When the Prince of Speed Meets the Assassin Princess Part 2

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Let me skip through the next day, it's the day when the royal siblings are arriving at chaos high school, a limo just arrived and all the students are outside the velvet rope holding a basket full of flowers, when a guard open the door the first on who come out is Sonia the hedgehog the youngest, she's wearing a sleeveless mini dress with light magenta ribbons around and high heels. The second one who come out is Manic the hedgehog the middle child, he's wearing a red vest and ripped jeans and red and white sneakers. And the last one who come out is Sonic the hedgehog the oldest, he's wearing a light blue polo shirt with blue jeans and red and white shoes with gold buckles at the side, everyone especially the girls are cheering for their arrival, their mother Aleena is inside the limo telling them goodbye
Aleena: have a good day in school you three, love you
Sonia: we love you too
Manic: see ya mom
The limo drove away and the three siblings continued walking, everyone is waving at them Manic and Sonia are cheerful greet them back including Sonic but he wasn't looking where he's going
Sonia: looks like we'll have a fun time this school year, right Sonic?
Sonic: 'walking backwards' yeah I can't wait to meet and make new fri-
Sonic was cut off cause he bumped to someone, everyone is in shocked again, Sonia and Manic got surprised in fear cause the person Sonic bumped into is Amy, she grabbed Sonic by his polo shirt and she pointed her shotgun right at Sonic's forehead and he was surprised
Manic: "is that chick crazy? Why is she bringing a gun to school?"
Sonia: "oh no is she like a killer or something? I hope she won't kill our big brother"
Sonic looked straight into Amy's eyes and he finds it beautiful
Amy: 'still holding the gun' are you making a fool out of me?
Sonic snapped back to reality
Sonic: what? No I wasn't, I'm new here and I didn't see where I was looking
Amy looked in his eyes and he was telling the truth, so she puts her shotgun down and releases Sonic from her grasp
Amy: oh you three are the royal siblings am I correct?
Sonic: um yea
Amy: let me see three of your class schedules
Sonic, Manic, and Sonia passed their class schedules to Amy, she took a quick look and returns it back
Amy: well Sonic, looks like we're in the same class in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th period the 4th and 8th period is the free period and lunch break, Manic we'll be in the same class in the 2nd and 6th period, and Sonia we'll be in the same class in the 7th and 3rd period
Sonia: oh then you and Sonic will be seeing each other more often
Then Amy realized something
Amy: tell me your mother hasn't told you three what the principal told her yet
The triplets got curious
Sonic: about what?
Amy explains
Amy: that this school has a well-trained assassin princess, and I'm that princess, my parents are in charge of a resistance for assassins and I'll be the next one in line for it to be the Princess of assassins
Manic: an assassin?
Amy: you three really don't get it, don't you
Sonia: About what
Amy: forget it and I think it's better if you three won't go near to me or even talked to me
Sonia: but how come?
Amy: I hate talking to other students 'glares at Sonic' and since your a newbie I'll let you sly
Amy walks away then stopped and looked back once more
Amy: and FYI my name is Amelia Lynn Rosette, or Amy Rose if you like to call me that
Amy continued to walked away and Sonic, Manic and Sonia were stunned
Sonia: well Sonic good luck with her on your first period
Manic: yeah and wish for your will
Sonic was still in silence
Manic: bro are you alright?
Sonic: "she's beautiful"
The school bell ring and Sonic snapped back to reality
Sonia: well time for class
Manic: yeah, you can follow Amy to your classroom bro, see ya
Sonic: ye-yeah
Sonia's first period was physics, Manic's first period was music, and Sonic's class with Amy is history, Sonic followed Amy's direction to history and the teacher there was Dr. Eggman
Dr. Eggman: Class, today we meet our new student,name Sonic the hedgehog
Sonic came in and all the girls blushes when he enters
Sonic: I hope I have a great time with you guys this school year
Everyone nodded except Amy, Sonic saw all the chairs and tables in a close together 'means that in each row two seats and chairs are close with each other'
Dr. Eggman: Well since all the seats have been taken, I guess I have no choice but to let you sit with my favorite student
All the students gasps and they don't think that Eggman means it, but he meant it
Dr. Eggman: Ms. Rosette
All the class turn to Amy cause she has the empty seat next to her at the back of the class, Amy looked at Dr. Eggman and Sonic
Dr. Eggman: I hope you don't mind that Mr. Hedgehog will sit next to you?
Any glares at him for a bit and sighs
Amy: As long as he doesn't disturb me
All the class was in shock
Dr. Eggman: Excellent, then Mr. Hedgehog will sit next to Ms. Rosette
Sonic walk towards Amy as he looked at his classmates as they look worried, when he sat down next to Amy, she looked away at him
Dr. Eggman: Alright let begin our lesson in page 35, but since Mr. Hedgehog is new here and doesn't have his books ready until tomorrow, I guess Ms. Rosette has to share her history book with him, if you don't mind Ms. Rosette?
Amy looked at Eggman and said
Amy: Fine, whatever
Everyone was surprised again and continued, Sonic looked at Amy's history book, but Amy doesn't mind it at all

Love chapter 2? Well chapter 3 is coming soon
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