Chapter 8: Disappointment & Throwing Phones

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Esme's POV

"Thanks for the dinner Dianne; we'll have to do it again soon." Karen said, giving my mum a quick hug before turning her attention to myself. "And it was lovely to see you again Esme. You have grown into quite a beautiful young lady. Don't be a stranger; you are welcome to come over anytime. I'm sure Liam would agree." she informed me, giving me a tight hug as well. I received a hug from Mr. Payne and the girls, and as our mothers got into one more conversation in the driveway, it left Liam and I alone on the steps. I wasn't even angry...I was just beside myself. The look in my mother's eyes when I had to tell her that I got suspended just about killed me. That was a low blow even for him.


"Liam darling, we're leaving now!" his mother cut him off before he could speak any further. To be honest I didn't even want to hear what he had to say. I just wanted him off my property. He let out a sigh before saying one last thing to me.

"See you on Monday..." he stated before walking down the front steps towards his car. When they finally drove away, my mother and Holly came back inside and I went straight to my room. I took out my phone and called Anna.

"Hello?" she said in a groggy voice. I'm assuming she just got high with some of the other girls I hang around with...I really hate it when she does that. I'm the only one in my group who doesn't smoke. I think it's quite disgusting if you ask me.

"Hey girl, whatcha up to?" I asked hoping she wasn't too busy to come over. Just as I asked that I heard a knock at my door. "Hold on a sec." I said to Anna before setting my phone on my bed. I got up and opened my bedroom door, revealing my overly disappointed mother. My heart nearly sank to my stomach when I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

"Can I talk to you Essy." she asked, calling me the nickname I hated the most unless it was coming from her or Holly. I simply nodded and opened the door wider so she could walk all the way in. She took a seat on the edge of my bed and let out a sigh. I took a seat next to her and waited for the lecture.

"Sweetheart. What am I doing wrong?" she asked in a desperate tone.

"What are you talking about mum?"

"You weren't like this 4 years ago. You were such a sweet little girl. You were my little baby. Where did I go wrong?" she asked again, this time a few tears running down her rosy cheeks.

"Mum, this has nothing to do with you. You did nothing wrong. This is allme." I informed her, trying my best to comfort her. The last thing I wanted to do was give my mother the impression that it was her fault I'm such a failure; because it isn't her fault.

"Then why? Why are you doing these things? Is there anything else bothering you that's causing you to behave this way? I mean c'mon Es, a suspension? Skipping maths? What's next? Stealing from the school bank?" she asked, sounding exactly like the teachers at my school. This is why I act the way I do. The criticism and the accusations drive me completely insane. I stayed silent; just staring at my duvet cover, avoiding eye contact. I hate the thought of being a disappointment to her.

"What can I do to help you? That's all I want. I want my little girl back." she begged desperately. I felt a tear stream down my own face this time, and I was more than surprised. I don't cry easily.

"Be here mum. Just be here." I blurted out in frustration.

"What do you mean? I'm here right now."

"No mom. I mean, you're at the hospital literally 24/7. Do you even realize that this is the first day off you've had in two months? Are you even going to take Holly trick-or-treating this weekend? Or am I going to take her again, like I've done the last two years. Wanna know why I've had to skip a few maths classes?" I asked rhetorically. She stayed silent, but looked me directly in the eyes, as if waiting for me to tell her; which I did.

"Well that would be because I had to go pick up Holly from school because you were stuck at the hospital. Want to know why I got suspended? Because I cheated on a test I didn't get to study for because I had to bring and pick up holly from gymnastics." I finished ranting, knowing I was hurting her worse and worse with every venom coated word that left my mouth. "I just want you to come back, and be here."

"I'm so sorry." she apologized, her tears multiplying by the second. "I guess I didn't realize how much pressure is put on you to take care of your sister."

"Yeah...well now you know." I stated colder than I anticipated.

"I promise you Esme, I will try my hardest to get more time off. I promise." she said in a sincere tone; but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to believe her.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will." I snapped. She didn't even respond, she just tried to nonchalantly wipe away the tears and walked out of my room. I rolled my eyes before putting my phone back up to my ear.

"Sorry about that Ann."

"It's all good. What was all of that about anyways?" she asked curiously.

"Some...things were revealed at that dinner tonight that made my mum quite upset withme." I informed her. "It's like Liam was making himself look like a saint only to get me to look like a devil."

"Well yeah." she said so obviously.

"What do you mean 'well yeah'?" I asked in confusion. I thought Liam was suppose to be the nicest guy in school...I didn't think he actually did this on purpose.

"I told him to get your mum to like him." she informed me; seeming a little too pleased with herself.

"What the hell? Why?" I asked angrily.

"Because I knew it would drive you crazy. I just wanted to have a laugh."

"Are you fucking kidding me Anna? That isn't funny. Did you not just hear the conversation I was having with my mum? She was crying. Nothing about that was funny." I said to her, trying to get her to realize what she did was wrong. I heard her muffled chuckles on the other line and I could feel my blood boiling.

"Oh c'mon Essy. It was a little funny." she said.

"Don't call me Essy. You know I hate that. And it wasn't in any way funny. I can't believe you did this."

"Chill." she stated, only causing my anger to rise. I got so fed up I just pressed 'end call' and threw my phone across the room. It conveniently hit a picture of Anna and I that we took in grade 9. The picture fell to the floor and the glass shattered. Maybe I should rethink who my friends are.

Hi Love Bugs...I'm sorry I didn't update this last night. But I received some bad news and I just couldn't concentrate on anything. When I was at school on Monday, I got the news that my friend had died. Both of our fathers are fire fighters and I've known her and her twin sister since I was practically born. Last year around Christmas she had a headache for like a week straight so her dad brought her to the hospital and she had some tests done, only to find out she had a massive brain tumor. They took her into surgery right away, but they couldn't get the entire tumor so she had to start doing chemo. At first she was doing well, but she just kept getting sicker and sicker. And she passed away on Monday morning; luckily in her own bed with her family with her. I knew this was going to happen soon but I never imagined it would happen this soon. She's actually part of the reason that inspired me to write my Harry fanfic "I Won't Let Go." I'm still really upset about it, so this chapter may not be all that great because I still can't seem to focus. But I thought you guys deserved an update. I'm dedicating this chapter to @Emma_Malone because she helped me feel so much better about this whole situation. A lot of you did actually, so thank you for all of your kind words. You don't know how much I love and appreciate every single one of you. Thanks for being here for me. I love you guys.xx

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