Chapter 7 Missing ???!!!

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The door bell rang as I came out of the bathroom. I went over to open the door, as I open I saw Kelly."Hey BenjiBear" Kelly said when I fully open the door.
"Hey KellyCake" I said to her. She smiled and pulled me by the arm and started to walk to school. "Hey slow down what's going on" I said as she was dragging me.
"Sorry it's just a lot of problems lately" She replied. I didn't say all I did was put her in my arms."Thanks" Kelly whispered to me. We hugged for about 3 minutes and we made our way to school. When we got there I saw Jen sitting down. When I got closer she had a concurred face. "Hey whats going on" I had asked her.
"Lots of kids are going missing I'm scared" she started to say,"And Candy's one of them." Both Kelly and I said nothing just looked at Jen. Jen just got up and walked away in to the school. I sat down with Kelly and then a familiar voice said "Hi I'm back from Florida." We turned back and saw Jizzy. Jizzy was 18 year old girl with long black hair and loves to travel. I waved at Jizzy and Kelly just laid on my shoulder. "Whats wrong" Jizzy had asked.
"Lots of kids have gone missing" Kelly Started to say.
"Candy's was one of them" I finished. Jizzy had a look on her face that no one ever saw ever,a sad and worried look.
A couple of Hours Later
Class was normal and so was the multipurpose room but until yelling oh routed from near the stage. Kelly, Jen and I had rushed over to see what had happen and what we say was unbearable. There lied a boy about 18 and a girl about 18 on the floor motion less with a puddle of blood gushing out. Everyone started to freak out, running around the room like crazy animals. "From the looks of it the kids were both crushed to death" someone had said in the front. We all turned over and saw Jizzy walking toward us. I had forgotten that she was a master detective. Jizzy bent over to check the crime scene and said "This blood looks rich so that means the murders were just committed not to long ago." Then the bell rang to go home. As usual I walked home with Kelly but we both said nothing.

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