Helping her and the incident at the hospital

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Sonic's POV
Another day at school, and Ames's still recovering in the hospital I felt a bit depress without her but then the guys walked up to me
Silver: Sonic what's wrong?
Sonic: it's about Amy, I felt uneasy without her around
Slade: why did something happened to her?
I explained everything to the guys
Tails: oh my..that's horrible
Knuckles: how about we help Amy kick that Pierrot's butt
Shadow: not bad Knuckles
Sonic: right thanks guys I knew I can trust you
The girls heard and agreed
Rouge: if you boys are gonna help Pinky, then we wanna help too
Blaze: yeah Amy's our friend too
Freed: and we wanna help
Sonic: thanks guys 'raised his fist in the air' for Ames!
The gang: 'raised their fists' for Amy!

In the middle of the night, at the hospital Amy's sleeping in her bed, but suddenly someone quietly sneaked in and walked in front of Amy's sleeping body
?: 'whispered' I hope you get a good night sleep Amelia Rosette, cause I'll be borrowing you
The mysterious person grinned and carried Amy's body, bridal style and jumped out of the window without getting caught

Next morning, in the school cafeteria everything normal except a big clang and shock everyone, Sonic and his siblings and his friends went out and saw Sally with Jon
Sonic: what the hell are you guys doing?
Sally: Sonic I will make sure that you will never be with that pink brat ever again
Blaze: don't ever call Amy a brat!
Shadow: so you must be Jon Louise Le Blanc Pierrot?
Jon: indeed I am young man
Rouge: then why are you here you creep?!
Jon: simple look at this 'shows his communicator to them'
When they looked at the screen they saw Amy's unconscious body and being tied up by Scourge and Sonic's shocked
Sonic: AMES!
Silver: what are you doing to Amy!?
Jon: 'grinned' I just borrowed her from the hospital
Sonic: you bastard!
Sonic's charging towards him but Jon jumped and kick him right at his right cheek, Sonic flew across the side
Sonia: Sonic! 'Running towards him'
Manic: bro you okay?
Sonic got up
Sonic: I'm fine, damn you 'pointed at Jon' if my Ames ever dies because of you and with Sally and Scourge, you will regret the day you ever met me!
Jon: 'chuckles maniacally' oh rest a sure we will not let her die too quickly, I'll just be playing with her as my toy
Sally: that means we'll kill her slowly
Cream: that's so cruel ms. Sally! Why would you do that to Amy?
Sally: that's because that bitch stole Sonic before I confess my feelings to him
Sonic: that's because I heard you've been dating Scourge
Sally: like that would happen 'lied'
Silver: liar
Jon: so come to my mansion around 7 o'clock in the woods on the west side for dinner and entertainment, but don't worry I'll still keep Amelia alive just you kids, no assassins, no cops, nor police, if you did come with any of them, she'll dies
They vanished into thin air like a puff of smoke, Sonic looked in the group with rage
Sonic: damn that clown creep, we have to get Amy back!

After that in the mason of Pierrot, Amy's slowly waking up but she felt she's tied up with her eyes covered with cloth and also her mouth, her hands being handcuffed at the back, and her legs tied by ropes
Amy: "oh no, don't tell me that clown kidnap me while I was asleep, damn it I knew I shouldn't let my guard down last night but I was so tired"
Then Amy heard footsteps and voices and she already familiarized those voices
Sally: are you sure your plan would work Jon?
Scourge: and how would you know that hedgehog will come for her?
Jon: don't worry Sally and Scourge as soon as we shown the final act of the show, the soon they'll begin the fight and come for dinner for this girl
Amy: "that was Jon along with Scourge and Sally, so they're planning for a final act that along side with me I need to plan an escape
Jon senses something with a smirked
Jon: so your finally awake Amelia 'untied Amy's cloth from her mouth'
Amy: what are you planning Jon?
Jon: oh a show to never forget for your friends and your fiancé my sweet
Amy: you know that my father will never forgive you for what you've put up on my aunt
Jon: I know but this is revenge, and if you tried to escape me I'll hunt your friends and your fiancé down and I'll make a potion for Sally to make your fiancé to hers isn't it right
Sally: thank you Jon
Jon: and for your friends, well I'll immobilized them all to be my servants
Amy gasped
Amy: you wouldn't dare
Jon: oh I would dare also with the help of my friend Dr. Eggman
Eggman: HO HO HO HO! It's been awhile
Amy: you egghead! I knew there's something wrong with you the moment on my first day!
Eggman: indeed it is Rosette, honestly I can't wait for the final act of your show Mr. Pierrot
Jon: indeed it is Dr. Eggman
They left Amy and locked the door shut
Amy: "oh möbius, damn it! Sonikku, guys, mom, dad, save me"

At Amy's mansion with Sonic's mother, they're shocked of what they heard
Arthur: DAMN THAT JON! 'Throws glass cup on the ground'
Rosetta: Arthur don't be rational, throwing breakable stuff at the ground won't be helping at all
Sonic: we have to find a way to get Amy back
Slade: but how? If we bring Amy's parents he'll kill Amy
Tails was thinking and got an idea
Tails: I got it! 'Snapped his fingers'
Cream: what is it Mr. Tails?
Tails: how about we'll use communicators to communicate with Amy's parents for backup in case something bad is happening, but we have to hide it cause it's in our wrist and someone will stay here and see what're you all seeing like a hidden camera to see what going on
Rouge: that's not a bad idea
Aleena: but who'll go to Pierrot's and who'll stay here for the see what's in your eyes?
Sonic: mom, let me, Manic, Sonia, Tails, Freed, Slade, Shadow, Knuckles, Silver, and Blaze go to that Pierrot's and Cream, Tikal, and Rouge will stay here to see, besides Rouge is also good with techs
Aleena: Sonic Maurice the hedgehog I won't allow that!
Silver, Knuckles, Shadow, and Slade snickered
Silver: your other name is Maurice
Sonic: shut up, but mom I have to for Ames
Aleena looked into Sonic's eyes filled with worried and she understood
Aleena: alright, but be careful
Sonic: 'nodded' alright guys lets get Ames back
The gang: Yeah!
Tails already prepared enough communicator wrist bands for them and spy cameras hidden in their eyes to see, they all change to their fancy yet for fighting clothes and head out to the mansion
Sonic: "hang a little longer Ames, we're coming for you!"

I hope they can rescue Amy, who knows what will Jon do to Amy
Next chapter coming soon

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