Finding Nemo.

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I woke up on someone's chest. I opened my eyes and hoisted myself upwards, rubbing my sleep deprived eyes, even though I just slept. 

"Hey," Eli smiled at me, running his hand through his messy hair.

"You didn't," YAWN, "have to stay here Eli, you could've gone home," I said drowsily.

"I couldn't leave you here," he stated.

"Why's that?" I demanded.

"Two reasons:" he began,

"A) You should never leave a girl without her knowing,


B) You looked so dang cute- I mean comfortable," he corrected himself, blushing.

"Ah," I said understanding, now, that I would've been a bit sad if he had left, "thank you," I smiled.

"No problem," he shrugged.

"Well, its 1:30," he said after a moment of silence, "so I should get home,"

"Oh, okay!" I said, hiding the fact I was indeed, upset that he had to go. Though I would only ever admit that to myself.

We awkwardly said our 'goodbyes' before he shuffled out the door. I walked upstairs into my room, forgetting to check for serial killers.

This, was the one time that I should have remembered.


Haha, just kidding.


I jumped into my bed and cuddled into the comfortable mattress. Smelling the sweet aroma of lavender, most likely from the flowers on my window pane, that were, indeed, lavenders. My absolute FAVORITE flower in the world. Its such a pretty subtle purple, and the smell is unexplainable. I inhaled the beautiful smell once more and fell asleep that night thinking about one thing...



I woke up the next morning to the sweet smell of coffee and the simple melody of birds chirping. I swung my feet to the side of my bed, the cold floor slightly scaring me, making me jump a bit. I galloped down the stairs, and ate a complete breakfast that consisted of Nutella and toast. Mostly Nutella.

I swear that stuff is made in heaven or something.

I read the note left by my parents that said they left around 5 this morning, and would be back late again. Thank goodness it was a Friday, I would be able to see them for a while tomorrow. I turned the television on and mindlessly watched the animated show that popped up on the screen.

Once swallowing my last gulp of coffee, I swung off the tall stool and showered then got ready. Mascara, chapstick, brush my hair, wear clothes. And... I'm ready. My morining routine lasts about 5 minutes. I walked outside into the warm breeze, to be greeted by, not only Lauren, but Eli as well.

I smiled at their presence, they reminded me that I did indeed, have friends. 

Not fake friends who use me.

Not 'friends' that will leave me because of one flaw.

Real friends.


Two real friends.

I smiled wider at the thought of that. They made me happy. I liked the feeling of being happy. It had been too long since I felt it. Not the kind of happy when I got Nutella, but the kind that twists my tummy in a knot, feeling the adrenaline rush through my veins. I honestly couldn't help but smile, I couldn't bite it away, or hide it in anyway possible.

And right now, I didn't want to hide it.

"Someone looks like they're having a good day!" Lauren smiled brightly, linking arms with me.

"Yah, yah..." I giggled, "I just slept well last night..." I looked up at Eli, who grinned as he looked down at me. I mouthed him a 'thank you' and he nodded. Lauren looked so confused, but thought it best to leave it. I knew this was going to be a conversation between the two of us later on. Apparently, Lauren and I had homeroom with Eli. We gave him blank stares as he sat next to the two of us.

'I didn't even notice you," Lauren pondered. 

"Gee, thanks Lauren," Eli retorded.

She perked up and appologized quickly after realizing how inconsiderate that sounded.

"Don't worry about it!" he laughed.

Author's Note.

Picture: (Click external link) Eli when Sunshine woke up 

Song: Honey and the Bee- Owl City

Its a really soothing song that makes me feel happy haha- thought I'd share it with ya'll.


Well, that was an incredibly boring chapter... sorry guys :(

Plus it was short~ MEH.

Was the serial killer thing scary?


Didn't think so haha...

Ya know, not every chapter is going to be exciting! That would be unrealistic... so yah.

Hopefully, the next chapter will be exciting. 


Anything interesting that you guys can think of?


I just noticed how many lines are in this chapter and how much dialouge there is, I'm probably going to go back and add more detail, to make this longer. I really like it when my writing is detailed. :)

Well have an amazing weekend and such.

Love you guys.

Comment. Rate. Follow Me. Listen to Allstar Weekend.

They're amazing.

~Shell <3

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