accidents happen all the time

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They say you remember the details of your first kiss more than your first fuck. Oh, god, I wish that weren't true.

I wish every detail could just be forgotten.

I can still remember the rush I got- it comes back every time I think about it.

Head pounding, chest heaving, blood rushing.

It was sloppy, wet and not at all what you'd expect a first kiss to be like.

It wasn't timed. There wasn't any of that cliché violin shit in the background.

It was just an accident.

I honestly didn't think I'd remember the sounds of feet padding across the floor so clearly.

I'd gone after Near- now, the reason I'd done so was the only thing I couldn't recall if I tried.

I was just angry, and he was there.

Of course he was- he never moved from that damn spot.

He wouldn't even look at me while I stood above him.

I could hear his breathing; I could see the dark rings under his tired, sleepless eyes.

I had no intention to kiss him, none at all. I only wanted to hurt him.

I'd lent down, barking threats and awful words into his ears, wanting a reaction.

 I got down onto my hands on my knees, tilting his head up to glare and yell obscenities in his face.

I didn't even realize what happened next until I was screaming at Matt instead.

He'd seen us- that shit head. The bastard ran at us and with a hand in my hair, shoved my face forward until my lips were pressed firmly against Near's.

Everything was silent, Matt's snickering aside.

I could see the shock in Near's eyes from where I was still above him.

In an instant I jumped back, screaming incoherent things even I couldn't understand.

I could clearly see him wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, cheeks a light pink colour.

It really stood out against his skin.

Matt still had that shit-eating grin on his face.

I ran towards him, of course- the bastard had to pay for what he'd done.

What happened next was hazy, both Matt and I both running through the house in some bad joke of a child's game.

I'd left near behind on purpose. I couldn't look him in his eye

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