Peace and Quiet

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We were sitting in the man cave and (Y/N)'s phone went off, making me glance over at her. Looking down, she frowned and I moved next to her, asking,

"What's wrong?"

"Oh...Nothing. It's just my best friend. She wants to hang out, but she's...Let's just say perceptive."

"You can hang out with her, (Y/N)."

"I know...It's just if she finds out about-"

"About what? Captain Man?"


"How about I suggest something, (Y/N)?"


"You should go and finish school."


"You only have a few months left. It could be good for you."


Smiling down at her, I pressed a kiss to her forehead and she leaned on my shoulder, relaxing. The elevator dinged and when it opened, Schwoz came into the Man Cave. Looking at us, he smiled and his eyes ran over (Y/N)'s form, making me growl,

"Eye problem, Schwoz?" He jumped back and shook his head, staying quiet. Leaving us alone, he went to his room and (Y/N) giggled, teasing,

"Jealous much?"

"I just didn't like how he was looking at you. Not my fault."

"Awww. Poor Ray. How many times do I have to say it?"

"Hm?" I hummed, looking down at her and becoming shocked, when she moved. Straddling me, she cupped my face in her hands and kissed me, gently.

Kissing back, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tightly against me.

"GROSS!" Henry's voice made us part and (Y/N) giggled, getting off of me. Looking at the younger boy, I smiled and he stuck his tongue out, protesting,

"I do NOT want to see that!" (Y/N) giggled and got up, pinching his cheek.

"Aww. Does Henry want a kiss too?" She teased, making his face turn red and I pulled her back down, next to me.

"Nope." I answered, making them laugh and (Y/N) draped her legs over mine, relaxing. Henry was sitting at the desk and he smiled at us, commenting,

"You two are like goals."

"Shut up, Henry." (Y/N) replied, blushing and I laughed, teasing,

"Aww. Now, you're all embarrassed?"

"Shut up." She muttered, looking away from us and Henry remembered something, exclaiming,

"Oh! By the way..." Looking over at him, we stayed quiet and he finished, holding up his hand,

"Congratulations!" He pointed to his ring finger and (Y/N) smiled, replying,

"Thank you." Smiling, she ran her thumb over her ring and I looked down at her, happily. Henry called Charlotte and we hung out in the Man Cave for awhile.

Looking at the time, I got up and (Y/N) looked at me, asking,

"What's up?"

"Dinner reservations to celebrate, remember?"

"Oh crap! That's right!"


"Yes. Sorry."

"It's fine."

Getting ready, we didn't take long to change and I was sitting in the room, while she was doing her makeup. Standing up, I was wearing black slacks and a blue button down, my hair was slicked back neatly. Going stand in the doorway of the bathroom, I watched her do her eyeliner and I admired her. She was wearing a knee length blue dress, with silver heels, and the silver heart locket I got her for her birthday. She also had on diamond stud earrings and her engagement ring.

"Stunning..." I muttered, watching as she pulled her hair back (half up, half down). The ends curled and she giggled, turning to me,

"You keep staring at me. What's running through your head?"

"You're just breath taking..." She smiled and hummed, replying,

"Thank you, handsome." Holding her hand, we walked out of the room and Henry wolf whistled, saying,

"What's good guys? Looking good."

"Thanks, Henry. We're going eat at Back Out Steak House." I replied, pulling (Y/N) into a hug and Charlotte chuckled, saying,

"That's sweet!" Nodding, we left and once we got to the restaurant, we were sat.

"Ray, this place isn't the cheapest. You didn't have to-"

"Yes, I did, (Y/N). Only the best for you." I cut her off, taking her hand in mine and rubbing circles onto the top of her hand, with my thumb.

"I can get accustomed to the quiet. I'm glad today was so peaceful." She sighed, making me smile.

She was my everything.

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