The Big Day and the most Sweet moment

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Amy's POV
Today's the day, me and Sonic's date it's 12:30 our date starts at 1 I prepare myself, my parents went out of the city like they do every weekend, they won't be back till Monday, I took a bath for a while, then I put on my pink bra with a matching underwear, then I wore my my quirky clothes my white shirt with one short sleeve with a gold buckle in the right and a pink mini skirt, I wore pink heels to match, brought my stun gun in my purse for emergencies added my money, my cellphone, my MP3 player with my earphones, I wore my favorite red headband with a star and two tassels, I've added a little light makeup and when I look myself in the mirror I never looked so cute
Amy: 'sighs' what am I'm doing doing? Doing this date today geez
Someone's knocking at my door
Amy: come in
And  Emerl and Lunacy (my OC) came in
Lunacy: oh mistress, you looked like you mother when she was 16
Amy: thanks
Emerl: Amy someone's outside to see you, and his name is I think Sonic
Amy: oh let him in "he's early"

Sonic's POV
I was outside of Amy's mansion, I was wearing a short sleeve polo shirt, with black jeans, with my same favorite shoes, and I didn't expect that her mansion will be the same size as my mansion, someone in the voice box spoke
Emerl: this is the Rosette residents Emerl speaking
Sonic: hello, I'm here to meet Amy, is she here?
Emerl: give me a minute
A Little while later
Emerl: she said come in and wait in the living room
The gates are open and I saw a few people training, these must be the trainees I walked in and saw the mansion is huge like my house, and maid stand in front of me
Lunacy: hello you must be Sonic, I'm Lunacy the fox one of the young mistresses personal maid, she said she'll be coming down in a moment so pls wait in the living room
Sonic: okay
I walked into the living room and sat down on a red couch
Lunacy: is there anything you need?
Sonic: no thank you
Amy: Lunacy!
Lunacy: oh the mistress is finish
I couldn't even imagine what would Amy wear, it might be something goth, or an assassin outfit, or even a dark dress
Amy: hey Sonic
I saw Amy and she's wearing and cute quirky clothes, I've almost blushed in front of her
Amy: what? Is these clothes too much?
Sonic: No, you looked nice
Amy: thank you, Lunacy, Emerl I'll be out pls watch the mansion
Lunacy: be careful mistress
Amy: I will

Normal POV
Around Metropolis, Sonic and Amy are walking side by side all the boys are looking at Amy
Amy: 'whispered' why are the guys are looking at me? Is it because I'm an assassin?
Sonic: 'whispered back' no is because you looked beautiful Amy
Amy: 'blushes' don't embarrass me
Sonic: I want to know why are you wearing that?
Amy: it's an disguise, other assassins from different clans will come after me if I'm not on my guard, or in protected
Sonic: so where do you wanna go?
Amy: a cafe, so we can talk and I know one cafe that my parents go whenever they have important business
Sonic: okay
It's already 1:30,Sonic and Amy walked into a cafe and Bunnie was working
Bunnie: good afternoon Rosy, need a table?
Amy: a private table
Sonic: Bunnie you work here?
Bunnie: yeah sugar, let me take you to your table
Bunnie showed at the corner there's a table for 2 with curtains in it, Sonic helped Amy with her chair
Amy: wow Sonic I didn't know you've became a gentleman today
Bunnie: what a lovely hedgehog, is there any drinks I can get you two
Amy: ice latte
Sonic: an iced tea for me pls
Bunnie: coming right up
Bunnie closed the curtain and leave Sonic and Amy alone
Amy: so whaddya wanna know about me?
Sonic: well what's your likes and dislikes?
Amy: my likes are roses, assassination, and guys who are loyal, brave, strong, fast, and fresh from a fight, and I dislike perverts, stalkers, guys who missed out our dates, and I've also hate girls who are mean to other girls who are kind, sweet you know like a puppy with ears too big for their heads
Sonic: ohh "so she likes guys who are strong, fast, and fresh from a fight I have those"
Amy: what about you?
Sonic: oh um well I like chili dogs, running, fighting, and protecting to the people I've cared, and I dislike water, quitters, bad people, and that Scourge who's hurting you
Amy: 'blushed' wh-what?
Sonic realized what he said
Sonic: I'm I mean I hate to see girls being hurt by Scourge
Amy: oh
Bunnie came in with the drinks
Bunnie: here's your drinks, enjoy
Bunnie left leaving them alone again
Amy: may I ask you something Sonic
Sonic: 'drinking his iced tea' sure what?
Amy: I saw your mom most times but I never saw your dad, did he went on a business trip?
Sonic's smile went to a frown
Sonic: no, he died to save my mom before me and my siblings were born
Amy looked at his eyes with depression cause he's telling the truth
Amy: I'm sorry
Sonic: it's alright Ames
Amy: Ames?
Sonic: I came up with that nickname for you? Do you hate it?
Amy: no, I love it Sonikku 'shows a smile'
Sonic: and I love my new nickname as well

3 hours later and it's 4 o'clock
Sonic and Amy walked out of the cafe
Sonic: hey do you wanna go to the park?
Amy: sure I don't mind
Sonic and Amy walk to the park and Sonic saw a few couples together, they're walking to the bridge and looked down at the water
Amy: you know when I was 7, me and my parents would walk through this exact park, we always see our own reflections in the lake and my dad told me 'when you get older, and walk through this exact bridge with someone you cared about you'll see the both of your reflections into one, thats the meaning you two are meant to be together he told me that cause that's how he know that he and mom are meant to be together
Sonic and Amy looked at their reflections and their both into one, and they looked at each other with the spark in their eyes
Amy: Sonic?
Sonic: 'sighs' Ames, I have something important to say
Amy: what is it?
Sonic: "c'mon Sonic Maurice the Hedgehog what are you? A Brave Hedgehog, or a weak prince, say it!" Ames, since the day I've met you, your different, not as an assassin, as a beautiful rose I've never met anyone like that, your brave, strong, confident, and protect your classmates even if they avoid you
Amy: what're you trying to say?
Sonic: I'm saying that...that.... I'm in love with you Amelia Lynn Rosette the Hedgehog!
Amy was stunned about that
Amy: S-Sonic...
Sonic: will you be my date next week, like officially yours? Like 'ugh' will you be my girlfriend?
Amy was speechless for a moment, until she gave a warm smile while blushing
Amy: 'Kay
Sonic: 'gasps' you will?
Amy: 'nodded'
They both leaned slowly, then their lips crashed and their eyes were closed Amy's arms were around Sonic's neck, and Sonic's arms are around Amy's waist, a little moment their apart for air and looked at each other
Sonic: 'let go of Amy' do you want to watch a movie at my place?
Amy: oh um sure

The next chapter is the one the moment you've all been wait for!
And PS if your really 16 years old below don't read this next chapter so skip to the other chapter after that Kay?
Pls. Don't forget to comment and FYI this chapter made me nosebleed😋

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