Chapter 40: New Year, New Relationships, & New Attitudes

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Liam’s POV

I woke up at half past five, to my alarm going off. Christmas break had ended and it was time to head back to reality. Esme and I had a few days to adjust to our new situation and things were going well. We had been practically inseparable. We mostly went between my house and her house, as we both agreed we wanted to hold off on the public outings until we got back to school. I was both nervous and hopeful for what the day was to hold ahead. People’s reactions will be bitter sweet when they see Esme and I together. Although Anna had been my polar opposite before we went out, she completely changed herself to be with me. That is the only reason why people didn’t question our being together. This was definitely going to be different. She’s a punk-rock kind of girl, and I’m the ‘jock.’ I already knew my friends were going to be less than welcoming to her. I just hoped no one would cross the line.

I got out of my bed and stretched before walking over to my dresser. I slipped on a Nirvana t-shirt and some jeans and grabbed my bag. I decided to skip breakfast and just head right over to Esme’s. I wanted to see how she was feeling about today. I put on my jacket and went out to my car.

Esme’s POV

I heard a car door outside and I knew it was Liam. I was a bit nervous about all of this. I was quite aware of the consequences of our relationship and the other day I thought I was ready…but now I just didn’t know. I grabbed my bag and went out the door.

I got in the passenger side and Liam greeted me with a kiss. It still felt a bit foreign to me when he did that, but it was in a good way.

“You ready?” he asked with slight concern in his voice.

I nodded hesitantly. He squeezed my hand slightly in reassurance, before backing out of the driveway.

When he finally parked the car, we both sat there for a moment. I watched as all of my piers filed into the building or lingered in groups by the door. I knew that the second we step foot inside, all eyes were going to be on us. Some would be glaring, some would be whispering shrewd little comments to their friends, and some would be just too shocked to respond.

“Es?” he spoke, breaking me away from my worries.


“I said I guess we should go in now.” He said, glancing at the building and then back at me.

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. He took the keys out of the ignition and threw them in his bag before we both got out of the car. He took my hand in his and we both started walking. The looks started the second we opened the doors. My assumptions were correct; everyone had their eyes on us, whispering and making it quite clear of their opinions through their disgusted expressions.

“Ignore them,” Liam whispered to me as we made our way through the crowd of people towards my locker. I opened it, grabbing my books and putting them in my bag. Liam kept his eyes on me, completely blocking out the death glares that were directed at us.

“Come on, let’s get you to your first class.” He said, wrapping his arm around my waist as I closed the locker.

We walked en route to my class, stopping outside the door.

“Everything will be okay, I promise. Just try and make it until lunch, alright?”

I nodded, feeling extremely uneasy. He leaned down and pecked my lips before walking off to his class. I took another deep breath and walked in the room, eyes on me once again. Everyone fell silent as I walked all the way to the back of the room, taking a seat as far away from everybody as possible. I could hear them all whispering, and it was driving me insane. When the teacher walked in, the whispering died down a bit. I just had to make it a couple of hours and then I’d at least have Liam again.

Liam’s POV

As I changed into my P.E. clothes, I couldn’t stop thinking about Esme. She looked horrified when we walked in this morning. I knew she wasn’t going to get used to this fast enough.

“Hey mate,” I greeted Jeremy as he walked in the locker room. He didn’t answer me. “Hey, man what’s up? Don’t tell me you’re going to act like everyone else too.”

He looked at me blankly before finally speaking. “Mate, what did you think was going to happen? I mean, Esme McAdams? Really?”

“What do you mean ‘really’? What’s the big deal? I really like her.”

“She’s not one of us man. She’s a social outcast, not to mention she’s probably a pothead considering the people she hangs around with.”

That comment was the last straw for me. “You know what, you could not be more wrong about her. You have no idea who she really is, or what she’s been through. And apparently, I was wrong about you. If this is honestly what you all think about her, then I guess I’m not ‘one of you guys’ either.” He stared at the floor, not wanting to look me in the eyes. I slammed the locker closed and walked passed him.


A/N: Hello Lovebugs! I know I promised an update sooner, but a lot of things happened since my Thanksgiving break. The week before Christmas my grandfather passed away…and it was really tough on me because it was really sudden and I was rather close with him. So that on top of having a bunch of finals to complete before Christmas break, it was just too hectic for me to write anything. And I was actually supposed to update last night and it was going to be a really long chapter, but my laptop decided to crash and delete ALL of my documents and everything. I couldn’t remember all of what I wrote either, so this is why the chapter is boring. But my new year’s resolution to all of you is to update regularly again. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas/New Years! Comment below what your favorite present was! Mine was my Where We Are tickets…YES I am going to the Where We Are tour, my parents are saints for getting those for me :o. Anyways, PLEASE DO NOT BE SILENT READERS. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR THOUGHTS, OPINIONS, AND PREDICTIONS!

Also, random question but another one of my New Year resolutions is to stop using heat on my hair for a few months because I want it to grow. So I’ve posted a picture on the side of my hair length now which is to the middle of my upper arms and a picture of the length I want it to be. So my question for you guys is do you think my hair will be able to grow that long by like June if I keep up with my no heat resolution?!

P.S. I have a new Harry fanfic that I’d like everyone to go and check out, here is the link: it’s called ‘Remembering Innocence’. PLEASE comment on it what you think of the idea!


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