Chapter 5.

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Dylan Robinson and His boyfriend

Jessica's pov:
We got out of my office and out of the building and we walked few more blocks till we found the restaurant of the company where employees have thier lunch.I entered with Harry the small place and we took our trays. Today was the cheeseburger day and I couldn't wait.
"So,what are we going to eat today" Harry asked as he picked up his tray.
"Today is Monday the cheeseburger day,they make the best cheeseburgers here and it's even better than McDonald's" I said as the waiter put a cheeseburger sandwich in my tray and she handed me the Pepsi and a cheesecake as a dessert.
"Cheesecake hmm impressive" Harry said as the waiter asked for his work card.
"No he's with me,Rosaline" I told the old waiter who has been working here for fifteen years now. I scanned the room for Mason and then I found him signaling for me to come,he sat on a round table with three chairs.
"Harry let's go Mason picked a table" I tugged on Harry's hand and pulled him through the crowd and we sat on the table.
"Thank you for coming here today and having lunch with me"Mason said happily as he ate the sandwich.
"Mason don't talk this formal to me we aren't in a meeting or something we are talking as friends Mason oh and tell me how did the board meeting go" I told him as we laughed.
"Well the boarders accepted my offer about opening another gasoline company in Spain but they are still discussing the idea about the coffe company in North America" Mason said as I started digging in my own food and I am pretty impressed about the board decision but also disappointed cause if we opened the coffe company it will increase our earnings with 50%.
"The cheesecake is yummy" Harry said in the middle of our business conversation I laughed and nodded course he doesn't have an idea about business.
"Harry didn't you go to college or something"Mason pointed about what's already obvious.
"No my dreams weren't exactly going to college or even singing I had another dreams but I already achieved some of them" Harry said as he finished his meal and started standing up.
"Where are you going Styles?" Mason asked him.
"To the bathroom I have some business to do"Harry said as he disappeared out of our sight.
"That friend of yours isn't so friendly Jessica please take care" Mason said as he signaled towards Harry's chair
"He's no harm I promise" I told him as we made lots of conversations about business and Harry haven't showed up's been 10 minutes.
"Look your friend is out with a girl"Mason patted my shoulder.i looked through the window to see him in his car with a girl.what the actual fuck?! That's a real gentleman move styles and now I have no car to go home.
"Jessica you okay?you zoned out for a bit"Mason asked as he looked at me.
"Yeah,yeah,Harry had already texted me and told me that the management wants him so he had to,can I take your car and go home?" What the fuck why did I lie to save harry's image.
"Yeah course I already called the driver he is waiting out" Mason told me as he nodded towards the window.
"Thanks Mason for the awesome lunch"I hugged him and said goodbye.i couldn't believe what Harry did he didn't even text or say anything.i shouldn't have trusted him or his "image change" thing,he said that he isn't a womanizer but he's a hella one.I told the driver to go home I am so exhausted I need a nap or something and I also have a big day tomorrow.i am going to Daniel's apartment to give him the money and tell him to fuck off.i entered the house and I was greeted by Ben in boxers. "Same old,same old Benjamin" I told him
as I plopped on the sofa beside him "well I don't have a job or something so what do you think I'll be doing when you're out?preparing your lunch" Ben said as he laughed his ass of.
"Don't you have friends to go out with or a love interest?" I asked him but I am sure of the answer.
"Love interest? No I am into hookups more" he said as her raised his eyebrows.Ben resembles my father's features but not the personality.
"Jessica have you seen the news?" Ben asked as he turned on the huge t.v.
Flashing headlines were the magazines news about Harry having double dates.
"Ben give me the remote" I told him as he threw it to me,I increased the volume and listened.
"Harry styles the famous Pop-singer was seen today in a small café downtown with the daughter of the Parkers but he was seen later today with Paige Reifler in front of the Parker's company in his car while his other date was seen with the Parker's business partner Mason,what's exactly happening between the four of them please give us feedback on our Facebook page and Instagram." The Broadcaster finished and I shut the t.v.Harry is completely ruining my public image and attracting media attention to me.
