Chapter 45

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I woke up to see Isaac sleeping with his head by my feet and my head by his feet. I sat up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I came back out, I saw Isaac sitting up, watching TV. "Good morning." He smiled at me.

"Good morning Isaac." I said just as the door opened. Stiles came into the room.

"Why is he here?" Stiles asked. "It's a long story." I answered. "Are you back together?" He asks. I shook my head.

"Good." Stiles said. I rolled my eyes. "Dad!" He called.

Just then, my dad came into the room with a cake in his hands. He walked to me and I smile and read the cake. Happy Birthday Alex!

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Alex. Happy birthday to you!" My dad and Stiles sang, with Isaac joining them.

I blew out the candles on the cake. "Thank you guys so much!" I smiled. "Now, although you're 17 now, the same rules for last year still apply." My dad said.

"I know," I tell him. "No cake for breakfast." I say the rule. "Yes. And that's why Stiles and I have prepared a big birthday breakfast down stairs for you." He said.

"That's great and all, but you two can't cook." I giggled. "Just go downstairs." Stiles said.

We all traveled down the steps and into the kitchen. I saw the most beautiful breakfast in the world.

"There's bacon, eggs, waffles, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries." Stiles named and pointed at each of the foods.

My dad put the cake in the fridge. "And this is your plate." He smiled, giving me a plate.

I giggled at the plate. Everything was on it but the bacon, eggs, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries where forming a smiley face on it.

"And there's extra if you want it." Dad says to Isaac. I don't know why, but none of us ever told my dad the real reason that Isaac and I broke up. He thinks we broke up because "things weren't working out" but if he knew the real reason, he would totally kill Isaac. So, we all think it's best if he doesn't find out.

Everyone got their food and sat down at the table. We all ate, talked to each other and laughed.

Isaac left to go home and get ready for school. And I was upstairs waiting for Stiles to get ready so that we could leave. I was also answering all of the "Happy Birthday" text messages and calls that I was getting.

Stiles came into my room and sat on beside me on the bed. "So, you're finally 17." He smiled.

"Yeah." I smile back. "Well, from the experience of turning 17 two months ago, I can tell you that today is going to be hectic. All the birthday punches, and all of the cards and presents are so overwhelming." He explains. "And after school, you're coming back home and getting dressed. I can't tell you why though."

"You mean because of the surprise party that you all are throwing me?" I smirked. Stiles looked shocked. "How did you know?"

"While living with Derek, Isaac's room was right next to mine. And now that I've got the super hearing, it wasn't that hard to hear the conversation you two were having." I smile.

"Can you at least act surprised?" He asked. "I can try." I winked. "Now let's go to school."
There's 3 more periods until the last one, that's including lunch, which is where I was supposed to be right now, but I wasn't.

And you wouldn't believe where I was.

In the janitor's closet. What was I doing in there? Nothing really, just making out with Dylan. I had no idea how I got in this situation.

One moment I was in the hallway, putting all of my birthday cards in my locker, then Dylan came up to me and told me happy birthday. And next thing I know, where in the Janitor's closet making out.

I didn't like Dylan in this way, but I couldn't make myself pull away.

What a great way to spend your birthday day. (This is sarcasm if you didn't notice)

Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Isaac are probably wondering where I am. They probably think I'm hurt or dead. But in reality I'm just kissing some boy that I barely know. Wow, I feel like such a slut.

Dylan grasped my thighs in his hands as my back was pressed against a wall and my legs were wrapped around his waist.

I've only known this guys for about three days. He could be a murderer for all I know. I couldn't get myself to stop, but my phone did it for me.

It started ringing, causing us to pull away and he set me down on my feet. I took it out of my pocket to see that Scott was calling me.

(A=Alex S=Scott (but you already knew that))

A: Hello?
S: Alex? Where the hell are you? We've been searching around the whole school for you!
A: Where are you guys right now?
S: We're sitting on the bleachers outside.
A: May I ask why you were looking for me?
S: Because some of us may or may not have individual surprises for you.
A: I'll be there in a second, just stay there.
S: Okay.

"Sorry, but I have to go meet up with my friends." I tell Dylan. "Okay." He scratches the back of his neck.

I left the closet, happy that I finally got away from that. I didn't like it, and I don't think Dylan noticed. I'm not gonna tell anyone, I think I should just keep this to myself.

I got outside to the field and almost immediately saw Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Isaac and Allison sitting down on the bleachers. I made my way over to them.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Stiles says. "Look who finally decided to shut up. Not you, that's for sure." I plucked him in his head and sat down next to Scott.

"Where have you been?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, we were searching all around for you. We followed your scent to your locker, but then we couldn't smell it anymore." Isaac explains.

They couldn't smell it because the Janitor's closet smells like ammonia. My scent probably got lost in the powerful smell.

"Janitors closet? Is that where you were?" Stiles asked. "Whoops. Did I say that out loud?" I asked. They all nodded.

"What where you doing there?" Isaac asked. "Minding my business. You guys should try it." I answer.

"Okay, okay. That's enough sarcasm for the day." Scott put his hands up in surrender. "Sarcasm is endless." Stiles and I said at the same time and then laughed.

"So, I heard some of you got me surprises. Although I hate surprises, I'll make an exception for you guys." I tell them.

"Because we're your closest friends?" Allison asked. "No, because I just really want to know what the surprises are." I giggled.

"Ooh ooh," Lydia said. "Mine first!" She smiled, taking something out of her bag.

"Here. I saw it in the mall yesterday so I though I would get it for you." She said. I looked a what she was handing me, it was a medium sized bear.

"Aw, Lydia this is super cute. I think I'll name it fluffy." I smile. "You're such a child." Scott rolled his eyes playfully.

Scott got me two shirts that were amazingly beautiful. Everyone else said that they'll give me their presents later.

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