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You woke up the next morning and you had a message from (B/F/N).

'Hey! Did you reader the paper?!?'

'No. Why?'

'You made the front page....You and Captain Man.'

Your eyes widened and you ran outside and checked the mail for the  paper. You picked up the paper and read the front page. 

Captain Man has a Captain Girl?

College student (F/N) (L/N) gets rescued by Captain Man. However, at the end of this rescue Miss (L/N) gets more than a hero to look up to. As seen in the picture, Captain Man has his arms around her waist and she has her arms around his neck. Perhaps, Captain Man has finally found someone to share his life with. Now, Miss (L/N) is going to be graduating from school in late June. However, with this turn of events maybe her schooling will have to stop. So, she can be with the man she loves.

You stopped reading, crumpled up the paper, and threw it away, sighing. 

Ray's POV

I walked out of my room and stretched, yawning. I sat down in a chair in Junk'n'Stuff and started to read the paper. I stopped when I saw the headline. I continued to read and I sighed when I got half way through.

"(Y/N)...I'm so sorry." I said, to myself. I put the paper down and, almost as if he had been informed before hand, Henry ran into Junk'n'Stuff and said,

 "Turn on the news." I looked at him strangely and said,


 "Just do it." Henry said, becoming impatient. I shrugged and turned on the news. A news reporter was standing outside of (Y/N)'s house, saying,

 "We're standing outside of college student (F/N) (L/N)'s house. Let us see if she'll answer the door." The news reporter knocked on (Y/N)'s door and ten minutes later (Y/N) opened the door in a (f/c) T-shirt and black skinny jeans. The news reporter smiled at (Y/N) and said,

 "Miss (L/N). Is it true that you and Captain Man are a couple?" She looked at the reporter and said,

 "No, it is not true. Is it true that he rescued me last night? Yes. Is it true that we kissed? Yes. However, it is not true that we are together." The news reporter tilted her head and said,

 "The two of you kissed, but you aren't together. That doesn't make sense to me. Do you at least have feelings for him?" (Y/N) scoffed and said,

 "What girl doesn't? However, I am not keen on the fact that I have no idea who he really is behind that mask. Now, if you will excuse me...I have a lot of Homework to finish before next week." After that, (Y/N) closed the door and the news reporter turned back to the camera, saying,

 "I think none of that is true.....I think she is with Captain Man and that she is covering who he truly is and-" I turned off the TV and said,

 "She's gonna get bombed with questions. I gotta help her." Henry shook his head and said,

 "No way. Ray, if you get involved as Captain Man, it'll get worse for her. If you get involved as Ray you risk exposing yourself." I sighed and said,

 "Fine, fine." 

Time Skip to when you finished your homework

Your POV

I sigh as I finish the last of my homework. I look outside and decide to go out and shop. I pack up my books and grab my purse, heading out the door.

Time skip to an hour later

I was walking down a street and I saw a peculiar store. I walked into the store and saw a man with brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Excuse me." I said, making him look up from whatever he was reading. He looked at me and smiled, saying,

 "Oh, hi. Welcome to Junk'n'Stuff. I'm sorry, I was reading the paper." I sighed and said,

 "Oh." The man chuckled and said,

 "Your (F/N) (L/N). Right?" I looked at him and said,

 "Yes. I am." I stepped towards him and said,

 "However, I don't think I got your name Mister..." He looked into my eyes and said,

 "Name's Ray Manchester." I smiled and said,

 "Well, Mister Ray Manchester I like it in here it's quite interesting." 

Ray's POV

I looked at her as she ran a finger over one of the books on one of the bookshelves as she said,

 "Well, Mister Ray Manchester I like it in here it's quite interesting." I sighed and said,

 "I'm sorry, but I have to ask a weird question." She looked at me and said,

 "Okay." I stepped closer to her and said,

 "You kissed Captain Man....is he a good kisser?" Her face became a dark red at my question. She sighed and said,

 "Well....to be completely honest he is indeed an excellent kisser.....However, I believe that some other people may be even better." I smirked and said,

 "Oh..I was just wondering." I watched as she smiled at the fire breathing dinosaur. When it breathed fire, she laughed. I coughed, lightly, causing her to look at me.

"Okay. I know it's crazy, but I would like to take you out on a date." I said, as she stepped closer to me a small smile on her lips. She shook her head and said,

 "It's not crazy. I'd love to go on a date with you." I smiled and said,

 "Well, how is tonight around eight?" (Y/N) smiled and said,

 "Sure, but you have to text me when you're on your way. Okay?" I laughed and said,

 "Alright. Can I have your number?" I pulled out my phone and pretended to put in her number, since I had it already.

"Anyway, how long are you staying here for?" She pulled out her phone and said,

 "Maybe for thirty more minutes." I leaned on the counter and said,

 "Aww. Why not longer?" She looked at me and said,

 "You want me to be ready for the date or not?" I looked at her and said,

 "I think you look great as you are now." She leaned on the same counter as me and said,

 "Oh, aren't you a sweet one." I tangled her fingers in mine as I said,

 "I'm serious." She looked into my eyes and smiled, saying,

 "I'm going get ready, I'll see you at eight." I nodded and said,

 "See you at eight." When she left I smiled widely and texted Henry.

'Hey! I got a date tonight! Come and help me pick what to wear!'

'With (Y/N)? That's awesome! I'll be right over!'

I looked at (Y/N)'s contact name I have for her number. I put a heart emoji behind it and put my phone back in my pocket, as I waited for Henry to show up to help me. I laughed, excitedly, realizing that I had a date with a girl that I care about and I think I love. 

The Hero's Crush (Ray Manchester x reader)Where stories live. Discover now