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I was walking over to Eli's house. Earlier today was so fun, when we learned each others' musical talent. Singing together... it was like a flacking movie.

Like Aflack.

Get it? A flacking movie... aflacking... aflack?


Swing and miss...

I had coffee, don't judge my mind at this state.

Eli's parents invited me over for dinner, and I was tired of microwave TV dinners, so I graciously accepted. I walked down the street, when I heard someone call me.

"Sun!" I heard a squealish voice screech.

I spun around on my toes, to find Lauren. Her face smothered with teeth.

EWW. That sounded sooo disturbing.

I mean she was smiling...



Any-whom... she was smiling really big... and such.

"What?" I rolled my eyes walking towards her.

She pulled out the mail from her mailbox, clearly the reason she came outside in the first place. 

"Where you headed off to?" she tried to contain her smile.

"Eli's, for dinner..." I said some what creeped out.

"Eli?" she tried to bite away her grin... it didn't work, "hmm."

She walked away laughing evilly, ya know the whole,


sort of thing.

 I rolled my eyes, it seems to be a habit of mine, and walked away.


I rang the door bell, the familiar tune of dings & dongs ringing in my ears.

The door 'clicked' and swung open, revealing a well built man. 

"Erm- um, hello," I said nervously, who was this guy?

"Hey!" he said, with an unexpected kind voice. Kay.

"Come on in!" he said moving out of the doorway, I walked in.

"SUN." I heard someone scream before being bombarded by Eli.

He jumped on me.

Then ran out the front door.





I ran after him, remembering to say 'be right back,' to whom I assume is Eli's father.

I chased him all the way down the street, being stopped by the end of the houses. The DEAD END. HA.

Today was a good day to wear sneakers.

Just kidding I always wear sneakers.

I finally caught up to him. I was out of breath, but him? Perfectly fine. Standing there laughing at me as I was wheezing and practically coughing my lungs out. Either I'm way out of shape... or he is really.. in... shape? Is that the correct word? Sure. Sure it is.

"What," breath, "is," cough, "your problem?" wheeze.

"What do you mean?" he laughed.

"Why-" cough cough,"why aren't you out of breath?" I said choking over my own words.

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