and whispered to her ear with sorrow
Sonic: I'm sorry.... I shouldn't stayed with you at the hospital
Amy: 'hugged back' it's not your fault, I let my guard down
Sonic let Amy down, and Silver put Scourge, Sally, Eggman, and Jon in front of them
Jon: you brats!
The gang ran to Sonic and Amy
Amy: you 4 made a horrible sins
Blaze: you guys will never be forgiven!
Sonic: it's the end of the line you creeps!
Eggman: hmph! Enough of this! Time to meet your makers!
Sally: your the reason I never get Sonic! You'll pay you pink brat!
Amy: oh yeah? Bring it you bastards
They're all in their fighting positions and began to fight

So the fight now begins
Next chapter coming soon

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