"There are hashtags too some disappeared and there's one which is still trending" he gave me his phone.
What I saw shocked me to death.
@first-tweet:slutjessica double dates way to go Jeesica Parker
@second-tweet:two hot men in one day,I bet you can take up your ass more than that
@third_tweet:did your dad's fancy cars run over you.
What the fuck?! I look perfectly fine and it wasn't even a date.the took the pictures at the café and at the lunch break.
"Jessica they obviously don't mean this" Ben said as he patted my shoulder.
"They don't mean it?they don't know shit Ben." I told Ben remembering what Harry did an two ago and he still didn't call or text.
"I'm going to sleep Ben"I told him as I climbed the staircase.
"Sleep at this time it's 9 and we still have dinner"Ben said as he pouted and believe me he didn't look cute at all.
"Order pizza or burgers Ben I am really exhausted " I told Ben as I entered the room.all I could think about was what Harry did.i opened my phone to check it but I didn't find something as if he forgot about me.well done Styles cause my first judgment was right.
I woke up the next day,I entered the bathroom,I brushed my teeth and took a shower then I picked up a decent outfit which consisted of a skinny jeans,NYC T-shirt and my white converse I took my phone from the nightstand and I went to the kitchen.
I started making crêpes for me,Ben and Dad.I put on some chocolate sauce with chocolate chips and others ice-cream with Carmel sauce and peanut better chips.i took the jug of the fresh orange juice and I poured in the three cups.
"Morning Jessica" Ben said as he sat on the kitchen stool and started digging in his food.
"Good morning sweet cheeks"Dad said as he did the same as Ben,I stared at them for awhile and compared them they looked identical but I only got from dad my blue eyes while Ben got the blonde perfect hair.
I started eating my food."I have lots of work kids and I am gonna be late today" Dad said as he picked up his briefcase and went out of the house.
"Jessica I am gonna be at Ashton's and I may sleepover so don't wait for me."Ben said as he put on his shirt and went out.
Now I have lots of time for myself and the whole house for me too but I think of hanging out with Dylan and I hope he agrees to my offer.I dialed Dylan's number,it ringed once,twice,"hello it's Dylan the manger of coffee how can I help you" isn't this his personal number?
"Hey Dylan I'm Jessica and isn't this your personal number?" I asked him as I heard few laughs at the other end of the line.
"Sorry Jessica I thought you were a client cause I didn't have your number so do you wanna do something?" He asked before I could even say anything.
"Yeah maybe but where can we go?" I asked him I was bored and I still have 4 hours.
"We could go to the mall,I want to buy a present for Ray,our 6 months anniversary is in a week" Dylan said with a voice full of happiness.
"Congratulations and yeah we could go there" I told him as I put the phone between my head and my shoulder to drink water.
"Yeah and you can bring your boyfriend Harry too.i bet that someday you'll get married and have kids a boy and two girls" I choked on my water and spit it out after I heard his words.i couldn't breathe for a bit.
"He isn't my boyfriend nor he'll ever be" I told him after I regained my breath I couldn't believe what did he just say?married?to Harry Styles?
Fuck no even if he's the last man in the whole wide world my answer is no.
"Okay so the mall?" Dylan asked his voice is a bit unsure.
"Yeah I'm ready I will come and pick you up Kay?"I asked him as the garage doors opened.
"Yeah I'll be waiting in front of coffee" he said as he hung up.
I started driving and I witnessed heavy traffic it's like people are going out in one time.I switched on the radio as she's not afraid started playing I hummed along the song as the cars started moving.i took a sharp left as many songs came on the radio but I was focused on the road,I arrived at coffe and ringed Dylan.
"Hey,little fry" Dylan asked me as he opened the car door to get in.
"I'm okay but what aboutcha shit head?" I asked him as we laughed.
