Chapter 17

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"Don't talk to me." I say to Stiles while walking down the hall, crossing my arms over the binder I had to my chest.

Stiles was following me, trying to get me to talk to him. "C'mon Alex. Don't be like that." He said.

I rolled my eyes and approached my locker.

"Fine, ignore me, but we still have 7 out of 9 classes together, including lunch." Stiles says as I unlocked my locker and started stuffing in and taking out books.

"We only did it so you would be safe." He reminded me.

I slammed my locker shut, making Stiles jump back. "Well I'm safe now. Are you happy?" I asked, obviously annoyed.

I stomped off to my first class; Math. Stiles followed behind me. Unfortunately, he had that class too. And also unfortunately, he sat right behind me.

I took my seat, my usual partner, Isaac wasn't here. Where was he?

Scott showed up about 20 minutes into class. "Mr. McCall, any explanation on why you're late to my class?" Ms. Lively asked.

"Actually, I do. Alex and Stiles need to come to the hospital now. It's urgent." Scott announced. Why do we need to go to the hospital?

"What's going on?" I ask Stiles. "I don't know." He answered. "I can't let them leave unless their parents come and take them." Ms. Lively answered.

She was my favorite teacher, but why couldn't she believe Scott? Someone that I know could be hurt, or worse. Why won't she just let us go?

"Well..." Scott drifted off as our dad came into the room. "We need them at the hospital now." He says.

There was silence until Ms. Lively said, "Fine. They can leave."

Stiles and I didn't waste any time packing our things and rushing out the door.

"What's happening?" I ask. "I think it's best we don tell you until we get to the hospital." Scott said.

I looked towards my dad and he put his hands up in surrender. "I don't know what's going on. Scott's mom called me we told me to go with Scott to pick you guys up. She told me to trust them." He says.
My dad went back to the station and Scott drove his mom's car to the hospital.

We entered through the door, immediately meeting up with Melissa.

"Can I know what's going on now?" I asked them.

Scott whispered something in Stiles' ear, which made Stiles have a "what?!" expression on his face.

"You'll find out in a second." Melissa grabs my wrist and leads us all into a room and then she left.

There was a body on the table. It wasn't who I think I was. It can't be.


He was unconscious and he had bad bruises and scratches all over his body. "What happened?!" I yell, feeling tears start to drop out of my eyes.

"Yesterday, at the "meeting", he got hurt." Scott explained. "How did he get hurt if it was just a meeting?" I ask.

"Well, it wasn't just a meeting." Scott said. I was in his face. "What do you mean?!" I growled.

Scott was about to say something then stopped. He started sniffing the place. "Scott, what are you doing?" Stiles asked.

"There's a werewolf in here." Scott replied. "No shit Sherlock." I pointed to Isaac.

"No, another one." He says. "What? That impossible. We can't be-" I stopped talking when Scott started sniffing me.

"Dude," I pushed him back a little. "Not cool."

"Alex, roll your sleeves up." He instructs. I do as told. I was amazed. All of the cuts and bruises were gone. I didn't notice it before because I've been wearing long sleeve shirts and when I go into the shower, I don't like to look at the cuts so I wash them without looking.

"What the-" I start. "It's you. You're the werewolf." Scott's eyes widened. "What?"

"I can't be a werewolf. I never even got bitten." I protest.

"Derek told me that you can turn if you get scratched. But only if the claws go deep enough." Scott explains.

"The alpha girl, whatever her name was." Stiles says. "Her name was Kali."

"Well Kali's claws went 3 inches deep into your arm." He reminded.

"I can't be a werewolf!"

"Um, Alex?" Scott says, sounding afraid. "What?!" I yell at him.

I didn't mean to be so loud, I was just angry. First I found Isaac unconscious and hurt, now I find out that I'm a werewolf? This can't be happening.

"Your eyes are glowing yellow."

"What? How do I stop it? How do I make them go back to normal?" I ask. I wasn't sure how to handle this werewolf thing.

"Just, try to control it. You need to believe that you can control it." Scott said.

I ran my tongue over my teeth to feel fangs growing. This isn't good.

"How do I make it stop?!" I yelled.

"Wait-" Stiles said, walking towards me. "You shouldn't go near her, it's not safe." Scott says.

Stiles completely ignores him and holds my hand.

"Allison is Scott's anchor, and you're Isaac's anchor, right?" He asked me. I nod slowly.

"Well then you just need to find an anchor." He tells me. "My anchor-to-be, is kind of laying unconscious over there." I pointed to Isaac.

"Then you have to be your own anchor."

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