Chapter 9 Closer And Closer

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We we on our way to the first area, a Pizza Hut down in Fontana. We were about 2 lights away when Mia said "Um guys that truck has been following us since we left."
I looked back and noticed that Mia was right I saw that truck many times before. "Mia's right" I told my group of friends.
"Are we going to die" Jen asked frantically looking like she was about to faint.
"Probably" Jizzy said just to scare her. Then she fainted, I just shot a look at here but continued driving. We got to the Pizza Hut. I had parked the car and got out. I signaled my friends to stay inside but Mia got out. We got to the front door when I noticed some graffiti on the floor so I took some pictures of it. Mia and I went it to the Pizza Hut when I saw some guys come out if the truck. I pulled Mia's arm, but she just didn't care. I went to the van and went in and locked it. "Hey where's Mia" Kelly asked.
"She's inside the Pizza Hut I tried to tell but no she just went in" I told them. We waited for Mia but 20 minutes had past,nothing. Then suddenly Mia comes out with a pizza and some bottles of soda. I opened the door for her and she got in Kelly yelled "Really pizza we thought you died MIA!!!!"
"Sorry I'm fat okay don't be judging" Mia told her. I started the car and drove to the second are the Dodgers Stadium. As we walked in I saw some more graffiti so I took a snap of it ass well. We explored the Stadium but nothing. So we went to the third location,which was the ChinaTown. Once again I saw some graffiti on the floor so I decided to tell everyone when we got to the car. "Guys all the locations we have been had some graffiti on the floor" I pointed out as I started the car.
"Really that's odd" Jizzy said.
"Anyways lets get going to the last location" Jen said. So I drove us to the last location a clock shop in LA. I was walking to the clock shop when I say something red and blue on the wall across the street. I went over and to check it out. Kelly saw me and decided to follow. "So what's up" Kelly said.
"Something odd was over here" I told her. Mia, Jizzy, and Jen ran over to see what we were doing. "Guys were about to graduate lets go...." Mia said. She was about to finished the sentence but then the floor opened and we fell down. I had gotten up and noticed that Mia, Jen,and Jizzy weren't there just me and Kelly. I looked around and saw something I wish I never saw. It was was a hall of blood, meat and bones. I woke Kelly up and she stared to get scared. "We have to go through there" I told Kelly. She shook her head no. Then suddenly we heard from behind a grinning sound. We looked back to see that the walls were moving. "Run" I screamed and grabbed Kelly and ran though the bloody hall. When we got to the end we saw something that was so ...... Um surprising.

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