Chapter 5

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Annabeth pov: The return

Percy just stood their with a wide smirk. I should be happy that he is at least smiling after our last encounter. But it felt like he was taunting us for being weak as he just kicked a titan.

He was wearing a midnight jacket with the hoodie down. Black pants and black converse. He had a real dark 4 ft sword strapped to his back with golden letters etched into it. He also had two wickedly large and dark hunting knives. Each a foot long. He had a necklace a ring and a silver band. He looked casual minus the deadly weapon.

He looked stronger. At least 6'7 with well defined body shape. An 8 pack and nice muscle. He was a little paler but still beautiful as ever. This Percy was different from my Percy. My Percy would try to not be seen. But this Percy was surrounded with confidence and sinister around him.

His eyes were drowning me and was holding me in place. But something didn't look right in his eyes. Before I could put my finger around it he materialized in front of me and sliced behind. I turned around and say a hellhound melting into the ground.

He lowerd his head and I could feel something odd about him. The air around him felt more chilling and sinister around him.

It feels different but that ain't stoping me from getting goosebumps and feeling giddiness.

I could feel his breath on my neck making my knees buckle. I wanted to hug him. But before that he stoped me and said. 'Your going to die if you don't stop staring at me'.

In a flash he was gone and went straight to the army of monsters. His voice was beautiful as ever, but it had no warmth in it. It was filled with cold and mailce.

I stood there unable to take in what just happened. Jason just stood there with his mouth gaping.

Percy was an amazing fighter before but now he is way better. His skills with a sword has quadrupled. I couldn't tell what style he was using. His speed was ungodly.

Piles of monster dust was every were. Everyone just stood there gaping at Percy's skills. We just watched as he plowed through enemy line.

We all heared a low sinister laugh. Like the ones were you question that persons sanity. We saw it came from Percy.

I couldn't believe what was going on right now. But when he jumped over a frost giant like how can one jump that high. When he landed I caught a glimpse of his forearm.

It was radiating darkness more than Erberus(a/n is that how you spell it) Primordal God Of Darkness. I tried thinking what it was when a silver arrow flew past me.

'Thals you alright' I asked. But my mind was focused on his forearm. Thalia wasn't any better. 'Was that Percy' she asked. I just nodded my head. Jason was still in a trance so I snapped my fingers and he just stayed the same.

I guess not seeing Percy for 500 years and coming back better does that to people.

I turned around and saw that the whole monster army was reduced to fine golden dust with the exception of a few running away.

The gold dust is collected and stored, which will later help make imperial gold weapons. The metal is at first silver but later on was mixed with monster dust. Nasty right. Well only cyclops mix monster dust with the silver. We mine the metal and melt it and create it.


'Well well well after 500 years in the tree, did it feel good' Percy said. The titan got angry and charged. He did a low slash at him. Percy jumped up and did a backfilp. 'Oh and by the way my name is Omega O-M-E-G-A you get It Omega' he said casually.

The titan kept on slashing but it was useless. He was getting toyed around. Even he knew it. 'Omega Omega I love my name Omega' He sang an laughed. Hyperion was getting furious. He kept on slashing whole Percy kept laughing.

How was he so calm against a titan. 'Stand still sea spawn' Hyperion roared. After I saw Percy and his happy go luck mood he froze.
Hyperion got a swig on Percy's cheek drawing blood. His blood wasn't crimson red or inchor gold. It was silvery.

Percy fell down. When he got up his face was furious. The ground started trembling, the sea was churning and the skies darkend. 'You could have lived longer for my amusement. But now for calling me that I'm going to finish you' he said in a low voice.

He jumped at light speed and slashed at his neck. When Percy came back to the ground Hyperion's head was cut of and his body was at a kneel. We all gasped. He just killed the most powerfulest titan in 2 seconds!

Percy then got up and smiled. It dawned me that Percy enjoyed every moment of the kill(even though it was 2 seconds). This is the side I have never seen on Percy.

Old Percy had changed into a more sadistic killer. Percy then laughed. His laugh was cold and hollow. Like a serial killer.

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