Going Back (Short Chapter)

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A few days later, I was driving (Y/N) to college and when I stopped, she looked nervous.

"You know these people, (Y/N). No need to be nervous." I said, holding her hand and making her look at me.

"Yeah. But I just about abandoned my best friend for a month. What'll she think?"

"If she's really your best friend. She'll forgive you."

Relief washed over her and she leaned over the center console, hugging me. Pressing a kiss to her temple, I pulled away from her and she got out of the car, more confident. Watching her walk away, I felt my chest tighten and I relaxed when a girl our age walked up to (Y/N), pulling her into a tight embrace.

Time Skip to a Few Hours Later

I was waiting for (Y/N) to come out of class and when I saw her, I smiled. Waving to me, she smiled and the girl from earlier walked beside her, looking at me. Excitement filled her face and she ran up to the car, ignoring (Y/N)'s protest,

"(Best Friend's Name)! Don't run in the middle of the-Oh! You're going to get hit by a car you crazy woman!"

"You're (Y/N)'s boyfriend!" (BFF/N) said, when she got to the car and I chuckled, nodding. (Y/N) got to the car and scolded her,

"You're so reckless!"

"I was paying attention!"

"No you weren't!"

"Lighten up, (Y/N)! I wanted to get a look at the man who did what I thought wasn't possible."

This time I raised a brow and asked,

"Which would be?"

"Get that knuckle head to settle down." (BFF/N) replied, smiling. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and got in to car, leaning over to give me a soft kiss.

"Can I get a ride?"

"Yes, crazy. Get in the car."

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I wanted to get something out to you guys. For the next two weeks, I won't be able to update.)

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