Hungry (LEMON)

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Reader's POV

**Hard Core Lemon beyond this point**

**Read at your own risk**

I woke up next to Ray and he stirred, slightly. I went to get up, but he wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me from moving. I looked at him and sighed,

"You're so clingy." He smiled up at me and said,

"Can you blame me? Look at you." I giggled and shook my head, saying,

"Well, I'm hungry. Let me get up." Ray let me go and I put on one of his shirts and pajama pants. I walked into the Man Cave and he followed me, saying,

"I'm hungry, too." I blushed and said,

"Not that type of hungry, Ray." He hummed and said,

"I didn't ask that." He pressed his lips to mine and he took my shirt off. I moaned, softly, and ran my hands through his hair, saying against his lips,

"Ray~" I pulled his shirt over his head, breaking from the kiss for a second, and he unclipped my bra, without hesitation. He kissed my neck, leaving a mark, and his hands made their way to my waist. He pulled away and said,

"Marry me?" I looked at him and said,


"(Y/N), will you marry me?" I looked into his eyes and said,

"Yes." He smiled and kissed me, saying,

"Good." I undid his pants, frantically, and he pulled down my pants, along with my panties. The bulge in his boxers was throbbing and when my hand 'accidentally' brushed against his erection, Ray groaned. I pulled down his boxers, slowly, and he pressed my front to the bed, making my ass stay in the air. As he positioned his tip at my entrance, one of his hands rested on my hips and he pressed his bare chest to my back, commanding,

"Beg." I stayed quiet and he slapped my ass, just enough to make it red. I gasped and whimpered, begging,

"P-Please, Ray~"

"Please what?" He said, teasing me. My face became red and I groaned, saying,

"Please, fuck m-" Before I could finish my sentence, he rammed into my and I gasped, holding onto the sheets of the bed tightly. My knuckles were white and his thrusts were even, making me a little impatient. Until, his hand came down on my ass again. This made he arch my back and his thrusts became uneven as he became close, making it more pleasurable. Ray's grip on my hips became tighter and I knew there would be bruising there, but we didn't even care. Eventually, he hit a spot that made me see white and Ray noticed because he, purposefully, hit that spot, repeatedly.

"(Y-Y/N)....You're so tight!" Ray said, his trusts becoming very uneven. He was close and so was I. I felt the knot in my abdomen become the tightest it's ever been and Ray growls,

"Don't you dare." I whined and protested,

"I-I can't take it much longer." His left hand stayed on my hip, but his right hand traveled down to my clit and he began rubbing it in circles. I released on him and his left hand came down on me as he said,

"I tell you when to cum!" He pulled out of me and I whined at the loss of contact, saying,

"Ray~" He flipped me, so that I was facing him. He threw my legs over his shoulders and he lower his head down to my nether region. I shuddered as I felt his warm breath on my dripping entrance and he licked up my slit, sucking softly. I pushed his head down and he smirked, saying,

"Eager?" I blushed and said,

"Shut up!" He sat up and positioned his tip at my entrance, ramming into me again. I gripped onto his shoulders, tightly, and his thumb of his right hand rubbed my clit on fast, small, circles. I felt him twitch inside me and I could feel the knot getting tighter, again. I scratched up and down his back, trying to calm myself. I was close and Ray growled, into my ear,

"Not yet." After a few more thrusts, he pushed me onto my back. He was still thrusting into me and I was still scratching his back. His hands were on either side of me and he groaned, saying,

"Now!" I released on him, again, and he made me ride out the orgasim. I was moaning louder than before and he stopped, cumming inside of me. I scratched his back one last time and he pulled out of me, letting the hot substance leak out of me. I was panting and he seemed just as exhausted. I sat up and said,

"I'm going take a bath." I grabbed one of his T-shirts, my panties, and a bra, before walking into the bathroom.

Time Skip to An Hour Later

Ray and I were sitting in his office. He was shirtless and I had on one of his T-shirts. His back was facing me and I saw the scratch marks from earlier.

"Ray, I'm sorry." I said, looking at the places where I actually drew blood. Which was pretty much all up and down his back. He looked back at me, saying,

"What for?"

"Your back."

"Oh, that. It's nothing." He pulled up his shirt a little and he said,

"Those bruises look worse than my back." I giggled and said,

"Well, they don't hurt. My lower half is pretty numb, right now." Ray smiled and said,

"Bright side, I'm not hungry anymore." I puffed my cheeks and said,

"I WASN'T EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT THAT WAY!" Ray chuckled and hummed, answering,

"You loveeee me~"

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