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  • Dedicated to my Shining Friends

THE LONG AWAITED closing celebration of our department came. I was one of the students who will be receiving awards as recognition for the hard works. I knew myself that I haven't exerted much effort to receive the prize. I'm not that smart. I'm not that kind of an excellent student either. I just had to have an honor for my parents. It has been like that ever since elementary school but anyways, I have received an honor and that's okay. The program was boring. When the four original members of the TechYes club were called to go up the stage it caught everyone's attention. The emcee called each of their names and stated what their awards were for.

"The team of Martin and Jacob got the 3rd place in Robot Maze category. They've been to Manila to bring home the bacon."

The two names from the fourth year class who were called went up stage and they were given large medals with our school logo engraved on it. If you have seen the medal you would really say "Wow". It's because if you have received such medal it really is an honor! It's like the whole college recognizes you, even the admins, the board members, the teachers, the heads, the principals. They would fall on the ground if you pass by them! But of course it's an exaggeration. Still the feeling is like that. Totally like that.

The emcee continued, "Sofia and Jasper's team also was a finalist in the National Robot Games in the same category. The TechYes Club won as the first ever Grand Champion in the ProvinceWide Robot Games held at Bacolod City. Our school's pride defeated the big colleges of the other cities."

Then they were applauded loudly. Sofia and Jasper, both third year students, also went up the stage and received their shiny gold medal of great honor and recognition. Now that I'm a TechYes club member, I thought, could I have that medal too? The medal would look good on my chest. But no, I'm a dreamer. And that's what I'm really good at. I couldn't possibly receive that shiny gold medal.

And the school year was officially closed.


Things were just heating up for the summer. The whole class decided to go to the beach for our "Bye-bye Second Year-Hello Third Year" party. This part of the story would just seem normal if it weren't for Gav who colored my day. I have heard that he broke up with Julian. I haven't got the guts to ask him why. Yes we're classmates and I guess the acquaintance is just until there. Gav and I aren't really good friends. I don't know why or how it has been with the two of us. My closest friends are Cedric, Isaac, Pat and Jonah. They're all boys. I don't like hanging with our girls 'cause all they talk about are their boyfriends which is something I don't have.

Back to Gav... I don't know if we're friends. Maybe we are since we're classmates. Is it possible that your classmate is not your friend? So, I concluded then that we're friends. What added to the day's tension was, my sister told Cedric and the others that I like Gav! That bubbly sister of mine! I really wonder when she will close her mouth. They teased me secretly and I didn't like that. Whenever Gav would come near me they stare at me like I was going to be hanged. I kept my head low because I was so shy and tensed maybe Gav would notice. Maybe he did notice the teases that the boys did. He would ignore me whenever I talk to him. I sensed that he was avoiding me. I was sad.

During the mid-day we swam at the sea. Some of my classmates and I swam after each other near the bamboo post at the middle of the water. When it was my turn to chase my classmates I hit the pole with my foot. I felt that it hurted so I tried to see why there was a pain. I saw that blood was coming out from the toe. I got wounded. It was a small wound but because I was at the sea and wet, the blood went out like a water coming out of the faucet. My friends brought me back to the shore to aid the wound. Gav passed by us and saw me with my blooded toe. He asked what happen.

"I just hit my toe on that bamboo post. I'll be fine." I answered calmly but the truth is I was shy to him.

"Next time you should be careful. Let me help you with that." Gav replied.

He kneeled beside me and tried to touch my foot but I immidiately took it away. Adrenaline rush! And I saw he was kind of surprised with what I did.

"It... it hurts! Don't touch it. It hurts. I'll be okay. Just help me go to the cottage." I said.

But it didn't really hurt. I'm not even afraid of wound or blood. I was just afraid that maybe if he helps with aiding my wound I would go crazy and be very obvious with my feelings. So I lied just to stop it from happening. Gav helped me walk towards our cottage and I was... a bit of happy with it.

Hours passed. Most of my classmates were still at the sea enjoying the waves and the heat of the sun. Some of us were resting at the cottage 'cause we've had enough of the fun. Clair had nothing to do so she took some pictures. The boys decided to play volleyball. Because I was left alone at the cottage, I went to watch them play. Pat invited me to play with them. I refused. Of course, they're boys! What can a girl like me do to be equal with their strengths? The big boy Vermin spiked the ball very far away. The game stopped for a while which gave Clair the chance to take pictures of the ones playing. I don't know how but Clair said to me,

"Ina. Go beside Gav. I'll take a picture of you."

There was a second of silence. Then I went to Gav and she took a picture of us. After that I thought, does Clair knows? Did Maxine tell her? Oh, that sister of mine! She's really leaving me from the sky to the ground. What if Gav already noticed everything? Maybe he will avoid me and will not talk to me. Stupid dream! I shouldn't have thought of the dream. I should have not minded it. I should have ignored the dream because there I was, afraid of losing the friendship that was really never there.

Before leaving the resort, all of us, done with swimming, decided to spin the bottle to play truth or consequence. Some were teased with their crushes. Some were dared to make a scene at the resort. We had laughters and noise. When the bottle pointed to me, they asked me who my crush was. I wasn't able to answer immidiately. Who would? Gav was there and I can't just say that I like him. I can't take the risk. My friends were forcing me to spit it out. My mind screamed no.

"You know who I like." I told them.

"Well, you've got to tell the name, Ina. That's the game." One answered.

"I won't say it. If you know then good for you, but I won't ever say it." I defended.

One asked, "IS he here or not?"

That was the time I didn't say a word. I saw that Gav was ignoring everything that we were doing. He was just using his cellphone and whenever he was being teased with me he would pretend he didn't know what was happening. It was enough to know that he wasn't enjoying the game and didn't like me being teased to him. I have to admit it was kind of sad and embarassing to my part. I would never, ever want this to happen again. We got home but haven't had enough of the fellowship. We decided to have dinner at Cedric's house. There we talked and talked and laughed like there was no tomorrow. It was summer and we weren't sure that we would be seeing each other as often as we spend everyday together at school. When it came late at night we decided to go home. This time it's really home. When we were to thank Cedric's parents for the food and accomodation, Gav walked with me to the kitchen which I didn't notice. I leaned over the door to look for the folks. I was just surprised to hear Gav's distinct voice behind me thanking Cedric's mother. What surprised me even more was when he put his hand over my shoulder. Gav's hand was over my shoulder! I then had that "butterfly-in-my-stomach" feeling. My mind was in an unstable state. Who released the butterflies in my stomach? I thought. Well, who else but Gav! Afterwards we went home. I haven't slept well that night, that one hilarious night.

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