Chapter 2

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Percy pov: Misson and apology

I was on my latest hunt. I was hunting down Encaldia mother of Celtic monsters. She killed has kill 5 citizens of Planet Astro.

When I first came here I thought this was a palace on earth. But when I said to Luna let's go to central park. She took me there and I noticed the grass was blue. I asked her and she said this is a planet.

I was running at Celtic speed. My falcon was flying next to me. I ran faster thanks to the training I got with Heilo.

Basically the Celtic version of Apollo. With in even bigger ego. He mentored me with my godly powers. And my my Celtic senses, speed, strength, stamina, and endurance. Celtic powers are double power for minor gods. Major gods have quintuple power.

Helio also would help me heal my body when injured. I have my own palace and it is beautiful. It is made out of my chaos silver.

My throne also was changed into chaos silver. My SPQR tatto in now my symbol of power instead of Neptunes symbol. I have 12 bars and I stopped it at 12. I actually like that tattoo.

So back to my hunt. I ran at godly speed and got to a clearing. Enchinda and her baby were cowering in fear. I notched in arrow and fired. It killed the Chima. I but my bow back and took out my spear. I threw it with my might and it got her to the ground.

It dissapered and reaperad in my hand. I hit the ground and it turned in to a silver band. I unsheathed my sword and ran and stabbed Enchaldi

I decided that I had to much weapons. So I got rid of the grenades, pistols and throwing knives. The weighed me down. I have a watch for my shield. A necklace for my armor. My sword at waist. My hunting knives at my thighs. My bow and now with no quiver at my back. But sadly I was forced to lose destroyer.

I flashed to Celtsia were us Celtic gods live. Unlike Olympus Celtsia is beautiful and has statues of minor and major gods. Every one lives in a house that looks like Ancient Celtic home or modern style home.

I walked towards the throne room. The minor gods were waving and the nymphs and minor goddesses would blush, smile and wave at me. I waved back. I wasn't paying attention to were I was going. When I ran straight into the throne doors.

They opened and I fell in interrupting the council meeting. Everyone started laughing at me. 'Yeah yeah laugh it up' I said getting up. I groaned and got up and grew to my godly height. I flashed myself into normal clothes. My tattoo started glowing faintly. I grew to my godly height and sat down. My falcon flew in and perched on my shoulder.

'Omega I have a mission for you. You won't like it. But please don't explode' Saren nervously said. 'Sure, so what's the mission' I said. 'You are to go to Earth and help Olympus defeat the the titans, and giants. Gaea is not evil anymore. She was tricked into attacking Olympus because he children told her that the gods were polluting earth. She is here to bless you and become her champion' he said. 'Ok I'm cool with that' I said.

Gaea then stepped from behind a throne. 'Hello Perseus' she said. 'My name is Omega and hello Gaea' I said a little annoyed she called me by my other name.

'Sorry, Echo would you like to be my champion' she said shyly like I would say no. 'Sure I would love to be your champion' I said. She shot a beam at me, and it felt funny.

'Omega you are Earths first champion . Your powers is you can control the Elements, you can control earth like a normal domian of yours, all the metals and money in earth is now mine, yours, and Hades' she said. 'Thank you Gaea' I said nicely.

'Omega I'm sorry that I attacked you and the Olympians. My sons the giants were torturing me to fight in this war so I had to run away from earth' she said crying. I walked up to her and hugged her. '

Its okay Gaea I don't blame you anymore. You thought that your beautiful world would get polluted. You did it for your planet. And I will personally tourte the giants for you' I said hugging her.

She stiffed a bit and then relaxed and hugged me back. 'Thank you Percy I mean Omega' she said. 'You can call me Percy if you want' I said. 'Thank you for everything I will never forget this. And I will not try to destroy the gods agian' she said. She then dissapered in a pile of rocks.

'Ok Saren I will go to earth. But I need at least 3 people to fight with me' I said. 'Very well then. Forge get the armor and weapons ready. Echo name the people you want' he said. 'I want Red, Danny, and Vince' I said. 'So you want the 3 most powerful minor gods and also your best friends' he said. 'Yup' I said. 'Ok I will get them if they will come' he said sighing. I walked away.

~~Time Skip~~

It has been an hour and I am sitting in my room at my palace playin Assassin Creed. When I felt a little tremor from Hydro Celtic version of Posideon. All Celtic gods are more powerful version of Olympian gods. Though Olympians took our form of a Gods. But I don't have an Olympian version of me. So I put my controller down and flashed to throne room.

I flashed in and sat down in my throne. Saren flashed in with my friends Red Celtic God Of Hunting and Bows, Danny Celtic God of Mischief and Pranks, Vince Celtic God Of War and Speed. 'Hello Red, Danny, and Vince' I said. 'Hello Omega' they said together. Forge walked in with 3 necklace and 1 bow, 4 hunting knives and 1 spiked guantels .

One had a bow and arrow, Red. Another had a caduceus, Danny. And the last one had a spiked guantel, Vince. He handed the necklaces to them along with there weapon. Red weapon would turn in to a ring. Just like mine. Danny would sheath his weapons and Vince would turn in to a silver band. All weapons and armor were Chaos silver.

We rarely need our armor so we were normal clothes. Well only me and barely Vince. I wear a hoodie, some jeans and converse. All midnight black. Vince wears a skintight shirt with a pair of jeans and a cloak. Danny likes to play assassin creed and made four assassin uniform only him and Red were it.

When were ready we flash to camp half-blood and we saw them in a battle they couldn't win.


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