Chapter 1: Unpleasant First Encounters & Letters of Recommendation

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Liam’s POV

“Ms. McAdams this behavior is well under expectable. You are in serious need of an attitude check young lady! Now I am going to call your mother and have her come pick you up this instant!” I heard Mr. Poland, our head master shout. And I knew by the tone of voice, exactly who he was reprimanding; Esme McAdams.

I’ve never spoken a word to her in my life, nor have I ever really seen her around school before; she skips almost every day anyways. But oh boy have I heard things about her. She steals, she cheats on her exams (and her boyfriends), she back talks and uses fowl language. She’s the typical bad girl; every school has one and Esme just happens to be that girl at Peter’s Collegiate School. Just as the yelling died down a notch, out walks the she-devil herself. She was sporting the typical punk girl style; ripped skinnies, with a rock band t-shirt and leather jacket, not to mention the purple streak in her honey brown hair. The only thing that surprised me was how well she pulled the look off, and her eyes were mesmerizing; they were a subtle brown color with a hint of green.

“What are you looking at goody two shoes?” she snapped, as she glared at me. I quickly tore my gaze away from her appearance and thought of a comeback.

“Nothing you juvenile delinquent. What’d you do this time? Steal money from the school bank?” I said sarcastically. Her expression stayed the same; she seemed amused and not at all phased by my words.

“Ya caught me Mother Theresa. Now what the hell are you doing in the principals office?” she asked, her tone tainted with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at her ‘mother Theresa’  comment before answering.

“If you must know, I’m in here to receive a letter of recommendation for University next year.” I replied simply.

“It’s only October, you still have a whole year before you even go to University. Why are you getting a letter of recommendation now? Someone’s an over achiever.” she taunted, in a venomous tone.  

“Why do you care? It’s not like you’ll even get into University.” I stated a tad bit too harshly. I quickly regretted the word vomit I just let leave my mouth. Just as I said that, I could see her expression falter into a slightly hurt one. I’m far from a cruel person; I’m almost too nice even. So I have no clue why I’m saying such rude things. She just brings out the worst in me and this is only the first time I’ve ever talked to her.

“You don’t even know me asswipe.” she replied, trying to rebuild her overly confident attitude.

“Don’t I? You’re Esme McAdams; you’re a rule breaker, you never listen, you got held back in primary school, you’re mother’s a surgeon so you’re practically rich, would you like me to continue?”

“You don’t know me at all, so don’t even try to act like you do.” she said, now becoming angry. I know it’s not good to judge people without knowing them personally, but she makes that so hard to do with her reputation.

“Whatever, don’t you have to go get arrested or something?” I asked sarcastically.

“Oh yes actually I do, thanks for reminding me.” she replied with just as much sarcasm, as she walked right out the door. I rolled my eyes as she walked away, hopefully that’ll be the first and last time I ever talk to Esme McAdams. She makes my skin crawl; but she is quite fit, I’ve gotta give her that.


A/N: Hello lovebugs! It’s finally here! The first chappie of this story! I actually think this is going to be quite fun to write, it’s a very different story line than I usually write and I’ve got so many ideas for it! I know it’s a bit short, but I promise you’ll get a long chapter soon! I’d like to dedicate the first chapter of We’re Like Fire & Gasoline to @singtomesoftly because yet again she made me a flawless book cover! She never ceases to amaze me, thanks love.xx And for any of those who were wondering; yes that is Jade Thirlwall from Little Mix on the cover. Other than Danielle, Jade is the only other girl who I think suits Liam quite nicely :). I hope you all enjoyed this chappie! I’ll have another update for you next Tuesday! Pweaaaasssssseeeeeeee comment/vote/fan! Love you guys.xx

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