Purse Snatcher And Jealousy

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Walking into the Man Cave, I saw Henry sitting at the desk and (Y/N) asked,

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm just looking for a petty thug, sorry to trigger the alarm." He replied, scrolling through the list of people.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, tugging on the back of her shorts, pulling her closer to me.

"My mom's purse got stolen." He sighed, looking at me and leaning back in the chair.

"Your super hot mom?" I asked, letting (Y/N) go and walking closer to him. She looked at me, wide eyed, and Henry, replied,

"Yeah." Taking out my gum, I blew a bubble and (Y/N) went to the tube, following me.

"Ray!" She called, crossing her arms across her chest and looking, almost mad.

"It's my job to check this out." I countered, smiling at her and she sighed, scowling,

"Whatever." Henry just looked dumbfounded,  staying quiet and (Y/N) walked back to our room, closing the door behind her. 

"Shouldn't you, like, go after her?" Henry asked, making me glance back at the door and shrug, continuing with him on this purse thief. Smirking, I chewed on a piece of gum and blew a bubble, becoming Captain Man. 

"Huh? Ray, where are you going?"

"To your house." I replied, going into the tube and leaving without another word.

Henry's Point of View

Ray just left me, with his angry girlfriend, and (Y/N) came out of their room, asking,

"He just left, didn't he?" I looked at her and coughed nodding, staying quiet. She scoffed and came over to me, starting,

"Go home and control him. I'll find your mom's purse. Oh and send Charlotte to help me." Sighing, I nodded and let her take my spot, stopping her as I said,

"(Y/N), thank you. Besides, Ray is being stupid right now. He really does love you." She paused and smiled a little, finishing,

"Thanks, Henry. I know, still it's hurtful...You know?" 

"Yeah...Well, I'll send Charlotte." Leaving her alone, I went up the tube and called Charlotte, hearing her answer,

"Hey, Henry."

"Hey, Char. Can you come to the Man Cave?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well, Ray is being Ray and left (Y/N) alone to go to my house because my mom got her purse stolen."


"Just help (Y/N) find the guy. Please?"


"Thanks, Char." 

Hanging up, I went to my house and Ray was there, flirting with my mom. Glaring at him, I sighed and Captain Man greeted me,

"Hi there, boy I've never met before." 

"Oh! Hi, Captain Man. What are you doing here?"

Time Skip to the Next Day

I was texting Jasper and (Y/N) came into the room, as Girl Danger. She had the purse snatcher by the collar and in her other hand was my mom's purse. Ray looked at her and he stuttered,

"H-Hey, babe! What are you-"

"Hush you. I'll deal with you later." (Y/N) interrupted him, glaring at him and he nodded, replying,

"Yes, Ma'am. Being quiet now." (Y/N) sighed and looked at my mom, starting,

"Good afternoon, ma'am. This is yours I believe." Handing my mom her purse, the snatcher whined,

"That's mine."

"No, it isn't." (Y/N) deadpanned, looking around and when her eyes came to the picture above the mantle, she frowned at Ray. He didn't make eye contact with her and when the cops showed up, she put the petty criminal in the car. 

"Thank you, Girl Danger." My mom said, giving her a hug and (Y/N) was shocked, hugging her back for a moment. Ray was whistling and she walked over to him, asking softly,

"Ready to come home?" Ray looked over at my mom and then down at (Y/N), nodding. 

"Yeah. I am. Can I take the picture though?" (Y/N) frowned and looked over at the picture, zapping it with her laser. It fell off the wall and broke, making Ray nod as he spoke quickly, 

"Yup, okay. Got it." 

Ray's Point of View

On the way home, (Y/N) had her arms crossed and it was, uncomfortably, silent. Looking over to her, she looked pissed and I coughed, starting,

"So...um...How was your day?"

"How do you think my day was?" She snapped back, making me nod and stay quiet for the rest of the walk. When we got to Junk'N'Stuff, she went down to the man cave and I stayed up for a moment, waiting on Gooch. He came out of the back and asked,

"You aren't with (Y/N)?"

"She's kind of mad at me."

"You don't say. I'd be mad too. You left her alone for two days! You're lucky she didn't just let you leave and leave you herself!" 


"Go on. Go to her, before she changes her mind about getting you herself." 

Going down to the Man Cave, I took off my mask and when I got down there, she was moving stuff around in our room. Going into our room, I knocked on the door frame and she was looking through her drawers, asking,


"Can we talk?" I asked, putting my mask on my dresser and she looked back at me, nodding. Sitting on the bed, I patted the spot next to me and she crossed her arms, she came sit next to me. Resting a hand on her thigh, she relaxed and I sighed, starting,

"Sometimes, I don't think before I do something."


"(Y/N), I never meant to upset you." 


"I'm so sorry that I left you for two days. I do love you...You know that, don't you?"

"I know. I love you too."

"Good, beca-"

"I just have one question..."

"Of course. Anything."

"Did you ever sleep with-"

"Did I sleep with Henry's mom? No, I didn't." 

Relief went through her body and I pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her temple. She hugged me back and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a soft kiss. Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around her waist and asked, teasing,

"Were you jealous?"

"Yes." She deadpanned, pouting and I smiled, replying,

"You don't have anything to worry about. Next time just punch me in the head. I'll regain my sense. I promise." 

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