Chapter 15

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Percy Pov: Fun Before Departure

For the past month training was easy, the campers have improved in their training. We would switch off to a different person everyday and everyone in the camp could wield any weapon without having a problem.

Everyone's stamina, speed, senses, endurance, and skills have increased by 50%. No one in this camp would be easy to fight and win.

As for the cabin leaders they could fight a Olympian and last about 30 min. But the big three kids could fight Ares in a duel and last about an hour.

I felt that our presence has encouraged the campers to try their best and never give up. The whole month their has only been one attack and that was when me and my team first showed up.

I think the enemy might be planing something really big to not attack us for a whole month. Today I am leaving back to Celstia to learn and master my new powers. It will be 3 months on Celstia but only 3 weeks on earth.

Before my departure I will have t0 inform the campers as my army has already been informed by Saren. Today at lunch is when the campers will find out.

After I focused back in I heard my name being called. So I got off Zeus fist (pretend he was in the forest the whole time) and looked around and saw Red waving me over.

I jogged over to him. I bet you guys are wondering 'hey Omega is a werewolf, it's been a whole month but Has not change on a full moon like other werewolves'.

Well you see I am a unique werewolf and since I have Celtic blood in me and I am a Celtic god, then that makes me change every 6 months. But other werewolves in Celstia change every 3 months.

Since I am the Celtic god of hunting I was bound to have a animal form. I am pretty much happy that it was a wolf and not some other dumb animal.

Like Luna's animal form no offense is a dear. Stupid right. But hey you get what you get and you don't be a bitch.

I stopped in front of Red and looked up at him.
'Ayy bro it's almost lunch time and you need to go inform the campers about your departure' he said.

I groaned not wanting to go and tell the campers. I nodded my head in confirmation. 'Red you wanna race and see who is faster' I asked. 'Yea bro if I win I get 5000 Ceticas(it's like drachmas but on Celstia). 'Ok but if I win you have to go in the Aphrodite campers with only a thong'.

He looked at me and cringed. No one with a perfect 8-pack like us boys would wanna walk in the Aphrodite cabin wearing only a thong.

'Ok deal' Red stated. 'To make it fair red I will give you a 10 second head start' I said. He looked at me and just laughed. 'One...Two...Three'. Red just shot away and ten seconds later I booked after him.

I quickly caught up waved at him and ran faster away. I broke through the barrier and ran straight to the dining area. I skidded into a stop and got the attention of all the campers.

I walked over to the the Celtic table and sat down next to Luna. After I got seated Red came speeding in the room. He walked over to the table and sat down breathing hard.

I laughed at his face as he was trying to catch his breath. 'Looks like someone is out of shape' I said. Everyone at the table started laughing real hard drawing attention to us.

'Omega what happened' asked Danny. 'Well me and Red here had a race to see who can get here first. As you can Red lost' I said. 'Oh and now he has to go to the Aphrodite cabin only in a man thong' I said.

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