Chapter 6 A Choice to Make

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In the middle of the night, I woke up, the clock said 4:30. For some reason I could not go back to sleep so I got up and decided to make some waffles. I had found the measuring cup, whisk, and waffle maker but for some reason I could not the waffle mix. I looked every where,the cabinets and the pantry, but nothing odd. I was near the sliding door to the backyard when I saw a faint light. So I decided to go out and check it out. As I got closer I heard sizzling like if someone was cooking. When I got over there I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time. My old old old friend Kelly. The last time I saw Kelly was in 1st grade before she moved. I had a little crush on Kelly in 6th grade so seeing her made me feel happy."Kelly is that really you" I had asked.
"Yup hey BenjiBear how you doing" She had told me when she noticed me.
"Could be better tho" I started to replied to her."How are you"
"Great now that I'm seeing you now"She said with a quirky smile.
"Why are you even here" I said sitting next to her.
"Cause my family's moved back here and I really wanted to see you" she said.
"Well remember that time in 3rd grade when we dumped that pie on top of Mr.Green" I told her.
"Omg yes I do oh the good times"She said laughing hard.
"I like you" I said to her straight up.
"I know I like you too" She said in response to what I said. I sat there looking at her with a shocked look on my face. Suddenly with no warning we both lunge at each other and started kissing each other. "Hum that's was really weird" she said after we backed away from each other.
"Yeah hum quick question" I told her.
"Sure what's the question" She told me.
"Will you go out with me" I said blushing.
"Off course" She started to say,"I love you." Then we started to kiss again. When we got back inside it was 6 :30 so I had to get ready for school.
10 Minutes Later
I was ready for school, when I got out I saw Kelly coming in from the back door."Looking sharp hey my little BenjiBear" She said as she looked at me.
"Thanks my little Kellybear you look amazing to" I said. I went into my moms room and told her I was walking to school with Kelly. So on the way Kelly and I were holding hands all the way to school. As we got to school out of the corner of my eye I say Monica sitting down with Peter. "Their the two I was talking about" I said to Kelly pointing to Monica and Peter.
"Oh so their the young parents" She said. I nodded to her. Kelly started to walk toward them. "Hey my names Kelly" She told the depressed couple.
"Umm hello" Monica said looking up,"Wait Benji what's going on here."
"Kelly here is my girlfriend" I told her just to clear things up.
"Oh Congrats" Peter sighed.
"What's got you down" I asked.
"Well the baby is almost here and" Monica said.
"No need to go on" I asked her.
"Thanks is been hard" Peter said putting Monica in his arms. The gates open after a few minutes of silence. The school day was like any other day class and bell and so on so forth. It was after school, I was trying to find Kelly but remember that's she had to stay after school today so I went off home. I smiled at Monica and Peter. Monica came over a whispered,"The doctor called and said the baby's coming tomorrow and I don't know to either have it and keep or have it and give it up to adoption." After what she said I couldn't sleep I didn't know why.

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