Chapter 10 What The...

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Mia,Jizzy, and Jen were to the right of us. In front of us was many many people about 20,000 I couldn't count all of them. Then I saw Candy to the right of the stage. We all ran to her and Jen yelled "WHAT THE FUCK CANDY I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE!!!"
"Exactly" She said.
"What's all of this" I asked her.
15 Minutes Later
"So that's the just of it" She said finishing the story.
"Wow thank you for this but did you have to send us on a trip around the neighborhood" Jizzy complained. She nodded yes.
"How did you get us from LA back to the School" I had asked.
"Lots of construction and planning" she told us. Well from there on we all got graduated from Akedemi High School and went our ways.

      (Quick Note: There's a second book coming out)

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