The ride to the mall was in complete silence as we arrived at the mall,I parked the car and we got out.
"So,I don't know what to get for Ray" he told me as we strolled aimlessly throughout the shops.
"Well you can get him and outfit,red roses and something I"ll tell you about it later" I told him as we entered Yves saint Laurent.
"Jessie I don't have enough money to buy from here" he told me as he tried to get out.
"No we're gonna buy from here just pay what you can and I pay the rest" I told him as I picked a red plaid shirt with black dress pants.
"Jessica those are expensive." He said as he looked at the price tags.
"No you're gonna buy them and I will buy the same outfit for you too so you both have matching outfits." I said as we paid to the cashier
"Credit card or cash miss?" The man asked.
"Credit card" I told him impatiently as he was typing very slowly.
"That'll be two thousand English pounds" I gave him the card and I typed the password he gave me the receipt and we got out.
"Now the roses I'll get them later but what was your idea" he asked with curiosity.
"It's an apron with the coffee logo on it and 6 months anniversary with a heart and your name beside it" i told him
"Oh my god Jessica,that will be incredibly beautiful" He told me as he hugged me in the middle of the mall.
"Dylan it's nothing I am actually very happy for you" I told him.
"Jessica I am truly thankful for having a friend like you now could you take me back to coffe? It's 8:30" shit shit fuck shit.8:30 and I should meet Daniel at 9:00.
"Dylan do me a favor please" I pleaded him.
"Yeah of course but you look nervous" he said as he studied my features.
"No nothing's wrong but I want you to take the car and go to coffee the driver will pick it up tomorrow" I told him as we entered the parking area.
"Okay but take care Jessica"Dylan said as he hugged me and he left with the car.I ran across the street trying to stop a cab it was 8:40 and I was running late.
A cab stopped and I got him I told him the address."sir,can you hurry up please" I asked him as he looked at me from the mirror and he was 8:55 and we were pretty close.
The cab stopped I left 100 pounds note a told him to take the was raining pretty hard as I got in the elevator,I pressed the fourth floor and surprisingly I ringed our old shared apartment at 9 sharp.he opened the door in boxers with a beer in his hand.
"You always come in time,come in"Daniel slurred as he took a sip of his beer.i entered his house and it is completely cans on the ground,torn wallpaper,cracked t.v and a disaster of a kitchen.
"It changed a lot since you left babe" Daniel slurred as he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Please I want to get over this,I have the money,I give you the money and I leave"I told him as I ripped his hand off my body.
"Still feisty and hot" Daniel said as he got closer I took few steps back as my back hit the wall,the door was still opened I thought of screaming but no one lives here.Daniel stood his lips inches away from mine,he slammed both of his hand in the wall beside my head and then he ripped my shirt.I started kicking,hitting and screaming but he kept assaulting me by kissing my neck or nibbling on my earlobe.i couldn't bear this anymore and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine I tried closing my ripped t-shirt with my hands as I ran to the door. I wuickly pressed the elevator button and it opened so I got in and closed it quickly.
Fuck I knew that he would do something like that but I left him on the ground.he was trying to fucking rape me.suddenly the elevator stopped in the middle of two numbers which are the (G) and (P1) the electricity went off and nothing was happening at all.I was terrified to death so I got out my mobile to call dad and then I heard thunder which cause the mobile to fall from my hand with a loud crack. When I looked at it it was completely cracked and it didn't even open.I pressed all the buttons I was very anxious I felt that I could get a panic attack at any moment then the auto voice said "emergency on".
The water of the rain started entering the elevator and it was full of the wire's grease.i banged on the door and started shouting for help. "HELP ME,HELP ME PLEASE" I cried as I was standing in the elevator terrified to death and sobbing like a baby I kept shouting like this until I couldn't anymore.the water level has been raised to me neck.all I could do now was pray to God.

