The Call Of Doom.

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I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Eli close behind me, I removed my shoes and instructed him to do the same. We ran upstairs, and as I walked into my room, I checked to make sure there was no serial killer. All clear. Eli took a step forward, but I stopped him.

"What?" he asked curiously.

"No boys in my room," I laughed, "sorry, its the rule,"

He laughed, rolling his eyes, "then where are we going to hang out?"

I pointed to the ceiling.

"Your... air conditioning vents?" he joked.

"No! The roof!" I laughed, leading him onto the balcony attached to my room. I climbed on the peasent style windows, placing my feet cautiously. I finally reached the flat roof, then called out for Eli.

"I don't wanna!" I heard him scream.

"Whimp!" I called back.

I heard a series of crashes and soon he was sitting next to me. I looked up at the deep navy blue sky splotted with little white, glowing stars and smiled at him, his eyes twinkling.

I can't be falling for him. I wont let it happen.


We spent at least two hours just talking, about whatever came up at the time. I suddenly heard something, something I will always dread. It always comes when I least want it to. Maybe I was just hearing things? No there it is again. My eyes grew wide.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked, clearly worried.

That's honestly the first time someone has actually been worried about me.

"No-nothing," I stuttered. There it was again, a loud clapping noise struck in the sky. I jumped and covered my ears, holding my legs close to my chest.

"Oh," Eli said, grabbing my hand, "come on!"

"Wh-" another loud 'boom' surrounded us, I screamed.

"Shh, its okay!" Eli said pulling me close to him. Then he started leading me back down to my room.

"Wh-where are y-you taking m-me?" I stammered.

"Back into your room, its safer in there," he sweetly said. 

I nodded quickly. Another clap of thunder smothering me, this time, accumpanied by a bolt of lightening. I yelped, before being jolted into the saftey of my room. I ran towards my closet, but was abruptly stopped by Eli, who disagreed.

"No boys in your room," he reminded me.

I felt like laughing, but I was too scared, he led me downstairs to the couch. 

"Finding Nemo, or Toy Story?" he asked seriously, pondering over the two choices.

"Nemo!" I voted. He agreeded, then slipped the DVD into the television. 

"So your afraid of thunder storms?" he asked suddenly.

I nodded nervously.

"Makes sense, your name is Sunshine, and sunshine is the opposite of rain." he chuckled.

"You're not going to make fun of me?" I said, surprised.

"Uhhm- no?" he said, "why would I do that?"

"Anyone who ever found out made fun of me for it," I shrugged, "I guess that's why i like you so much more-"

Awh- Dang.

I was NOT suppose to say that.

He smiled so big, New York could see it.

"Your ego is showing-" I stated, not looking the boy in the eyes.

"I got Sunshine, the class's most shut up girl to like me?" he said, poking me.

I rolled my eyes, "yah, I guess so! Woohoo! Want a cookie?" I joked.

"Umm, yah?" he said in a 'duh' voice. I laughed and we watched the rest of the movie.

I didn't even pay attention to the storm anymore.

Author's Note.

Hey Guys!

To the left, as usual, is a picture (in external link) and a song! I really like it and thought it was a good song to listen to in the rain. If you'd like, instead of music, go to:

Go there, its soo cool! And makes you feel like your in the rain. <3

So, I really like writing this book, no One Direction!

Its not that I don't like them anymore, its just, their personalities are already pretty much 'estabolished.' Meh, whatever. I honestly do like writing my own chareters for my books, so it works out well for me... hahaha.


I know that the title of this chapter is rather intense haha, but ya know, it shows just how afraid Sunshine is of thunder storms. :) Sorry if ya'll don't like it, but its just a chapter title so ya know. No Biggie. Hey, it was originally 'The Call Of Death.' But I thought that was a little too dramatic. Haha

SOOO- How was your guys' day? :3 Mine was awesomme(:

Hope ya'll liked the storeh.


Comment. Rate. Follow Me. Adopt An Owl.

~Shell <3

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