The Fight in the Corridor

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Amy's POV
I was wearing a black shirt with long sleeves and white lines with a matching mini skirt and black high heel boots and my gold earring on my left ear, good thing Daddy allowed me to pierce my left ear, my parents came home about half an hour ago, I ate my breakfast and I grabbed my hover board and waved goodbye to my parents and my pet dog, while I'm still hover boarding and I'm a little far from my mansion I put on the gift that Sonic gave, I put the headband with the heart and two feathers, I took the heart hair clip and put it on my lower quills at my right, and I place the Rose heart brooch and my left side of my shirt, and I continued boarding to school near the gate I saw Sonikku and his siblings then I stopped

Sonic's POV
Me and my siblings are our breakfast, we went to our motorbikes and waved goodbye to our mom, I wear a white long sleeved polo shirt with a long neck tie, along with black pants with matching black shoes and I tied my black coat around my waist, while we're driving I still felt a bit sore, must be the thing that me and Ames did that night, and I think Manic noticed it, when we arrived at school and parked our MB's 'stands for motorbike' Manic came up to me
Manic: bro you okay? You felt uneasy since yesterday
Sonic: oh uh "crap I can't tell Manic that I was making love with Amy" oh it's nothing, I'm fine
Manic: oh if you say so
Sonia: oh no, look out, here comes Amy Rose
Sonic: huh?
When I heard that name I turned and I saw Ames, she's wearing the gifts I gave her yesterday, she really did meant that she'll wear them I saw her sighed and continued walking to the gate

Amy's POV
I have to pass by Sonic if I didn't it'll be an embarrassment and they would never know that I'm dating Sonic, I looked at the students around blocking the way to the doors, I closed my eyes and slowly brought out my throwing knife and I opened my eyes with a cold glare and everyone makes a path, and I continuously walking to the door
Amy: "'sighs' damn it I still felt sore since that night, why did Sonic has to do it that hard, but yet it's still made me happy, and I'm glad that he's my boyfriend, but my secret boyfriend cause I can tell by the look in his eyes I can trust him"
I walked inside and as usual I saw everyone stayed at the side but this time in the way I saw those 3 useless birds

Normal POV
Jet: hello, Amy
Amy: "oh son of a bitch" you got the nerves to be in my way Babylon Rogues
Wave: well we don't have anything to do pinkie
Amy: don't call me that, I only allowed Rouge to call me that
Storm: 'looked at something' what's with the get up?
Amy: what do you mean get up?
Wave: what he's saying is that why are you wearing a rose with a heart brooch, and heart hair clip, and a heart with two feathered headband?
Amy: 'gulps' "oh mobius these birds don't know when to give up" hmph, that's non of your business bird brains 'crosses her arms'
Jet: oh which reminds me, how was the date that you and Sonic the Hedgehog have last Saturday?
Amy got shock and she heard some of the students whispering, Amy turned and saw Sonic and his siblings she turned back facing the Babylon Rogues
Amy: "oh shit, I forgot Jet was in the same class with me during PE, I have to think of something quick" you guys must be idiots, I never told Sonic on a date 'lied'
Jet: oh, really? 'Showed a video clip last Friday'