Harry's Pov:
Niall told us that one of his friends opened a new bar in London and the are giving free vodka for the grand opening.we all went with Niall except Louis who said that he had some business with Eleanor.The grand opening party was literally huge but after and hour or so I got headache although I haven't drunk except two vodka shots."Niall,mate I'm going to get something from the car" I told him.
I Started walking to the car it was a mile walk or something but it was raining heavily and after half a mile thunder began so I started running towards the car but then a sound stopped me. "Help me,help me please"
The unknown voice said.
I feared that it could be a serial killer but the voice kept calling for help so I walked to were the voice was coming from,it was block 38 in London outskirts.i entered the block but the voice has stopped I wait few more minutes then I heard a band coming from the elevator door.I ran towards the elevator and pressed the button.
When the door opened I was shocked,Jessica was standing there with here t-shirt ripped and she had few scratches but what scared me more that half of the elevator was in this floor and the other half was in the lower floor with water that reached till Jessica's neck.
"Jessica are you okay?" I asked her as she was looking very pale.
"Harry help me please" she said her voice was hoarse from screaming.
"Give me your hand the elevator indicates that we only have 15 mintues and it would crash down" I said as I gave her my hand.
"It's greasy,it won't work please help me Harry." She said as if she was about to faint.I started getting off my clothes cause we"ll need them when she gets out of here.
"What are you doing?" Jessica asked as her voice was concerned.
"I am obviously getting my clothes off,I am coming in there to help you" I said as I threw my shirt,sweater,jacket and pants to the ground I was only in boxers.i held onto the ground as I entered the elevator.Jessica stood there  with here hand secured around her ripped shirt. "Who did this" I pointed at the few scratches and the hickeys on her neck.
"Daniel" she said as she started sobbing.i hugged her tightly.
"Okay now I'm gonna try to carry you upwards,Kay?" I asked as I studied her scared features,she nodded.
We tried every single position of carrying but it was so greasy she would go halfway and then fall so I thought about a little something cause only had 9 minutes.
I took a step forward but she took a step backward and her back hit the wall.
"Harry please stop and get me out of here" she pleaded me with eyes full of tears.
"Not now Jessica" I said as I put both of my hand on the back of her tights,my face was buried in her neck smelling her exotic smell and the I carried her turned around and put her on the ground.easy wasn't it?
"Shit Harry,I thought...I thought" she said as she was out of breath.
"Just breathe first love" I told her as I tried to get out of the elevator but my greasy hands prevented me.
"Shit Harry how are you gonna get out?" She said as she started pacing back and forth.
"Just get my belt and tie it to the outer Side of the elevator" I said as she started doing what I told her.
"Okay now give me your hand and the belt" I told her as I got ready.
"Both?" She asked as she gave me the belt and I nodded so she put her hand too.i held onto both and she started pulling me and I held tighter on the belt and in a moment I found myself on the top of her with her shirt wide open enough to for me to see but I didn't look cause the girl should have some privacy,right?
We stayed for few minutes like this until I started getting up.
"Look put on my clothes" I told her as I waited.
"No I am going to put on the jacket and you put on the rest" she told me as she started wearing the jacket
"No,no you wear the shirt and the jacket,I wear the rest and I have a pair of Louis's sweatpants in the car they'll fit you" I told her as I put on my pants and the sweater and then I went to the car got the sweatpants and went back to her.
"You look cold and pale,here put on the sweat pants I'll turn around" I gave them to her and went to take the belt and I buckled it.
"You finished" I asked her.
"Yeah you can turn around" she told me and as I turned around she ran to me and hugged me tight.
"Harry he was going to rape me I was so scared and I thought you are going to do it to when you got close to me" she told me as she sobbed really really hard.
"It's all okay now,love" I said as I drew soothing circles on her back.
It's gonna be okay Jessica when I'm with you everything will be okay.
Thank you for the 500 reads I hope you vote and comment to.
I'll keep writing as long as you vote and comment.
Thank you again and I will share the cast soon.


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