"Holy sh..."

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*Flashback 5 months, Laney's POV*

"Hey, babe, I'll be right back, just gotta pee."

"Ok, cool."

I was currently with my boyfriend, Jacob Stanley, at his house. It was like any other tuesday night, we attempted to study, but then got bored and played X-box until I had to head home. I liked our tuesday night "study halls". Just lounging with Jacob made me feel warm and cuddly. Even this small trip to the bathroom was a little devastating to me, but hey, I'm in love with this guy!

I attempted to stand up only to fall back down into the cushy bean bag. Laughing, Jacob easily stood up from his bed and offered me his hands.

"Thanks." I mumbled. He lifted me up but before I knew it, I was twisted around and dipped so low, the back of my head could almost touch the floor.

"Jacob! What are you doing?!" I smiled at this romantic gesture. God I love him!

"I want a kiss before you leave!" he smirked, knowing full well that he would be getting what he wanted.

"Awww, do I have to?" I looked at his lips, I did want to kiss them, REALLY badly, but teasing jacob was fun and it was even better when he teased back.

"Fine." He stated promptly letting go.

"Jacob!" I screamed, waiting for the impact, but realized he had caught me again.

"Jacob!" I said once more, smacking arm. "Seriously, I'm gonna pee my pants."

"Will you kiss me before you do?"

This time I gave in and pecked his lips. 

"Awe," he said, bringing me back up.

"What?" I asked, slightly panicked and doing the potty dance, or as I should say, OWNING the potty dance!

"Nothing. You're just cute when you have to pee." Jacob blushed, most kids would have been joking with that kind of a "compliment", but Jacob was being sincere and I could tell.

I blushed back, turned around, and book it to the bathroom. After I, umm, you know, I inspected face in the mirror whilst washing my hands. That's when I heard it.


"Holy shit! What the hell?!" Not knowing what to do, I just stared in shock. 




What do I do? What if it's a robber? Do I hide in hereI hope Jacob protects me....wait a minute....Jacob's out there!

Not wasting another minute, I nearly kicked the door open.


No answer.




With a swift turn of my heal, I headed for Jacob's bedroom. I'm almost there when....


I trip over...I look behind me....nothing? Probably just your own feet.

Standing back up ran into his room where we had been playing X-box minutes earlier. His bed and the bean bag chair were empty. Tentitavely, I step farther into the room.

"Jacob?" I whisper. "Jaco this isn't funny." I say with more confidence.


"Move and I shoot," said an anonymous voice.

Holy shit.

I listened and did not move one inch. Do I get an A+? because I think I might have even stopped breathing. And right before I felt the sharp pain of metal smashing into my skull, I saw the pool of blood at my feet.

And then it went black.

Dunn dunn dunnnnnnn. Yeah, I think im gonna mention in the beginning that there's some swearing in this book. I don't know why but I think a story becomes more realistic and ballsy when you add a swear every once in a while. "With a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there, here a fuck there a fuck, everywhere a fuck fuck..." yeah you get the idea. So I hope you like that we've gotten into the guts of the story. Don't be afraid to comment!

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