Chapter 26: Guilt, Concerts & Confusion

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Liam’s POV

The rest of the week seemed to inch by, almost in slow motion. I couldn’t keep myself from replaying the scene of me and Esme’s little argument in my head over and over again. I hadn’t realized I screwed up this bad. Or rather, I didn’t realize that she cared this much. Needless to say, I felt like absolute shit.

I called Anna and told her I’d come to pick her up after I got Holly. The whole way to Esme’s house I was debating whether or not I should try and apologize to her again, not that it would make a difference. I don’t think this damage can be fixed, and this is something that I will regret for a long time.

Once I pulled into the driveway, I turned the car off and took a deep breath before getting out. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I waited a minute until the door finally opened, revealing Ms. McAdams.

“Oh, h-hi Ms. McAdams, um I’m here to pick up Holly for the concert. Is she ready?” I asked casually, slightly wondering if she knew what was going on between Esme and I. She smiled forcefully, as if she was keeping herself from giving me a dirty look. This gave me all the answer I needed. I gulped nervously, hoping she didn’t hate me too.

“Yes, she’ll be out in a minute.” She replied, her tone neutral.

I nodded, standing there awkwardly.

“Would you like to come in?” she asked more out of politeness than anything.

“Um, sure.” I walked in after her, closing the door behind me. I followed Ms. McAdams into the kitchen and again, an awkward feeling consumed the room.

“Do you want anything to drink dear?” she asked as she poured a glass of water for herself.

“No, I’m all set but thank you.”

She took a seat at the kitchen table and I remained standing in the same spot. When another silence fell between us I decided to take a chance.

“Ms. McAdams,”

“Yes?” she asked curiously, turning her attention to me. For a second it seemed to me as though she knew what I was going to ask.

“Is, um…is Esme home?” I asked hesitantly, trying to remain casual.

“Yes she is.”

“Do you think maybe I could talk to her?” the hesitance in my voice only grew with every word I spoke and my heart beat seemed to pick up its pace.

“I’m afraid not dear, she’s not feeling very well.” She informed me, in a knowing tone. I knew this was a lie. But at the same time, I knew it wasn’t. She’s not ill in a physical sense, but I knew that she was probably hurt from my actions. I refracted my gaze from her and stared at the ground, a sudden wave of disappointment washing over me.

“Oh, okay. Well could you please tell her that I’ll call her after the concert?” I asked in a hopeful tone, trying to convince myself that maybe not all faith was lost.

“I will.”

Just as she said this Holly came bounding into the room, dressed in her Justin Bieber attire; concert t-shirt, purple leggings, purple sunglasses. She looked like a proper fan girl; and an adorable one at that. I couldn’t help but smile at her appearance.

“Hello there,” I greeted her happily.

“Liam!” she squealed, her excitement was more than evident.

“Ready to go?” I asked, as her mum helped her put her coat on.

She nodded her head vigorously in response; the smile on her face showing no sign of fading.

“I’ll have her back as soon as the concert ends.” I assured Ms. McAdams who nodded in approval.

“Bye mummy!” she said, giving her a kiss and a hug before latching onto my side. “Let’s go!” she begged, tugging at the sleeve of my coat. I giggled at her urgency before following her to the door.

I buckled her into the back seat and then got into the driver’s side. I turned on the car and backed out of the driveway, heading now to pick up Anna.

“So, how’s your sister feeling? Your mum said she was sick.” I asked casually, hoping to get some real information.

“She’s not sick! But she is sad and I don’t know why.” She replied innocently, not able to understand the situation me and her sister were currently in. I suddenly felt ten times guiltier, knowing that I was the reason behind all of this.

Esme’s POV

When I heard the front door close and the car start up I finally left my room. I heard everything that was said and I didn’t know what to think.

“Did he come to pick up Holly for the concert?” I asked, catching my mum’s attention.

“Yes he did. He asked if you were home,”

“I know,” I cut her off, not wanting to replay his voice in my head. “I heard everything.”

“Then I suppose you also heard him say that he is going to give you a call after the concert?”

“Yup, doesn’t mean I have to answer.” I stated bluntly, feeling overly angry and confused at the same time. My mum gave me a sympathetic look before she sighed heavily.

“Honey, come sit down.” She said, gesturing for me to come and join her at the table. I rolled my eyes as I obeyed her. “Now I know what he did was wrong, and I absolutely hate seeing you this upset. It wasn’t fair to you what he did. I’m not taking his side. But, I could tell just by the way he acted that he feels guilty. And I can also tell that he is truly sorry. He may have done a bad thing to you, but he is not a bad guy.”

I knew what she was saying was true. Every last bit. But I couldn’t just forgive and forget that easily. It’s not like he can just start talking to me again. He’s still with Anna, and if I know anything about Anna it’s that she does not back down without a fight.

“What are you getting at?” I asked innocently, knowing exactly where she was going with this.

“I’m saying that when he calls later, answer him. You don’t have to forgive, you don’t even have to talk, just listen to what he has to say. He might surprise you. Okay?” her tone was sincere and I could tell she knew what she was talking about. I wanted to take her advice, but I just don’t know if I have it in me to follow through with it. The next word out of my mouth surprised both me and her. And suddenly, I didn’t know what was going to happen next.



A/N: Hello Lovebugs! I’m sorry I didn’t update last night! I had loads of homework! But here it is! Do you think Esme’s mum has a point? Do you think Esme will take her mother’s advice? PLEASE leave me your thoughts, opinions and PREDICTIONS!

90 votes and 45 comments until the next update! LOVE YOU GUYS.XX

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