Michael Buble = Key to Life.

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After school, I went into my garage. Exciting. I picked up the microphone from its stand and began to sing. 

"I dunno why you think that you could hold me when you can't even get by by yourself," I started,

"And I don’t know who

Would ever want to tear the seam of someone’s dream

Baby, it’s fine, you said that we should just be friends

While I came up with that line and I’m sure

That it’s for the best

If you ever change your mind, don’t hold your breath," I sang my heart out,

" ‘Cause you may not believe

That baby, I’m relieved

When you said goodbye, my whole world shines

Hey hey hey

It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling

If I’m drinking, then I’m buying

And I know there’s no denying

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing

And even if it started raining

You won’t hear thi girl complaining

‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one who got away

It’s a beautiful day!" I smiled to myself. When I was about to begin again, I was interuppted.

"It’s my turn to fly, so girls, get in line

‘Cause I’m easy, no playing this guy like a fool

Now I’m alright

Might've had me caged before, but not tonight" Eli was standing there as I looked up,

"And you may not believe

That baby, I’m relieved

This fire inside, it burns too bright

I don’t want to say “so long”, I just want to say “goodbye,” he sang beautifully.

"It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling," we sang together,

"If I’m drinking, then I’m buying

And I know there’s no denying

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, and the music’s playing

And even if it started raining

You won’t hear this boy complaining

‘Cause I’m glad that you’re the one who got away!

" ‘Cause if you ever think I’ll take up

My time with thinking of our break-up

Then, you’ve got another thing coming your way

‘Cause it’s a beautiful day

Beautiful day," I smiled.

"Oh, baby, any day that you’re gone away

It’s a beautiful day-y-y-y," he finished the song off, harmonizing perfectly.

Well, that was lovely.

No sarcasm. 

Cue the gasps.

"You're really good..." Eli said quietly.

"Thanks! So are you!" then I realized... "why were you spying on me?"

He laughed awkwardly, I recipricated.

"Well," he said, "you see, I was coming over here to see if you wanted to hang out, when I saw you go into the garage I followed you to ask, then you started singing and you were amazing and then I was like oh I know this song and then yah, I started singing. Now we're here..." he laughed more.

"Alright..." I laughed.

Awkward silence.

"Want to sing some more?" he suddenly asked, interrupting the silence. 

"Kay..." I said, "what song?"

"Hermm... Rebel Beat by the Goo Goo Dolls?" he suggested. I agreed after snickering at the band's name. I'm sorry, I love the band, its just a funny name.

We sang for the next 2 hours... then my voice gave out, and so did his.

"I guess I should get going, it's almost dinner," Eli sighed.

"A'right," I agreed, "I should start my homework," I said checking my non-existing watch. 

We high fived goodbye, it wasn't as awkward this time... still awkward though. I ran over to my bag and pulled out my study books. Then I studied... out of my study books cuz thats what you do. Yup. I galloped like a gazelle to the fridge, grabbing a Pepsi. Oh gosh, like I need more energy.

Author's Note.

Michael Buble to the right. (the 1st song they were singing) ---> 

HE IS THE KEY TO LIFE. Nope not really. Actually, I've never met the man, maybe he is. You never know with those freaking amazing singers sent from somewhere great. Gawl I'm tired.

Well then, that chapter sucked. I'm sorreh ;-; I just wanted to updated and this isn't really and update since its like 3/4ths song lyrics... MEH. ::cryz::

Writer's block people. It happens. Im sorry. But I got a B on my math test(: yay~

Tryin to lighten the mood... angry mob outside my window. What? I dunno.

This seems to happen to me late at night .-.

I get craycray.


P-diggy in da house!

P- diggy sounds like a piggy bank....... no it doesn't...

its hot out. AT NIGHT.


I'm listening to Elyar Fox's new single 'Colorblind.'

Its beautiful. He's beautiful. Yes, yes he is.

Gosh this sucks~ Im sorry :/

I'm crying... not really lol. I know what's gonna happen~ I just had to post this because I want to make the next chapter spectacular. Promise. No I shouldn't do that. Once again, I'm sorry.


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(Have a great Mother's Day)

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