Chapter 8 Time to Solve

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I was at school waiting for the gates to open so i was thinking about yesterday. "Murders Here at Akedemi High School" I said to myself. Then Jizzy, Jen, Kelly, and Mia(Mia is a 19 year old girl with black and red hair in a braid and loves R10). "We have to get to the bottom of this" Jen said to me.
"Yeah we need to find Candy and who murdered those kids" Jizzy said.
"But graduation is today tho" Mia Stated out.
"Yeah but finding our friends and looking for the murderer is more important" I told Mia.
"Yeah but they will never let us" Mia told us.
"And so what we'll ask first if its a no well sneak out undetected" Kelly said to back me up. Mia nodded and we all went to ask the principal for permission to investigate.
"No you will not your all to young and might get hurt" She told us firmly.
"And we need to figure out and fast to what happens if this gets out that theres a murderer in Akedemi High School" I stated.
"Well fine kids I will let you" she started to say,"I am counting on you all." So we followed her to her office to get ready. We all dressed in black spy clothes and looked mischievous. So the principle told us the plan on what is going to happen. We all understood and hide underneath her desk. Waiting for the signal I pulled out a Ziploc bag with something inside.
"Whats that" Mia asked.
"This is what i got from the crime scene some figure prints" I replied.
"OK so what are we gonna do with it" Kelly asked.
"Well when we can we will go to my uncle's shop it has detecting things to help" I told everyone.
"Why" Jizzy asked.
"Cause he works for the government" I told them. Then we heard a knock on the table. That meant we had to go into the vents and go outside.
10 Minutes Later
We finally got out and got into the van that the principal told us to i had the keys so i had to drive us to my Uncle's Shop. When we got there we had to scan the fingerprints, when we did we found that they belonged to now one in the data base. "Wait that means that this is someone out of this state" I told them. Then something popped up it said to got to many different places.
A Few Minutes Later
We all decided to go and check them out.

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