On the clip
Amy: date
Sonic: what?
Amy: if you want to know me better, take me on a date
Sonic: 'blushed' li-like a date-date thing for lovers?
Amy: 'nodded'
Sonic: 'blush so hard'
Amy: on Saturday, pick me up at 1 o'clock, and wear something nice
Amy walks by Sonic then stopped in front of him
Amy: here's my house and cellphone number 'gave Sonic her card' don't be late
End of the clip
All the students were shock, including Sonic
Sonic: h-how did you able t-to get that?!
Jet: my shades had a secret camera in it, isn't Wave's technology great?
Amy looked down
Wave: what's the matter pinkie? Are you gonna cry? 'Sarcastic voice'
Amy looked down cause she's already super pissed
Amy: THAT'S IT!! 'Throws her throwing knife at Jet's shoulder and makes a scratch'
Jet: Agh!
Amy: your assholes made a wrong decision of irritating me!
Wave: Jet let me go first?
Jet: if you say so
Amy throws another throwing at Wave but missed, Wave tried to punch her but Amy's moving so fast
Wave was about to kick Amy but she use her stun gun and paralyzed Wave and knock her out
Amy: who's next?
Storm: let me have her
Jet: 'scoffs' if you say so Storm
Storm began running towards Amy, but before he grabbed her Amy grabbed her whip and wrapped it around Storm causing him dizzy
Amy: your last Jet the Hawk
Jet: bring it!
Amy grabbed her war machine axe and slashing it around Jet, he continued dodging Amy's fast moves, until she got a hold of her bayonet and slash at Jet's chest and pushed him in the ground with her throwing knives, Amy's standing right in front of Jet
Amy: this is what you get Jet 'pulls out her cane sword' this is what happens when you messed with a pro assassin
Amy took hold of her cane sword and about to slash it right at Jet until
Cream: Miss Amy, pls stop!
Amy stopped and looked at Cream, Cheese, Tails, Tikal, And Knuckles with a frighten look on their faces, Amy was frozen cause their frightened
Amy: "I want to do this, but Tikal, Tails, and Knuckles looked so frighten, especially Cream with Cheese their frighten the most, I don't want to do this, but I hate people who messed with me, but I also want to make a friend"
Jet: 'smirked' NOW WAVE!
Amy snapped back, she turned and saw Wave with her throwing knife and slashed right at Amy's left cheek and she flew away from Jet
Jet: thanks Wave
Wave: no prob
Amy got up but Jet punched her in the face, Amy tried to hit him but failed cause Storm kicked her back, Wave stole Amy's fire sword and almost slash her and made the water extinguish on the ceiling go on, Wave and Storm grabbed both of Amy's arms and Jet got hold of her throwing knife
Jet: any last words? 'Faced the throwing knife at Amy's throat'
Amy looked at the side and smirked
Amy: do you still have the energy to fight?
Jet: 'questioned' why?
Wave: 'frightened tone' because of that 'pointed'
Jet turned and saw Amy parents with a cannon, and gave them a death glare
Arthur: let.our.daughter.go 'angry tone, while holding the rope attached by the cannon'
Rosetta: or else..
The Babylon Rogues got frighten, while their distracted Amy kicked Wave and Storm and punch Jet behind his head and the Babylon Rogues gotten knocked out
Arthur: hmmm that's my girl 'thumb up'
Amy: 'nodded'
Amy felt her body is heavy and she fall back but luckily Sonic caught her
Sonic: Amy, you alright?
Cream, Cheese, Tikal,Knuckles, Arthur, and Rosetta ran up to them
Arthur: 'touched her neck' she's fine, let's take her to the clinic

At the clinic Amy's recovering, Sonic's right at her side, his friends are worried about Amy so they stayed with Sonic, Rosetta and Arthur came in
Arthur: the nurse said she'll be alright
Sonic: thank goodness
Rosetta: are you her friend?
Sonic: "Ames did say to keep our relationship a secret so" yes
Arthur: it's been a while since our daughter has friends
Cream: what do you mean?
Rosetta: to be honest, Amy's an average girl, until during middle school some kids were bullying her, and we can't accept it so we trained her to be a princess of assassins, ever since then everyone's avoiding her
Arthur: but in another way she always felt lonely, all she ever wanted was friends that she can trust on
Tikal: I never know Amy's suffering
Amy slowly waking up
Amy: huh?
Sonic: Amy
Amy looked around and saw Tikal, Cream, Tails, and Knuckles
Amy: why are you guys doing here?
Cream: miss Amy we understand you now, your suffering cause you don't have any friends
Amy: yeah I do
Amy slowly sitting up, and Sonic helped her
Sonic: are you okay? Take it easy
Amy: alright 'noticed dad' dad, mom why are two doing here?
Rosetta: you forgot your lunch sweetie 'shows her lunchbox'
Arthur: next time, make sure you double check if you have everything you need
Amy: 'embarrassed' sorry dad
Tikal: Amy can we ask you something
Amy: what is it?
Tails: can we be your friends Amy, the four of us well of course Sonic cause he's also your friend?
Amy was shocked and yet she's slowly smiling
Amy: I would loved that

Alright I'm done with this one, I hope you like it? And I forgot to add that Sonic and his siblings were shock that Amy's getting bruised and the students doesn't want to get in their way
Pls. Comment & follow me

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