Chapter 14

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Percy pov: Training

I opened my eyes. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I turned on warm water and flipped the dial on to massage.

I stood underneath the warm water and thought why the hell did I come to this damn planet.

I stepped out the shower and quick dried myself. I put on my light codiac black metal armor on. I slid my twin sword in to their cover on my back.

I put my twin foot long hunting knives, strapped 3 throwing knives on each forearm and put my ring.

I walked out the door and went downstairs to our kitchen. I shot an arrow to the roof making a loud bang on the wall.

The arrow was blunt but powerful enough to make a loud sound to wake up the others. I summoned some breakfast. I was to lazy to cook. I sat down and started eating the blueberry pancake.

I heard a thumping upstairs. I bet it was Vince, Danny, and Red having a race to see who could get ready and get downstairs first.

Third Person Pov

Vince, Danny, and Red ran right down the stairs. "First" claimed Danny "No I was first" said Vince "With that big body you were last, It was me right Perce" said red.

Luna came down and sat next to Percy. "Red won the race". "How do you know you, you weren't down here to see the race" Danny claimed.  "Yes but I was at the top of the stairs and saw everything" She said.

Red jumped around in joy for winning the race. "Leave to her to ruin everything" Danny whispered. Percy got up and walked out of the cabin.

Percy Pov

I got up and walked outside to the arena. I wanted to test out my new powers. I felt my sense increase. Even though I already had God level senses, The new  power I got increased my senses to Legendary Celtic level.

I shifted into my wolf form. I grew up to 10 feet tall in this form with my length at 12 foot long. I summoned 3 giants  off my planet. The giants on my planet were a towering 30 feet tall. And that was there teens. The grown-ups were 100 feet tall.

I got my legs read to pounce at any moment. The leader of the three took out his club and charged at me. With every step he took the ground shook.

He swung his club at me. I ducked under the blow and swiped cutting into the giant step  leg. The beast let out a roar of pain. I jumped on its back and ran to the neck of the giant.

On the way up I left the giant a bunch of wounds on his back. I got to neck and swiped at the giant. The giant let out a roar of pain as it crumbled into black dust.

The other giants took out there clubs and charged at me. The second giant swung his club in a downward strike while the third one swung her club sideways at me.

I sidestepped the first one and did a backflip over the other club. I shot a beam of darkness at the third one. The giant crumbled and flew on top of the first giants dust.

The second giant stepped back and gathered himself. And thought of a way to kill me. The giants on my planet are more smarter than the giants on this planet.

The giant then charged at me and swung his club with his right hand. I jumped over the club but the giant swung his left hand and smacked me.

I crashed in to the training dummies. I got up and ran full speed at the giant and swiped at him. My claws cut on his thighs. The giant roared in pain. The whole arena shook at his powerful roar.

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