I love you

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*Warning mature language & mature jokes/dirty humor*

Ray's POV

I was laying next to (Y/N) and she was asleep, I could hear her snoring softly. I kissed the back of her head and she stirred in her sleep. She pretended to be asleep and I chuckled, saying,

"You're a terrible actress." She turned towards me and looked me in the eyes, saying,

"That's not very nice." I smirked and rested my forehead on hers, saying,

"Sometimes, I can be very......aggressive." (Y/N)'s face heated up and she hid her face in my neck, saying,

"Ray!" I laughed and lifted her chin, making her look at me, as I pressed my lips to hers and said,

"What? It's true. Is it not?" She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck, not replying. I pulled away and said,

"Henry is coming over today. We should get dressed." (Y/N) growled and said,

"This will only take a minute. You know that." She kissed me, again, this time it was more heated, the passion burning was clear. I kissed back and said, against her lips,

"No, I mean he's coming over in like an hour." (Y/N) stayed quiet and I sighed, internally. I flipped her underneath me and pulled away from the kiss. She smirked and I lowered my head, realizing she got me to be in the position she wanted. I got off of her and said,

"Alright, you win. Now, let's get dressed before Henry really does get here and sees something he doesn't want or need to see." She sighed and said,

"Fine." I got off of her and said,

"I do love you, you know." She got out of the bed and got dressed, saying,

"I know." I put on a red T-shirt and jeans. (Y/N) put on a (f/c) T-shirt and black jean shorts. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck, softly. (Y/N) chuckled and said,

"I thought you said, Henry is going to be here in an hour or so." I hummed and said, against her neck,

"He will be, but-"

"No, 'buts'. You stopped me from my fun, now I'll stop you from yours." She said, walking into the Man Cave and sat on the couch. I walked behind her and sighed, quietly. I sat next to her and said,

"I love you." She looked at me and said,

"I love you, too." I pulled her into my chest and someone was screaming. Then, the elevator opened and Henry got off the ground, saying,

"Ray! Fix that elevator!" I looked at him and said,

"Oh, yeah. I was supposed to slow it down." When he saw (Y/N), he coughed and said,

"Oh, hey (Y/N)." She looked at him and said,

"Hey...Henry. Right?" Henry nodded and said,

"Yeah. Oh, I saw you two on television last night. You'll be able to help him more than I can. I'll be able to do more stuff with my friends. Thanks for that." She looked at the ground and said,

"Yeah." She got up and sat down at the computer. I looked at her and said,

"What's wrong?" Henry sat across from me and (Y/N) sighed, saying,

"Nothing." I stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder, saying,

"We need to talk." She sighed and walked into my kitchen, saying,

"What, Ray?"

"Are you still upset about quitting college?" I asked, pulling her closer to me.

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